Even Ninja Village, the largest ninja organization in the world, the Land of Fire is still on high alert.

Although the five major countries have their own ninjas, those ninjas are all official.

That is to say, it belongs to the country, not Ninja Village.

Even in the country of clouds, there is no concept of ninja village.

The only ninja who can gather all major countries is the ninja village that once combined the five ninja villages.

Ninja Village has become a symbol, and it is the backing of ninjas from all major countries to be independent and the five major countries.

So when these ninjas enter it, they are very restrained in Ninja Village and will not make any right and wrong.

Unless there are some malicious people in it.

But one of them has stood on the tallest building in Ninja Village openly, looking at the building in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Strangely, no one found his whereabouts around.

"My lord, we didn't expect you to come in person..."

Behind this person, one of them suddenly came to him.

"It's nothing, it's just that this time I have to get the Tree of Inheritance, besides, I haven't stepped here for ten years..."

Hearing the words of the person in front of him, the ninja kneeling in front of him immediately said: "Yes, Master Phantom, you have been away from Ninja Village for ten years, and we have been waiting for your appearance for these ten years, and now I have gathered you All subordinates, just wait for your order, and we will help you take back what belongs to you..."

Hearing his subordinate's words, Phantom shook his head indifferently.

"I don't care about Shadow's seat anymore. Instead, I am looking forward to my ancestors. Senju Nawaki once had some inheritance. I heard that Senju Sasuke sealed it in the Hashirama tree. I didn't have time to get it. Now I finally get it." I got the key information from Hatake's mouth, the Chunin exam is the key, so I have to come, as long as I get these, I don't care about Kage's seat anymore..."

Hearing Phantom's words, the subordinates around him were shocked and said: "How is this possible, Mr. Phantom, Ying's seat is originally yours, even though the one sitting now is your sister, but you are still the one who was personally appointed by the elder. The successor of the next Ying is also the appointed Ying of the previous generation!"

It's just that for these phantoms, no, or this phantom who has abandoned the name of Senju and inherited the name of Uchiha is no longer interested in these.

"A ninja village that is about to be destroyed, how can I have eyes for it?"

Phantom looked at Ninja Village below, and finally showed a crazy smile...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the shadow office, Hatake asked to be allowed to perform the ninjutsu against Nogami Masako again.

"Ms. Hatake is just a ninjutsu to help her perceive Chakra. Although it is a secret technique of our Hyuga clan, I don't think it is necessary for you junin?"

Hinata Jun said with a bewildered face.

"What, quasi can actually help others perceive Chakra?"

Ah Hu and the other teachers were all surprised.

In fact, Ying had already learned about this matter from Shizuko.

But Ninja Village also has some ninjutsu barriers that can help people perceive Chakra.

But obviously those are tedious, but accurate ninjutsu will most likely help simplify this.

So at the beginning, Jingzi thought that the value of quasi was the highest.

But after all, I don't know the specific data.

Based on Shizuko's guess alone, Zhun's ninjutsu may be even more advanced than Ninjutsu's.

This alone makes Ying must pay attention to it.

However, the recent Chunin exam is the most important thing, so Ying originally planned to wait until the end of the Chunin to talk about it with Zhun.

Although this involves the secret technique of the Hyuga clan, for the sake of Ninja Village, Kage still hopes to obtain this ninjutsu, unless this ninjutsu must have the restriction of supercilious eyes.

And in Ying's heart, I'm afraid her guess is very big.

Sure enough, Zhun said: "My ninjutsu is only the most effective for some ordinary people who don't perceive Chakra, and it must be able to do it. As for you, you have almost developed it. Why do you want to let Hatake-sensei Shall I experiment on you?"

In fact, it's not just accurate. After being surprised, teachers like Ah Hu understood the value of accurate, but they still didn't understand Hatake's purpose.

To say that it is possible to help other ordinary people become ninjas with a greater chance, so as to alleviate the plight of fewer and fewer ninjas.

But for those who have become ninjas, or even jounin, this is useless at all.

"No, absolutely not, your ninjutsu is definitely not that simple, tell me, does this ninjutsu belong to your Hyuga clan or who?"

As a descendant of the Hatake clan, Hatake obviously knew a lot about what happened back then from his ancestors.

Especially Hatake Kakashi was also a student of Leng Tian back then.

Sure enough, when they heard Hatake's words, everyone else was shocked.

For that name, even though three hundred years have passed, it is still an untouchable existence in their hearts.

Even from the appearance of ninjas, there are only a few who can stand side by side with him.

Those are all amazing characters, such as the ancestor of the ninja Otsutsuki Kaguya, and Liudao, as well as the first generation of Konoha. If there is anyone else who is known as the fourth generation of the same generation as him, of course the most important thing is There is another one, as his student Senju Nawaki.

But even so, in the eyes of the ninja, he is the most powerful.

As a person who ended the ninja era, Hinata Lengtian.

If this ninjutsu was developed by him, then this is obviously different.

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