But unlike before, Chuanmu was almost beaten by bloggers.

"What, is it really the same as what this kid said, is he practicing? It's just that he has improved so much in just a few days, damn it!"

Thinking of this, Chuanmu used the power of taboo for the first time.

It turned out that Chuan Mu was the trump card brought by Sasuke from the enemy.

It is a group of shell organizations that have been making an experiment subject, and the leader of the shell organization, Ci Xian, pours the power of "wedge" into the experimenter, but in most cases, it fails.

But Ci Xian is very firm that he will not give up such an experiment, because Ci Xian has no time and no choice, as long as a perfect artificial human can be successfully produced, it will play an indispensable role in the current shell tissue.

And Sasuke has been closely observing this organization because of stealing this information.

Although Sasuke doesn't know what kind of organization this shell is, he is very concerned about this wedge, because anyone who defeats the Otsutsuki clan will get a "wedge".

The issue is

According to the principle, the "wedge" can only be obtained after eliminating the large-tube wooden peach pose. Why do people in this organization get it, and the experimental question that Sasuke finally found, Kawaki also has the same "wedge" in his hand.

Sasuke had a guess, that sentence is very likely that there are still people in the Otsutsuki clan in this world, or they were killed by someone.

"There is still someone who is cursed by us, and he is so perfect, hehe, I can use him to realize my wish..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Boruto went back, he didn't tell anyone about his experience here.

He just said that he wanted to practice alone so that he could be worthy of being the son of Hokage.

After all, he is a genius.

The strength shown by Boruto also gave way to Konoha, and the other four major ninja villages were all excited.

Especially Boruto has no instructor yet.

Of course, Konoha Maru became his teacher in the end.

But after that, Boruto is like riding a rocket. He can even handle many tasks that only Jonin can handle.

In addition, the growth rate of strength is simply astonishing.

However, Chuanmu, who has always been optimistic, began to fall into a disadvantage.

Only half a year later, Boruto became a Jonin.

But Chuanmu became more and more silent, and at the same time began to think about the reasons for Boren's progress.

Finally, he came to the place where he found Bo Ren again.

On the moon, Datong Mutaoshi finally showed a meaningful smile.

"Hehe, you see what I said is right, this kid will come back..."

In the end, one was taught by Sheren, and the other was taught by the big-tube wooden peach style.

Boruto and Chuanmu have always been Naruto's greatest pride.

However, Boruto was recommended by Konoha Maru to Mt. Myogi in the end, and Chuanmu actually found it by himself. Of course, a hint from Naruto was indispensable.

In fact, Naruto also wants these two to be the successors who continue to protect the peace of the ninja world.

It's just that they didn't expect that these two people would become pawns of the two on the moon.

In a conspiracy that Momoshiki had planned long ago, Chuanmu and Boruto finally went into confrontation.

And Chuanmu also disappeared for three years. When he appeared here, he already had a unique arm pattern on his arm. This is a fairy pattern, and this pattern also appeared on Boruto's arm.

The pattern colors of the two are different, representing the two attributes of yin and yang.

Moreover, there are dark lines on Chuanmu's face, and Boruto also has this texture, and the position and shape are exactly the same, but this is only reflected when they perform a certain state, which is a unique pattern belonging to the Otsutsuki family.

"I didn't expect that you were still obsessed with your obsession, and actually wanted to destroy the ninja world!"

Boruto stood in front of Chuanmu and said coldly.

"Hmph, it's you who is obsessed with obsession. Your master, Boren, is an enemy who wants to use you to get out. Only when the whole world is completely sealed, will there be no darkness!"

Bo Ren ignored it completely. In fact, Chuanmu was almost passed on by the big-tube wooden peach style, but his "wedge" saved his life.

But it's a pity that Otsutsu Kimoshiki has used him to go against the ninja world.

It is very difficult for him to prove that he has become a rebel, and the only person he can trust is Bo Ren.

It's a pity that bloggers are also manipulated by Sheren.

Moreover, the strength of Chuanmu and Boruto is no longer comparable to that of different movie-level powerhouses.

Boruto holds the Kusanagi sword of his master Sasuke, while Kawaki uses a black stick-shaped weapon, which is the weapon of the Otsutsuki clan hidden in the ninja world.

Just the collision of the two weapons has already produced great power.

The key thing is that in order to save Chuanmu, Naruto has suffered trauma and cannot explain it to Boruto, and more importantly, only Chuanki knows about Boruto's situation.

In the process of being controlled by Taoshi, Chuanmu has been absorbing his chakra in order to become a transfer body.

This also makes him more powerful than the Otsutsuki clan, that is, he can absorb the Chakra of the Otsutsuki clan.

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