cold, lonely...

What an emotion that was.

Emotions that are alive like people, just seem immobile.

This made Leng Tian feel as if he had time-traveled again, but this time the possessed object seemed to be a patient who could not move.

It is precisely because of this feeling that Leng Tian has not touched his passageway from three hundred years ago.

The reason why Leng Tian survived was that apart from absorbing the sacred tree as a part, there was another part that Kushina helped him endure.

It's just that Jiu Xinnai is now fixed there in the forbidden area, unable to move.

This is also the reason why Leng Tian maintains the status quo before he can't see through the truth.

What else is Fenghuang talking about at this time, now that she controls Naruto, she can finally take the initiative.

As long as she gets the other part of the Divine Tree, she has many ways to deal with the cold weather.

Even though Leng Tian and the men around her are as strong as her, but only Hei Fenghuang knows that none of them can control the true power of this sacred tree. Only she, who has been recognized by the sacred tree and the master, is worthy of it. Become the new master of this plane and become the successor.

But just when Hei Fenghuang was thinking this way, the mysterious man beside him suddenly said: "Do it!"

The corners of Black Phoenix's mouth curled up, apparently satisfied with this companion's reaction...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's just that Hei Fenghuang's face changed in the next moment, because she found that Xuan Wu, who was as strong as her, dared to attack her.

One must know that she has been Eleven Tails for many years, and it is not that no one has done anything to her during these years.

There was even a Hundred Years' War, but her special ability of being immortal made her have the last laugh.

"Asshole, you don't understand, do you..."

Hei Fenghuang shouted loudly.

It's just that Xuanwu seemed to be listening but not hearing, and suddenly snatched Naruto's soul state from her hands.

But the black phoenix is ​​not easy to mess with. With a wave of his jade arm, the phoenix under him merged with her.

A fire fist rushed towards Xuanwu.

If you want to say how powerful this fire fist is, Senju Sasuke and Phantom can feel it the most.

"It's actually the fire of Amaterasu, and it's almost like a small mountain. This is no longer a ninjutsu, it's just a sea of ​​flames..."

Under such a powerful sea of ​​fire, even ninjutsu is useless.

But the next moment the mysterious man resisted with his back.

And the mask that had been on his head was also shattered.

"Bo people?"

Although the changes were great, Naruto still recognized his son at a glance.

"Father, I didn't expect you to come here too..."


This time, it wasn't just Hei Fenghuang who was surprised, even in the cold weather.

The person in front of him, the peerless powerhouse who suddenly appeared in just three hundred years was actually his grandson.

"Actually, I have been waiting for this opportunity. Unlike you, father, I got the secret of the seventh sense from Aunt Saori, and I surpassed the seventh sense in the battle with Chuanmu, and fell when I entered the dimensional channel. Being outside this plane finally made me see the true face of this plane..."

"true colors?"

Hearing the words of bloggers, cold weather is the most concerned.

"Could it be that this world is actually a living thing?"

Hearing what his grandfather said, Bo Ren nodded.

"That's right, and what I perceive is that this living creature is about to wake up..."

The blogger said.

"Sure enough!"

Hearing Boruto's words, Leng Tian looked at Black Phoenix: "You are the tool used by the living creature to resurrect. When I was fighting Otsutsuki Kaguya, I read her memory. After she ate the fruit , there has been a voice constantly urging her to become one with the Divine Tree, and the Divine Tree has always wanted to capture all the chakras..."

Speaking of this, Leng Tian said very ugly: "I guess, it is very likely that this plane is actually a living thing, we are just inside a living thing, but it fell asleep before, or was injured, and finally fell asleep, but After a long time, it is finally about to wake up, but what it needs is energy, so it needs to absorb energy. The eleven tails were made by it before, but what I didn't expect was that my appearance planned this life. The plan of things..."

Everyone was surprised when they heard Leng Tian's words.

If it is really according to what Leng Tian said, isn't it true that all people and life are the nourishment or nourishment of this living creature.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, everyone looked at Hei Fenghuang. At this time, Hei Fenghuang's whole body changed, and the phoenix began to rot, turning into a towering tree.

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to be able to see through my avatar, but that's it. You all belong to me, and what you inherit is nothing more than mine. Why don't I take it back now..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Huh, huh!"

Looking at the huge sacred tree that began to grow all the way to the sky, Leng Tian said indifferently: "Are you finally willing to show up, but now you are just a clone of the Lord of Faces, don't think that you can really do whatever you want!"

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