"The book is over!"

Chapter 1 The Mysterious Bounty Man

Land of Fire, Lanfeng Town.

"See, this is already the [-]th most wanted criminal captured by the hunter red hair."

"It's simply too powerful, he is the most powerful bounty hunter!"

"That's right, but I heard that Crazy Chen, one of the top ten on the most wanted list, escaped and seemed to be looking for this person all the time. If I remember correctly, it was the red hair who caught him. It seems that He is the only wanted criminal who was not killed by the red hair, but chose to be sent to prison."


The wine glass fell heavily on the table.

A beautiful woman suddenly stood up and shouted: "Red Hair should be killed. If it weren't for his hesitation, such a murderer would not come out to do evil. Red Hair is also one of the accomplices, and he is also the murderer."

The discussions around the bar suddenly stopped.

One of them said disdainfully: "I said, girl, are you being too righteous? After all, the redhead is also the most powerful bounty hunter in the world. How can you, a little girl, judge him on his own?"

"Hmph, he is the number one bounty hunter in the world, and I will become the most powerful bounty hunter in a short time!"

Hearing the girl's words, a burst of laughter suddenly broke out in the bar.

"Haha, it's up to you..."

Everyone pointed at Tianwu and laughed.

At this moment, Tianwu suddenly jumped up, and the scroll behind her suddenly unfolded from behind her.

"The goddess scattered the flowers!"

Twelve kunai flew out of the scroll, and directly nailed the big man who laughed at her to the floor.

This made the surrounding people quiet again.

"Ninja, is she a ninja?"

After the end of the ninja era, very few ninjas appeared in the world. Although there are signs of ninja activities, most people have never seen them.

There is only one mysterious name that I have heard the most, Ninja Village.

It is also called Shadow Village.

But no one knows where Shadow Village is, but one thing is that almost all ninjas emerge from Shadow Village.

And now the ten most wanted criminals on the most wanted list are all from Shadow Village.

However, there are also rumors that the most powerful bounty hunter in the world now has red hair from Shadow Village.

But it has to be said that after the end of the ninja era, the Hunter's Guild has become the largest mission intermediary organization in the world.

All missions, assassinations, bounties, and captures will go through the bounty guild.

Sometimes even the official will release tasks here.

The Hunter's Guild is very powerful.

Whether in the Land of Fire, the Land of Water isolated overseas, the Land of Sand with scarce resources, the Land of Thunder where it is difficult for outsiders to enter, or the extremely xenophobic Land of Earth, there are hunter guilds.

And the headquarters of the Hunter's Guild is in the Land of Fire.

There are countless people who want to be hunters every year.

More people want to pass the hunter's exam and become bounty hunters.

Only after passing the evaluation of the Hunter Guild can one be qualified to become a bounty hunter and can accept the mission.

Otherwise, he would be an illegal hunter, not only would he not be rewarded, he would even be wanted.

Tianwu walked out of the tavern, she was actually one of the hunters guild exams this year.

But besides that, Tianwu has another purpose in mind, which is to find the red hair.

"Red-haired, I want you to pay in blood!"

Tianwu's eyes were blood red, full of hatred.

Chapter 2 Ferry Ticket

Tianwu carried the huge scroll and walked towards the harbor, which was the gathering place for the hunters' guild leading to the country of water.

As for why you don't go to the Land of Fire, it's because the registration quota for the Land of Fire is already full.

"Boat tickets, boat tickets to the Land of Water, boat tickets to the Hunter's Guild in the Land of Water, does anyone want to go?"

In the harbour, many peddlers flocked unnoticed.

Tianwu only knew from the Fire Nation Hunters Guild that the quota for the Fire Nation was full, so she could go to the Water Nation.

But no amount of information is known.

Hearing that there is a boat ticket to the country of water, he immediately ran over.

"how much is it?"

Tianwu asked.

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