Although he knew what she meant a long time ago, he didn't expect to be so determined.

"That's right, I don't want to live this kind of life anymore. I belong to myself, not to anyone. Teacher, I have already decided!"

Although Zhun's age may be about the same as Masako, the contact these days has made Masako enough to start to respect.

"Okay, but it seems that you still have some things to deal with before going to Ninja Village!"

Hearing the correct words, Masako glanced behind her and said lightly: "I will solve it!"

The few people who had been behind Masako stared nervously at Masako in front of them.

It was with great difficulty that they found Masako's trail.

These people are all the power of the Fire Nation and belongs to Nogami.

They are people belonging to the law enforcement department, each of them has strong strength, and even a few of them are not inferior to Master Murakami who is beside Ryoichi Onoue.

These people lined up, waiting for Masako to speak.

"what's up."

Masako also knew her father's subordinates.

"Miss Masako, you know our identities, please don't embarrass us, please come with us, your father said that as long as you are willing to go back, I will forgive you for the blind date."

Hearing this man's words, Masako smiled slightly.

"Go back, I won't go back with you."

The few people were not surprised when they heard Masako's words, they already knew that such a situation would happen.

"Then offend you, Miss Masako."

The leading man said with a blank expression.


As soon as the man finished speaking, he fell down.


He didn't know when he had appeared next to these people, and with the snap of his fingers, their acupoints were all clicked.

"Let's go."

He glanced back at the surprised Masako.

"You will also master this skill in the future..."

Hearing Zhun's words, Masako showed a happy smile, but then said: "Mr. Zhun, you go first. Their arrival really made me forget one thing. Before leaving, I have to say goodbye to my father and solve some problems at the same time. matter……"

Looking at the resolute Masako, Zhun nodded.

"Our next contact point is waiting for you, don't delay the Chunin exam!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The capital of the Land of Fire.

This place is no longer the loose environment it was before. Since the appearance of ninjas, the security here has been heavily guarded, and there are people hiding in every post.

It can be said that even Ah Hu and the others don't even think about entering easily.

But even so, there is still a figure, as light as a light smoke, calmly walking into it from here.

This is Masako's strength and her talent. Ever since Zhun helped Masako open her ninja path, Masako has been slow to learn other ninjutsu, only about the breath-holding technique.

It seems that in this respect, Masako's talent is much better than others.

Even some disciples of the Hyuga family don't have her talent.

Even if it is accurate.

Of course, after being passed on, Zhun's attainment in breath holding technique has surpassed the predecessors of the Hyuga clan in the past, and only the disciples of the Lengtian era can compare with him.

Masako came to the yard where her family lived, and her father had been standing there, seeming very angry.

"How, did you find my daughter?"

Hearing Masako's intentional voice behind him, Nogami blamed in a deep voice.

"Father, I'm sorry."

Masako finally spoke up.

Hearing his daughter's words, Nogami immediately turned around, with an excited look on his face, but then he said with a cloudy face, "You still know how to come back!"

"I came to say goodbye..."

Yazi said lightly.

"What, farewell? These years, I don't care what kind of singing career you have outside, and you don't even need to learn this etiquette and that etiquette like those upper-class ladies. I give you enough freedom, but now you tell me to leave, Are you worthy of the blood of the Nogami family on your body?"

Speaking of this, Nogami tried his best to suppress his anger.

"It's a good thing you're back, don't say goodbye, I'll just treat you as self-willed again, in the future you'll get in touch with Oage more, you can be free after marriage, neither I nor the Oage clan will give you too much You should know that this time I arranged for you is not a simple blind date, but whether your father can take our family's power to a higher level."

"Father, I don't want to get married, and I don't want to serve the Nogami family. I'm alone. I'm here today to tell you that I want to leave the Nogami family. From now on, I'm just your daughter, not a tool of the Nogami family. "

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