Only Jun Hinata was baffled by what they were talking about.

"You are lucky, you must know that those who can enter there must meet extremely difficult conditions to be eligible, but your special status, especially your ninjutsu, can be passed there in advance. You must know that every Only the best ninjas in the mid-year ninja exam are eligible to go there..."

Hearing Mr. Hatake's words, he must still be at a loss.

But one thing must be known, he must have gotten a very big benefit.

Soon Lizi learned that Zhun had withdrawn from the Chunin exam, which surprised Lizi and Zhun's other companions.

Especially the logistics team, you must know that with them, almost every year, no one can start through the Chunin. They are all partners in the ninja class, and they even exist to support their teammates.

But the most prominent person this year is not from the ninja class, but from their logistics team.

But at this time, Zhun suddenly said that he would not participate, no wonder these people were unwilling.

Even Reiko Senju was specifically looking for Hinata Jun. She didn't believe that Jun was afraid of being eliminated as others said, so she didn't dare to participate.

Others don't know him well, but he came out from Konoha together and got to know his partner better with his soon-to-be childhood sweetheart Reiko Senju.

He is absolutely not afraid of these rumors.

Even in Lizi's view, these things will only become the driving force for quasi.

So Reiko absolutely does not believe that Zhun will automatically withdraw from this Chunin exam.

While Reiko was looking for Jun's trace, Jun Hinata and Mr. Hatake had come to a special place.

This is a hidden place in Ninja Village, like a natural stone cave, with a hollow underneath.

Hinata Junsara found that it was so long that he couldn't even see the front with his white eyes.

"How, how is this possible?"

Jun Hinata had never noticed such a thing.

And at this moment, Sheren in the moon suddenly became excited.

"It's a different-dimensional space channel, it's a channel!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is a different time and space, a space hidden outside the independence of this world, so it is impossible for your white eyes to observe so carefully..."

Hearing Mr. Hatake's words, Jun Hinata was taken aback.

"The space outside the independent world, what's going on?"

Hatake thought for a long time and said: "This is the grandson of the first generation, a space of the Spirit Race discovered by Senju Naoki, it has been abandoned here, there is no Spirit Race, but by chance, it was recognized by this space , just like what the first generation did, and got the secret of the immortal here, but Zhishu is even more powerful than his grandfather in the first generation, using his ninjutsu to link this space of the spirit clan with this world In order to create an independent dimensional space, be careful, if you don’t know the correct way to open it, you will disappear in this space..."

Hatake ordered.

Hearing Hatake's words, Jun Hinata suddenly thought of the inheritance of his ancestors, whether it is also an independent space, otherwise why can it exist for so long.

Soon Hatake began to seal.

The knot seal that belongs to space ninjutsu, every time Hatake has to use all the chakra to barely open it, but this time it is much easier.

This made Hatake even more surprised by Hinata Lengtian's ninjutsu back then.

But Hatake didn't say anything about all this, the most important thing now is to bring Hinata Jun to get the inheritance inside.

It can be said that the reason why Ninja Village has not broken the inheritance is because of the tree of Ninja God.

In Jun Hinata's perception, he felt that the surrounding space and time seemed to be messed up, causing distortions around him.

"Don't be distracted, stand by my side, we are going to another world..."

After a flash of light flashed in Xiang Zhun's eyes that day, he opened his eyes and found a bright light in front of him.

It is full of sweet rice and old trees. The layout of the streets is almost the same as that of Konoha, but it is more prosperous.

"This, here..."

Hatake smiled lightly and said: "This is the real Ninja Village, the Ninja Village we have been living in under the Fire Country, only approved people are allowed to live here, of course they usually don't go out if they have nothing to do Yes, some people are not even allowed to go out for the rest of their lives, only the ninjas of the Twelve Guardian Clans are allowed to go out here..."

Hearing Hatake's words, Jun Hinata asked again: "Who are the guardians of the Twelve Families? Why do I never know?"

"In fact, this is a very old thing. The earliest ones were the twelve inheritances that guarded Konoha, but in three hundred years, Konoha married several families from the other five major ninja villages in the world, and the fusion gave birth to twelve The strongest Blood Successor Genkai Clan, they are just like your Hyuga Clan, but they are rarely known by the ninjas in the world. This is also a secret of our Ninja Village. Those who know are all loyal to our Ninja Village. Others are won't know..."

Hearing Hatake's words, Hinata Zhun suddenly asked: "What if Mr. Hatake, what if someone from these twelve families betrays, I mean..."

"Don't worry, the village has already had this kind of defense. In the twelve families, or every ninja who goes out, there is a mark, a caged bird mark developed from the earliest branch of your Hyuga clan. If there is no village that is allowed to go out or the Ninja Village who wants to reveal the secrets of the village, this curse seal will have an effect and will make him completely lose this part of his memory!"

When Hatake said this, he suddenly thought of something, and he didn't tighten up, as if something was lost.

It's just that Hatake couldn't tell what it was, as if it passed by in a flash, only in Hinata Zhun's eyes, he suddenly saw a strange symbol flashing on Teacher Hatake's forehead.

It's just that Jun Hinata was soon shocked by the next towering tree.

If it was an ordinary towering tree, Hinata would not be so surprised. What really surprised him was the sculpture of a human figure on this big tree.

It seems that a big tree grows like this.

"That is the Tree of Hashirama, which was originally used by Uchiha Madara and Danzo, and later combined with this space by Senju Nawaki's predecessors with ninjutsu, becoming our tree of protection and tree of inheritance, three hundred Many years of inheritance are here, the following depends on how much you can get..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Hatake and Hinata Jun were talking, several mysterious figures suddenly appeared around them.

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