"Fortunately, we have that legendary guardian in our inner village, otherwise..."

Hearing Hatake's words, Ahu said with admiration: "Yeah, who would have thought that Senior Senju Nawaki never died, and also guarded us all the time, that we could see the legendary power of three hundred years ago, It's just so blissful..."

Hearing Ah Hu's words, Hatake fell into deep thought.

After all, there are still a few people who know about this in Ninja Village, but Hatake is very clear about one thing, that is, in the three hundred years of Ninja Village's history, except for the person who first created Ninja Village, that is, Senju Nawaki's era Few people outside of the world know about the existence of the Senju Naoshu.

Even the descendants of Senju Naoshu don't know.

In other words, does Senju Nawaki-senpai appear in Ninja Village have a special meaning?

Is it just because of the reason for that person to appear?

Hatake Shuoda has heard of the strength of that senior, and there are records of the strength of this senior in his family's records.

But really seeing it and seeing it in the records are different concepts.

This is no longer the power of a ninja.

In Hatake's view, it is not an exaggeration to say that such a powerful force is a god.

If you think about it differently, if it is not a very important battle, that adult should not need to appear.

Even Dashewan, one of the Sannin three hundred years ago, appeared.

Although he is indeed powerful, and even has the help of the Ten Thousand Snake Clan, in Hatake's view, that senior doesn't need to appear at all. Although it will cause damage, there are still some adults left behind by Konoha and Sand Ninja Prohibition, no havoc at all.

He even felt that he could defeat Orochimaru and the Wanshe Clan with some forbidden techniques three hundred years ago.

Presumably they knew it too, so they didn't attack aggressively.

The only ones who really have no brains are the Ten Thousand Snakes.

Orochimaru and that phantom-sama just want to break the power of the curse seal and retrieve the memory that belongs here.

"Perhaps the real enemy of our ninja village has not yet appeared. That adult appeared at this time, or he did not come for Phantom-sama. Even the current battle is not in the eyes of that adult. After all, with the strength of that adult, Wanting to quell the war, no, it should be said that wanting to let our Ninja Village reappear the ninja era is just a matter of effort..."

Hearing Hatake's words, Ahu said a little unhappy: "I said, are you a little overwhelmed, that adult can be seen by anyone casually, maybe he can't see it in the sacred tree." You are used to us juniors being too weak, so you can't be angry?"

Hearing Ahu's words, Hatake thought for a while and wanted to refute.

After all, in the [-]-year history of Ninja Village, this crisis is not the only one. There was even the problem that Raikage of Yunin Village did not show up when he wanted to build a village by himself. What happened a hundred years ago was more serious than it is now.

Not enough. At this moment, a teacher from Ninja Village hurried over.

"It's not good, captain, something big happened in the village, Ying asked the two to get together in the office as soon as possible, and all the jonin in the village will be here!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Looks like there's trouble..."

Ah Hu and Hatake looked at each other. They both knew that if Ying was the best of everyone, something important must have happened.

Even Ying felt that it was difficult to do, but now that Senju Naoki was there, they didn't know what else in this world could not be solved by Senju Naoki.

It can be said that now everyone who knows the existence of Senju Naoshu believes that as long as he is there, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

Not only Hatake thinks this way, but Ahuhao and others also think the same way.

When I arrived at the shadow office.

"The ancestor Naoshu temporarily retreated because he wanted to teach Jun Hinata, so he couldn't deal with the recent affairs of the village..."

Hearing Ying's words, Ah Hu, Hatake and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Ying shook his head a little.

Although knowing the existence of Senju Naoshu, these people's unprecedented confidence has greatly increased.

But the same bad influences also appeared in their hearts.

That is, the existence of Senju Naoshu is like a patron saint, and all difficulties are leaned on Senju Naoshu.

Such thoughts are unacceptable.

At the same time, Ying almost understood why the ancestor Senju Naoshu didn't want to show up.

"What is shadow?"

Ah Hu asked first.

"Recently, the teacher of the ninja school told me that students were always injured around the school recently, but they couldn't tell what it was when they asked them. In addition, we found some corpses outside the ninja village today. They all It is a logistics person, in addition, a Chunin who went out to perform a mission was killed, and all the Chakra in his body has been absorbed after inspection..."

"How could this be? Did other ninjas appear in our ninja village?"

After hearing this, Hatake began to think immediately.

"But in Anbu's list, I didn't find any foreign ninjas that appeared in Ninja Village recently, and in order not to make the mistake last time, and let the ninjas from the Kingdom of Thunder appear here, I have ordered not to receive ninjas recently. Under any task..."

Hearing Kage's words, Hatake showed a thoughtful expression.

The same goes for everyone else.

They couldn't imagine what was going on.

"So now I ask you all to dispatch, and this matter must be resolved as soon as possible..."

Hearing Kage's words, all the upper ninjas of Ninja Village nodded.

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