Hinata Jun took a deep breath and said.

"Here, I know you have wasted a lot of Chakra, this is the Chakra Military Supplies Pill, take it!"

At this time, Akita took out a pill from his bag and threw it to Jun Hinata.

Hearing that Chakra could be restored, Jun Hinata quickly borrowed it, and at the same time was surprised that Yingcun had such a good thing.

"Hmph, good luck for you, this is a precious item that only Jonin can touch. Even if there are not many left in Shadow Village, it was extracted from Kyuubi a hundred years ago..."

Hearing that this thing came out of Kyuubi made Jun Hinata even more curious.

In the last generation of ninjutsu, how powerful is ninjutsu.

There is Hyuga Lengtian who stands at the pinnacle of the ninja world.

There is his heir Naruto Hyuga.

There is also the thousand-arm rope tree standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

In addition, the shadows of the five major shadow villages are all superb ninjas.

And there is also the peerless powerhouse, Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime, the original source of ninjas.

All of these make people mythical about that era.

There are even some traces of fighting in that era that are preserved now.

It's just that whether it's the ninjas of Shadow Village or the people of other countries, they are beginning to suspect. After all, according to legend, even the moon in the sky was created by ninjutsu.

Such a powerful ninjutsu has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

Even Hinata Junto, who already knew more about ninjutsu, thought it was bragging, but after Kagemura learned more and more, Hinata Jun believed it.

In addition, the notes left by the ancestors also opened Hinata Jun's eyes.

I just thought those things were deceiving.

After all, Jun Hinata at that time didn't even have Chakra.


After swallowing the pill, Jun Hinata found that his chakra was recovering greatly.

"Hey, how did this thing come out of research..."

Hinata Jun asked.

"This is not the technology left by Gokage Village hundreds of years ago. It was researched from a huge enemy in the ninja world. It is said that he is also a member of Otsuki Kaguya Hime, but that person does not have Otsuki Kaguya's skills." Strength, but very cunning, owning a terrible fishing rod, the ninja props made the ninjas suffer a lot, and this person even knows a kind of mysterious ninjutsu that can refine chakra pills, what we have now The pills are all left by that person at that time..."

Qiu Shanming said slowly.

"What, after Otsutsuki Kaguya, are there any members of her clan who came here?"

Sun Xiangzhun asked in surprise.

In fact, his family diary is not recorded here at all, it is missing.

Even Hinata Zhun didn't know whether the members of the Hinata family deleted it on purpose, or whether Hinata Naruto or Hinata Boruto didn't write it on purpose.

But he knew that there was another clue at the back of the note, that is, the content of this note was divided into two.

What is recorded here is Hyuga Naruto's angle, and there is another book about Senju Sasuke.

It's just that the descendants of Uchiha and the Senju clan have never encountered it at all.

To say that the only member of the Senju clan left in Konoha is Reiko Senju.

Only she wasn't either.

Unbeknownst to Hinata, he will soon have a chance to meet the descendants of Senju Sasuke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the help of chakra pills, Jun Hinata's eyes are opened again.

In fact, Ahu and the others didn't know that Hinata Zhun's eyes were no longer pure white eyes, but another kind of pure eyes that looked like Hiroto Hinata.

Of course, this is also a step in the evolution of Tenseikan. Compared with Tenseikan, Jingyan still has many shortcomings, but it is more powerful than Baiyan, but it consumes more chakra.

It is precisely because Hinata Jun has Jingyan that Sheren can establish a channel with Hinata Jun's eyes.

This is also the way Sheren figured out how to escape successfully.

As long as Zhun's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the channel between Sheren and Zhun is sufficient, Sheren and Datong Peach Style can escape from the moon with the help of Zhun's eyes.

Even Hyuga Lengtian never thought that Sheren could do this to this extent.

After all, the Tenseiyan obtained by Leng Tian at the beginning was not inherited, and many things were explored by himself.

But Sheren is different. His ancestors had already obtained Tenseiyan. Although it was a composite, it also proved that the ancestors' foresight was correct.

In Tenseikan, their inheritance is longer and they have studied more.

It can be said that if we only talk about the use of Tenseikan, Tenjin is even more powerful.

But in terms of strength, it is not as good as Hyuga Lengtian who has absorbed the ten tails.

This is also the reason why when Xiang Boren has Jingyan tomorrow, although Sheren thought about escaping through him, he gave up in the end.

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