"Yes, Hinata should have discovered something?"

Ah Hu explained.

Sure enough, the next moment Hinata Zhun raised his head and said to everyone: "I found a toxin spreading in Mr. Hatake's body. Time is running out. I can only temporarily seal his acupuncture points to slow down the speed of the toxin spreading, but it cannot be completely eliminated. Clean up, just like Teacher Jingzi said, you must find a room as soon as possible and let the teacher treat you!"

"But now I'm afraid the entire capital is under martial law..."

Ah Hu pondered for a moment, but there was nothing he could do.

Their fight just now has disturbed the fire team.

Even though there are more people from the fire group, they are not a threat in the eyes of Ah Hu.

But the trouble is that they can't reveal their whereabouts.

"I thought of a place..."

At this moment Hinata Jun said suddenly.

The Nogami family.

Masako Nogami has been practicing chakra recently.

As Hinata Jun said, he can help Masako gather to Chakra and help her improve her physique.

Let Masako have practiced becoming a body in a short period of time.

But further, it can only be some low-level ninjutsu such as avatar.

The most powerful is no longer enough.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Masako felt that after Zhun left, her practice became very slow.

And when Zhun is by his side, he can become very fast.

In such a situation, Masako didn't know why.

But the head housekeeper of the Nogami family felt that this was not good, and the young lady shouldn't be practicing ninjutsu secretly.

If the master finds out about this, I'm afraid he will blame him.

Just when Masako Nogami began to practice a technique called Eight Disintegration Techniques that Jun Hinata had given her, several figures suddenly appeared in the yard.

Now Masako is no longer an ordinary young lady.

After practicing ninjutsu, her five senses have become much more sensitive.

These movements may not have been able to enter her ears before.

But now Masako has woken up immediately, and created a clone technique to cover up lying here.

"Jun Hinata, this is the courtyard of the Nogami family. I know that the Nogami family has a high status in the Land of Fire, but they are also one of the forces opposing Shadow Village. Once we come in like this and the Nogami family finds out, I'm afraid it will be no worse than the Nogami family. Dabu found strong..."

Ah Hu said in a low voice.

Jun Hinata smiled and said, "Teacher Ahu, of course I know, but what I'm looking for is not the so-called high-ranking official, but the eldest lady of the Nogami family..."

Speaking of this, Jun Hinata suddenly disappeared, and a teleportation technique disappeared in front of everyone, and then appeared behind Masako Nogami.

"Excuse me, miss!"

Masako Nogami looked at Jun Hinata behind him in surprise, and said involuntarily: "You, how did you find me? Didn't you say that no one can discover this kind of breath-holding technique? You lied to me?"

But Ah Hu and the others were taken aback, because Masako had already appeared within [-] meters of them, but they didn't notice...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just like Jun Hinata said, no one in Nogami's house dared to search.

But this is just a stopgap measure, and now the Fire Team personnel from the entire Fire Nation have come here to search.

Once the power of Chakra is leaked, it will definitely be known as soon as possible.

But Shizuko had to use Chakra, because Hatake Shuoda's situation was already very dangerous.

"What should we do, can't we break out?"

Qiu Daoming suggested.

"No, the teacher's situation is even more dangerous!"

Jun Hinata was the first to object.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about it at all. Even if the fire team finds out, I can deal with it!"

At this time, Masako Nogami suddenly spoke.

This made Ah Hu and Qiu Daoming very surprised. After all, the Nogami family has been targeting the people of Yingcun. He did not expect his daughter to become a ninja, and even stand on their side.


Only Jun Hinata knew that the problem was definitely not that simple.

"Simple, that is, you have to take me away after the matter is done, and I will also go to Ninja Village!"

Masako Nogami's words stunned Jun Hinata.

"I said that your becoming a big star has made your father very dissatisfied. If you come to Ninja Village with us, it will definitely cause big trouble for our Ninja Village!"

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