At this moment, Jun Hinata and the others suddenly chased after him.

Seeing the visitor, Sheren smiled.

"Hehe, I know you guys will come after me, if you want to keep me, go to the Tailed Beast Plane with me..."

At this moment, those chasing after him include Jun Hinata, Nawaki Senju, Orochimaru, and Phantom.

Shadow was left behind to help the other four shadows repair the barrier together.

According to Black Soil, it only takes three days at most to repair this channel.

Of course, if there are huge changes in it, it may take longer.

Heitu told Zhun Hinata that they hadn't thought about destroying this meta channel.

But I don't know why, this channel seems to be self-repairing, and it cannot be destroyed with their strength back then.

"We all know the world there, any danger can only depend on you..."

After Hinata Zhun disobeyed Kuroto's words, Kuroto had to warn again.

"Don't worry, I think it's dangerous inside, but I have a premonition in my heart, and I will regret it if I don't go in!"

On the contrary, Senju Naoshu stared at the dimensional channel, as if thinking of something.

"Senior Orochimaru, can you continue to give me Chakra..."

rope tree asked.

After all, Shengshu is just a clone now, although this clone is using Bai Jue's body.

Of course there are dark parts too.

Otherwise, the strength of Orochimaru will not be improved.

"Hehe, Zhishu, I am very interested in that world. You must know that it is the source of chakra. If I do some research, I may get answers to many of my previous subjects. I will not give up on this answer. As for the chakra you need, I believe you don't need to worry at all..."

Rope followed Orochimaru's gaze, and it was true that the Chakra leaked from the dimensional channel was inexhaustible.

It can be said that using ninjutsu in such a situation can quickly fill up.

"Jie Jie, I had no choice but to hold that Sheren before, but I have a lot of ninjutsu waiting for him inside!"

Orochimaru's eyes showed an extremely fanatical gaze.

He is a ninjutsu expert, and his previous goal was to learn all ninjutsu in the ninja world.

But it is a pity that he is not Senju Hashirama and cannot have enough Chakra.

But it's different now, maybe he can realize his long-cherished wish when he gets inside.

That is, all forbidden techniques can be used.

You must know that he still has the help of Shengshu, even though this is only a clone.

But enough.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Snake Shadow Divers!"

"Wood escape! Immortal state!"

After Roki, Jun Hinata, and Phantom broke into the Tailed Beast plane, they didn't expect that the three of them were actually in the sky.

The only consequence of such a rash intrusion was that they almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Shengshu's reaction was the fastest. First of all, he used the fairy state.

However, in this plane, the immortal state seems to be greatly suppressed.

Almost didn't work out.

Even so, it flew.

Then Orochimaru used a snake-shaped submerged hand, biting Phantom and Hinata Jun in time.

"Hehe, is this the Tailed Beast Plane? It's such a comfortable breath..."

But Toneri who had been controlling Naruto opened his arms at this moment, feeling a burst of surprise.

He could feel a powerful chakra wantonly invading his body.

Not only has the previously consumed Chakra recovered, but what's even more frightening is that his strength has begun to become stronger.

"Fairy state!"

Sheren can easily turn on the fairy mode.

"Comfortable, really comfortable!"

But at this moment, a black flame rushed directly towards Sheren.

"Hand over Senior Naruto!"

The kaleidoscope Sharingan in the phantom eye also began to spin rapidly.

Susanoo not only used ninjutsu, but also joined Amaterasu.

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