It failed.

Hatake found that he could no longer release it as he wanted before, and the chakra in his body was a little messy.

"and many more……"

Just after Hatake Shoda used the complete seal to release it again, he suddenly felt something.

Suddenly Hatake Shota unleashed his ninjutsu again.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

No one in the shadow office knew why Hatake suddenly used this ninjutsu.

But everyone didn't bother him, because everyone knew that since Hatake used this ninjutsu, there must be a purpose.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

After Hatake released eight of his shadow clones before, it was already difficult to continue, but just when everyone had almost finished Hatake, new shadow clones continued to appear.

"Eight, nine... twelve!"

"I didn't expect Hatake's strength to increase again?"

Ah Hu is the one who knows his friends best, but he has always regarded Hatake as a competitor.

It's just that even he didn't expect that Hatake would be able to gain such strength after being captured and suffered such serious injuries.

The strength does not fall but rises.


Only the shadow on one side did not speak.

Because under her writing wheel, I found that Hatake's ninjutsu is not over yet.


After the consecutive shadow clones were over, Hatake released the ninjutsu just now again.

"Hatake, what are you doing, are you courting death?"

Now it's not just Ah Hu, there are three other teachers who want to stop Hatake's seal at the same time.

Because there is one of the ninja's rules, you must never overdraw your own chakra.

Otherwise, your life will definitely be in danger.

And Hatake's current state seems to them to be overdrawing their own chakra.

In their perception, Hatake is courting death.


At this moment, the shadow on the side suddenly stopped everyone.

"My lord, Hatake him?"

Shadow waved his hand and said: "I know Hatake's Chakra better than you. He should still have Chakra in his body. Hatake is not someone who would joke about his own life. He must have discovered this ninjutsu." Some secret?"

Although Kage said so, Hinata Jun, including the implementer of this ninjutsu, couldn't believe it.

After all, this ninjutsu is a kind of ninjutsu that can perceive Chakra in the accurate understanding.

Although it seems miraculous to make ordinary people become ninjas, this is very important to the ninja village, but for those ninjas who become ninjas, this ninjutsu is simply tasteless.

But Mr. Hatake attaches great importance to it.

Is there really something about this ninjutsu that is hidden outside the notes?

Jun Hinata couldn't help but also began to look forward to it.

After releasing ten shadow clones again, Hatake let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it's really approaching the cordon..."

Hearing Hatake's words, Ah Hu and the others were speechless.

"Hatake, you used more than [-] chakras just now, have you become a ninja of the quasi-kage level?"

Ah Hu asked as if he was shocked.

Not to mention that they are the other three teachers as well.

"Don't talk, the Chakra I used before has just hit my realm, two thousand Chakra units..."

Unexpectedly, Hatake suddenly said this answer.

Hearing what Hatake said, Ah Hu showed an expression that you don't need to lie to me.

Only Ying thought of something, and asked excitedly: "Is this the real secret of Senior Leng Tian's ninjutsu, can it save the consumption of ninjutsu?"

Hearing Ying's words, Hatake nodded, and said with a serious face: "It can save about half of the ninjutsu release, just like the shadow clone I released just now. I use the usual Chakra, but I can make two Double the effect, this is the real secret of Senior Leng Tian's ninjutsu..."

Hearing Hatake and Ying's question and answer, the remaining three teachers were all stunned and pleasantly surprised.

This means that as long as they master this kind of ninjutsu, their strength can be doubled in an instant!

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