Although Madara didn't know this ninjutsu at first, Uchiha Madara improved this ninjutsu in the long years, especially after planning the second ninja war.

Otherwise, in the case of Orochimaru's ninjutsu reincarnation, his soul would not return to the body for no reason and appear at the same time.

This kind of ninjutsu itself is a kind of ninjutsu that can restrain reincarnation. Otherwise, Kato would never be able to control the soul to run so far, so Uchiha Madara was able to let his soul return to his body in the Fourth World War.

In the Fourth World War, Kato Dan can be said to be the successor of the ninjutsu of the second generation, and he can be said to have an extreme understanding of this ninjutsu.

After all, he has used this ninjutsu to kill many people. The technique of spiritualization can not only kill people, but also has two directions. That is, my soul can be freely controlled by me to enter other people's bodies to kill people, and it can also return to my own body.

Even Kato has a way to keep his filthy reincarnation and spirit body soul reunited at the same time, but he has no way or much initiative. If there is enough chakra, there is still so much time to complete the reunion with Uchiha. Stripped away like a blotch!

At the beginning, Uchiha Madara used the seal of undoing reincarnation after the return of the spirit body, so the return of the spirit body has an extremely profound connection with the art of spiritualization, and the art of spiritualization of Uchiha Madara may also be related to the ability of the reincarnation eye Related, it can be said to be another spiritual technique higher than Kato Duan.

But that's because Uchiha Madara has a kaleidoscope Sharingan, which can be cast.

Over the long years, Datong Mutaoshi has actually been cooperating and plotting against each other just like Sheren.

Momoshiki is not only powerful, he is most powerful in examining Duodu and his judgment and analysis ability.

Although I have not experienced the Four Great Wars, I have gradually learned everything about ninjutsu through the continuous cooperation with Sheren.

Although their abilities are different from theirs, there are many powers beyond their imagination.

And one of the ninjutsu he thought of was also developed on the basis of the ninjutsu of the second generation of Hokage Senshou Feima.

That is the technique of inverse spiritualization, forcibly pulling the other party's soul into one's own body.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You miscalculated!"

After Phantom performed this ninjutsu, the kaleidoscope Sharingan in his eyes twirled crazily.


Sheren did not expect to encounter such a situation three hundred years later.

Although he has mastered Tenseikan to the extreme in three hundred years.

But it is different from the direction of the big tube wooden peach style. After the big tube wooden peach style was defeated by Leng Tian, ​​he has begun to pay attention to the ninjutsu created by Kaguya.

He has learned almost everything about ninjutsu.

This point has almost no restrictions on the Otsuki family, after all, there are almost no restrictions on ninjutsu itself.

This made Sheren feel as if his soul was about to be drawn out.

Seeing that Sheren was under control, everyone was filled with hope.

But just when everyone was full of hope, Sheren smiled.

"It's a very thoughtful ninjutsu, but it's a pity that Datong Mumoshi ignored one point. No, it should be said that he didn't expect that I now have the same eyes as him."

Hearing Sheren's words, Shengshu and the others were astonished.

"I think the big-tube wooden peach style taught you this trick because he has enough ability to break it. With his character, he will never leave a threat to himself."

At this moment, Sheren's soul was indeed restrained, but it did not leave his body.

This in itself shocked Phantom, who had great confidence in this ninjutsu.

That's right, he overlooked one point, that is, when preparing this ninjutsu in the Datong Mutao Style, it was assumed that Sheren had not obtained the Eye of Reincarnation.

The reincarnation eye itself can rebound this ninjutsu.

"Hahaha, what a pity!"

Hearing Sheren's words, the others felt a sense of loss.

"Is it?"

At this moment, Jun Hinata's voice suddenly appeared on Toneri's body.

Everyone who was originally desperate raised their heads in surprise.

"Get out of my body!"


Hearing Jun Hinata's voice, the most surprised one can be said to be Toneri.

This ninjutsu is not just assimilation, it is the kind of ninjutsu that Otsutsuki Kaguya used Uchiha Madara's body to resurrect in the earliest days.

It's just that Otsutsuki Kaguya had to rely on Heijue because he was completely sealed.

But Tonerin is different, not only that, he also has Tenseikan who is more advanced than Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Such a huge advantage, even Uchiha Madara, who was at the peak at the time, couldn't stop it.

What's more, the current level of Hyuga Jun has at most reached [-]% of Uchiha Madara's strength.

Even Uchiha Madara couldn't stop the secret technique, Jun Hinata was able to break away from it, I have to say that this is beyond belief.

"Ahem, Shiren, you can't predict everything. Although you thought that the big-tube wooden peach-style Tenseigan can restrain the phantom's ninjutsu, but the phantom's ninjutsu still has an impact on you, no , it should be said that it gave Jun Hinata a chance to resist..."

Senju Nawaki finally understood.

"Don't forget what is the most powerful thing about my teacher..."

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