The fire team leader said angrily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"are you OK?"

In a dark secret room.

The leader of the fire group said with a gloomy face.

"Ahem, why does the leader of our famous fire team care about the lives of our tools?"

A pale face appeared in front of the leader of the fire group.

"Okita, you and I are all for the daimyo, for the Fire Nation to get rid of ninja interference, and create our own era. For this, I am willing to sacrifice everything!"

Hearing the words of the leader of the fire team, Okita's originally pale face suddenly showed a ferocious look.

"So you can use your beloved woman to be played by others, so you can use your friend so openly, that is, I become the parasite of that monster?"

Okita grabbed hold of it and asked loudly.

"Wake up to me, the world of Daqiao is impossible to be as you imagined, don't you understand that even if you can destroy Ninja Village, the next target, daimyo's next target must be you!"

"Even so, I will insist on implementing my philosophy. Ninjas should not exist in this world. This world should belong to ordinary people. Those who have terrible power are dangerous and should be eliminated. Don't you also agree with this? Is the concept only added?"

The leader of the fire team, Daqiao said word by word.

"You, at that time we believed your words because you had not yet become the leader of the daimyo's exclusive fire team. We existed in darkness, and we specialized in hunting down those ninjas who got away with it. We also recognized your philosophy at that time, but Now we are what we are, we are just a dog of others, do you think this is our idea, A Fei, Headshot, Ming Dao are all dead, all sacrificed on the battlefield, and I am about to become the next victim, Do you think our philosophy is still correct?"

Okita asked with a look of despair.

"I firmly believe that my path is not wrong. It is precisely because of the sacrifices of these partners that I am more determined that there should be no ninjas in this world, and ninjas should not exist. Ninjas are existences that disrupt order and make this world uneasy. , so I will definitely destroy all ninjas, as long as the Tauren King wakes up, we will have this power, and the world I hope will come..."

Daqiao's eyes were full of madness.

"Ohashi, I have never asked you why you hate ninjas so much and think they shouldn't exist in this world. Although we are all suffering from what ninjas do, I never know why you hate them so much. Ninja?"

Okita asked calmly.

"I know that every time I ask you about this topic, you avoid it and even look ugly, but I've always been curious, can you tell me..."

When Okita said this, he coughed violently again.

"Okita, your body needs a more powerful recovery potion. Only in this way can you withstand the coming of the Taurus King and master this powerful summoning ninjutsu!"

Ohashi said worriedly.

"Hehe, what's the use of saying this, I'm actually just a medium, as long as I get that kind of thing, I can become one with the Tauren King, and then the Tauren King can exist in the world forever, as long as it is in any ninja They will not be his opponents!"

"Yes, you are right!"

When Ohashi heard Okita's words, he suddenly remembered his past.

I originally had a happy family, but I don’t know why my father has been studying ninjutsu, and he is still obsessed with the development and restoration of ninjutsu three hundred years ago.

Even, one day he finally attacked his family and himself.

First he killed his mother, then his brothers and sisters, and finally himself.

If it wasn't for an accident, he would not be able to survive at all. From that day on, Ohashi was full of hatred for ninjas and ninjutsu, and vowed to get rid of all ninjutsu and ninjas in the world.

And the Bull Head Heavenly King is his only weapon, and also the ultimate weapon!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shadow sees the crowding in the inner village and the complaints about the ninjas in the outer village.

"The recent villagers don't trust us very much, because of the exposure of the inner village, although there is no way for the Nation of Fire to block us economically, but if this continues, there will be problems in our hearts..."

Several consultants under Shadow have expressed their views.

"I don't know what instructions Naoki-sama has?"

Speaking of the end, whether it is these consultants or the elders' final summary or asking Naoshu for instructions.

This troubled Ying very much.

I have clarified the position of Shengshu ancestors and myself many times.

But when encountering difficulties, these people never think that the village needs to be protected by themselves, but want to find the powerful patron saint.

That's right, the power of Senju Naoshu is the most powerful existence in people's eyes no matter it was three hundred years ago or now.

It's just that people will panic if they don't get the instructions from the rope tree.

Even lost his mind.

Even some of the formerly staid advisers won't speak out.

Fortunately, Kage had recognized this crisis last time and had the support of Jonin.

Otherwise, these advisory groups may directly quarrel.

"Intensify the strength, especially the manpower for night patrols. I don't believe that this is really done by ghosts. As long as it is a human, it will show its feet!"

Shadow now directly dispatched all the Jonin and S-level teams.

Their actions were not in vain, and they quickly locked the trail of the fire group.

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