Shadow asked hastily.

"The other party seems to have found me..."

Jun Hinata is very confident about the power of his white eyes.

But after discovering the trace of the other party just now, it seemed that the other party felt it the next moment.

"Strange what kind of enemy this is, as if he can see me too?"

After Xiang Zhun concentrated his mind that day, he suddenly saw a pair of white eyes just like his.

"Then, what is that..."

"Hee hee, thank you, Sheren, I didn't expect them to be able to catch up here..."

In another place, Otsutsu Kimomo, who has been freed and reincarnated into the ninja world through secret techniques, said to himself.

"But don't be careless. I can interfere with him for a while, but I can't last long. After all, he is also the descendant of that one. He was able to succeed before because he couldn't awaken his own power. Now even if I want to control him, it is very difficult. Difficult……"

"Don't worry, we wanted him to use his blood to break through the ban. Now that we have Hinata Lengtian's handwriting and destroyed the corresponding anti-ban below, we are only one step away from breaking the ban..."

Datong Mutao looked proud, and behind him was Daqiao with a demented look.

But now he was all purple.

There is even a stronger chakra in his body.

"I really didn't expect that you humans can artificially create tailed beasts. Although it is quite different from real tailed beasts, its self-destruct power is several times stronger than that of tailed beast jade. It will definitely help us blow up that restriction. Now let me help you with the Chakra fruits I have worked so hard to accumulate, so that your Chakra can reach the strength of the peak shadow..."

The Dimensional Channel Opened in Chapter [-]

A shocking explosion sounded in the Kingdom of Fire.

This surprised the three Hinata associates who had been tracking them down.

Even when the explosion happened, they could feel the shaking of the ground at a great distance at the moment.

"In the east direction, it is at least thousands of kilometers away from us..."

Hinata Jun's expression was very serious.

"Certainly, you have to be careful, I seem to feel a familiar chakra, it seems to be an acquaintance I met before..."

Nine tails in Hinata quasi-body reminded.

"Senior Nine-Tails, could it be that he was a person from three hundred years ago?"

"It's hard to say, but I can feel an evil force. This force is stronger than I expected. If I guess correctly, it is very likely that it is the Otsutsuki clan..."

"What, you said the enemy is the Otsutsuki clan?"

Hinata Jun blurted out in surprise.

Jun Hinata's words also surprised the Phantom and Kage beside him.

"Go, no matter what, we have to go and see..."

Phantom spoke first.

The big explosion that happened in the country of fire has spread to any place in a short time.

It was because the explosion spread so far that the entire Fire Nation could feel the shock.

In Ninja Village.

Senju Nawaki is communicating with Orochimaru.

"I didn't expect that you, Senior Orochimaru, have been looking for a tool to reincarnate, but if you continue like this, I am afraid that even without this so-called curse seal, your soul will be damaged by thousands of reincarnations, and it is not even you anymore ..."

"Jie Jie, Sheng Shu, you are as annoying as your teacher, and the way you speak is almost the same..."

Orochimaru said lightly.

This also made Nakoki not sure what Orochimaru wanted to do.

"I know you have a way to fix the souls of different periods in a Horcrux, so that the soul can always exist in that period, am I right?"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Nawaki's face sank.

"You know this too..."

"Hehe, in fact, this developed ninjutsu was specially prepared by Tsunade for me, didn't it?"

Orochimaru said calmly.

"In fact, Jiraiya asked Tsunade to help me develop this so-called ninjutsu, but I was the last to know. I just want to know if the development was successful?"

Hearing what Orochimaru said, Senju Nawaki said with a gloomy face: "Success, my sister got three containers that can store your soul from Senior Jiraiya, which can help you when your soul is damaged. Restoration, but these three items were originally collected by Naruto, I only know two of them, and I don’t know where the remaining one is..."

When Zhishu said this, suddenly there was a tremor from the ground.

This surprised Orochimaru and Nakoki.

"How is this going?"

"I can feel that there is a powerful chakra leaking from a very far away place. It seems that it is the chakra energy that can only be perceived in our era..."

When Shengshu said this, Orochimaru said, "It's like a tailed beast or a sacred tree, right?"

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