Hei Jin said contemptuously at the side.

"Little boy, did you see that I have defeated all your subordinates."

"Who is the brat, and these people are fighting under Hei Jin's subordinates, I just control Hei Jin, but I..."

"Hei Jin" was still talking, when he was hit hard on the head by the tree.

"Shut up, Ina Yamanaka!"

Hearing Shujian's words, Yamanaka Ina said aggrievedly: "Who told you to always not take me out, I can also be a hunter!"

"What, are you a girl?"

Only then did Tianwu take a good look at Yi Na.

"Bastard, such a beautiful girl, do you have any problems with your eyes?"

Ina is very conflicted about Tianwu.

"Hmph, you have robbed my prey!"

"Okay, Yi Na, I think you used the mind-changing technique to control Heijin because you had no money before you left the village. How many times have I said that ninjutsu is very dangerous!"

Shu Jian has no way to deal with Yi Na.

His real mission this time is to take this mountain who sneaked out of the village back.

"No, no, I don't want it, and Brother Shu Jian, please keep this woman away from you!"

Although Ina Yamanaka said so, she still couldn't stop Tianwu from following them.

"Aren't you planning to go to the country of water to take the exam? If you miss this time, you will have the chance to take the hunter exam next year!"

Said to Tianwu instantly.

"I know what you said, but one of my goals as a hunter is this crazy Chen. I know that the hunter guild has a lot of news that the outside world can't get, but now that I know the news about crazy Chen, I won't I will miss it, I must kill him."

Hearing Tianwu's words, Shujian and Ina looked at each other.

"I think you are the life of delivering food. Even if I know how powerful that person is, he is listed as a wanted criminal at level A. In fact, this ranking is wrong, because only considering that he only knows physical skills, he is the most wanted criminal." It will lower his ranking, in fact, in terms of single-player ability, he can be ranked in the top five, that is to say, my brother Shu Jian has the possibility of defeating him, your strength is too weak!"

Hearing what Ina said, Tianwu didn't believe it at all, because she had never seen Shujian use ninjutsu at all.

"He is indeed very powerful, but I am not bad either. I practice ninjutsu that my parents left me, and I have a unique skill. I can defeat him!"

Hearing Tianwu's words, Yi Na wanted to taunt again, but was stopped by Shu Jian.

"The hole card you mentioned is your ninjutsu eight-door armor-shielding technique. May I ask which door you have practiced to. It is rumored that Crazy Chen has opened three doors. I guess he may have been able to open four doors! "

Hearing what Shu Jian said, Tian Wu was very surprised. She knew it was because she saw it with her own eyes. Did the person in front of her ever compete with him once?

"Have you seen him?"


Before Shujian could think of how to answer, Tianwu justified himself: "No, it's impossible, how could you have seen him, everyone who saw him was killed by him, by the way, you are a hunter, all these are Is it the information in the Hunter's Guild?"

"Yes, I saw it from the data!"

The tree changed his mouth.

"Brother Shujian, what nonsense are you talking about..."

Yi Na wanted to say more, but was blocked by Shu Jian.

"Yina, you can follow me, but you are not allowed to talk nonsense, including my last name, Qianshou understand?"

Chapter 8 The Mystery of Tianwu

"Brother Shujian, how long do we have to go? I have enough money. How fast can we go by car?"

Yi Na pouted her lips, showing a coquettish expression.

"Wait, I need to go somewhere before we do this."


Tianwu asked.

"The underground tavern of the Hunter's Guild, where information is collected!"

"Is it the kind of information center that only hunters can share? I heard that this place has a cooperative relationship with the Hunter's Guild. It seems that it was an amazing organization a hundred years ago."

Tianwu asked.

"Strange, where did you learn about these things? Logically speaking, even some hunters don't know this information. Who are your parents?"

Now it was Shujian's turn to be surprised.

"What's the matter? I know all this from my father's notes. What's so great about it!"

Tianwu said indifferently.

It's just that Tianwu didn't notice that behind her, Shu Jian and Yi Na showed expressions of surprise and contemplation.

"Brother in the tree!"

"I understand that there are outside staff from our Shadow Village in the Hunter Tavern. If you take my seal, you must find out the information of Tianwu's parents. This is very important to us!"

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