"Certainly, be careful, I feel the same kind of breath in his body..."


Hearing Kyuubi's words, Jun Hinata raised his head and looked at another three-hundred-year-old legend.

Senju Sasuke.

After seeing more and more characters from three hundred years ago, Jun Hinata no longer cared how these people survived.

He even has a longing in his heart for his ancestor, Hyuga Lengtian, he wants to know how powerful this ancestor is.

"Father, I didn't expect that we would meet in such a scene..."

Senju Sasuke looked at his father and said slowly.

Just when the two were about to meet and have a good talk, a tailed beast with the same eight tails behind them suddenly woke up.

"Food, there is actually food..."

The monster transformed into eight tails suddenly swallowed them towards them. The powerful suction and huge body surprised everyone.

"This is stronger than the eight tails I've seen..."

"Come on, call me quickly, we will become one, this guy is too powerful!"

Kyuubi also said in Hinata Jun's body.

But just as Kyuubi finished speaking, he saw a terrified scene.

I saw a black Nine-Tails suddenly floating out from behind Sasuke, but this Nine-Tails does not look like a fox, but looks like a strange fish, and the two eyes are reincarnation eyes and kaleidoscope writing wheels just like Sasuke Looking at Hachio who came back to life, he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.


It seemed to be a full belch, and then disappeared with satisfaction...

It was only at this time that Naoshu and the others came to their senses.

Everything in this beast's world surpassed their imagination.

"Sasuke, your strength has become so strong now, and Kyuubi behind you, what kind of strength do you belong to in this world now?"

Sheng Shu asked immediately.

They really need information from this plane too much.

"Father, I know your problem. In fact, this is the world of tailed beasts, where the strong prey on the weak. Another point is that I am only of medium strength. Before me, there are ten-tailed strongmen. In addition, there are three eleven-tailed strongmen." Those who rule the entire Tailed Beast World, among them Senior Hyuga Lengtian is one of them..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What, Eleven Tails?"

After hearing Sasuke's words, including Naoki's mouth was wide open, unable to speak.

You must know that during the Fourth World War, they were already the strongest ten-tailed, but now there are still eleven-tailed ones.

"It all starts with the crisis in this plane. Now let's go see Senior Leng Tian. We are very dangerous outside. Now the whole plane is full of crises, or if we are not careful, we will be involved. In the vortex of time and space, or even the overlapping of planes, unless it is a strong person like Teacher, others will not be able to survive at all..."

After finishing talking, Sasuke had already led the way ahead, and looked behind him and said: "One more thing, if possible, don't use space ninjutsu without authorization. The most dangerous thing here is space ninjutsu, because maybe you opened it. The space will crush you into powder, to be honest, if you compete with that Datongmu clan member, if it is not Senior Leng Tian who even makes a move, I am afraid that both of you may be crushed into powder by the space..."

Hearing Sasuke's words, Jun Hinata showed a disbelieving expression, and now he is still a little angry.

In his opinion, this ancestor was a little unkind, and actually directly manipulated his body.

And this way of defeating the enemy also made him feel ashamed, after all, Jun Hinata has always advocated one-on-one since he was a child.

"Ha ha……"

Hinata Jun's expression fell into Sasuke's eyes, and he was very disdainful.

"It's really ignorant and arrogant. Do you know why those tailed beasts gathered there just now? It's because they encountered overlapping space on the way to move, which sucked up all their energy at once, and some of them directly squeezed them to death. You Do you think your strength can fight against hundreds of tailed beasts alone?"

Sasuke taught.

"Sasuke, what happened here, why did the Otsutsuki clan keep migrating, what happened here?"

Hearing his father's words, Sasuke replied seriously: "This world is on the verge of collapse. If it wasn't for Sensei, the ninja world would have been destroyed long ago. Sensei saved that world, but there are many others in this world. Creatures begin to assimilate themselves, that is, they become tailed beasts. Even so, it is difficult to survive. In this world, there are three terrible disasters, one of which is the black light irradiated by the atmosphere, which is a kind of cosmic particle, which is a kind of negative Energy can directly drive people crazy, if it is not controlled by strong strength, it is very likely to be exploded, which is why your strength increases so quickly when you enter this plane..."

Hearing Sasuke's words, Phantom's first thought was the Chakra that was leaked when Sheren opened the dimensional channel.

Before, they all thought it was because this was the source of Chakra.

It now appears that this is not the case at all.

"As for the second type, the plane storm, this is a phenomenon before the planes overlap and after they recede, you will be involved in an unknown environment unknowingly, where it is harsh and even full of danger, and you can't even With any power, you can only fight with your powerful body, so many tailed beasts you see are actually the aborigines of this world who were born after combining with the sacred tree like the Otsutsuki clan Kaguya chose!"

"What, they are also people from this plane, are they just like Renjuriki?"

Hinata Jun and Phantom opened their mouths wide.

"That's right. In the end, the planes overlap. Once you encounter them, you won't be able to survive. No one knows what kind of scene you see on that plane. But there is one thing you can imagine the scene where the upper and lower bodies are separated, unless they are all related to Orochimaru. Senior, you are as special as you are, maybe you still have a chance of surviving..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"In addition, there is another point that there is still a more tragic battle going on in this world, that is, the battle between Lord Leng Tian and the other two Eleven Tails characters. They both want to devour each other and become this The most powerful Twelve Tails in the plane..."

When Sasuke said this, the people behind him were expressionless.

Even Orochimaru, who wanted to study the most, closed his mouth and didn't make that ugly "Jie Jie" sound.

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