"You don't know that this place has been completely controlled by a group of shocking forces since the year before last."


Hearing the man's words, Shujian showed a trace of surprise.

"what happened?"

Ina asked curiously.

"Jingmen, I think Tianwu should be the one who understands the most."

Hearing Shu Jian's words, Yi Na looked over, and sure enough, Tian Wu's expression was wrong.

"Tianwu, do you know?"

"It's him, it must be him."


Yi Na was a little puzzled and didn't understand what Tian Wu meant.

"Jingmen is the seventh door of the Eight Doors Dunjia, with this name, who else but Crazy Chen!"

Tian Wu said bitterly.

At this moment, the door of the hotel was kicked open.

"Dude fill me with wine!"

Hearing this voice, the man said in fear: "That's the person who shocked the door."

Hearing what the buddy said, Tianwu was about to run away on the spot.

"Don't be impulsive, we still need him to take us to Jingmen's den!"

Shu Jian stopped Tian Wu from moving.

Chapter 10 The Red Hair Appears

At night, the people in the small town began to rest after a day of work.

At this time, Shujian and Tianwu found the stronghold of Jingmen based on the traces left during the day.

This is an inconspicuous half-mountain near the town.

It seemed normal, but when Shu Jian and Tian Wu walked in, they realized that many of the things here were disguised.

Under these guises, there are plenty of people patrolling.

"This must be a very important stronghold for Jingmen!"

Lie on the ground in an instant, and said to Tianwu.

"But I didn't find the energy of Chakra in it. Crazy Chen shouldn't be here!"

Tree said.

"How do you know? Can you tell just by smelling it?"

Obviously Tianwu didn't really believe Shujian's words.

But Shujian didn't intend to let Tianwu break in.

It's just that Tianwu has to look for it with her own eyes, and doesn't listen to Shujian at all.

There are many people here, and some even carry electrical weapons.

This weapon has not been around for a long time, but it has become popular all over the world.

He can give ordinary people rare powers, and with this weapon, even ninjas have to be careful.

The speed of the bullet in the electric weapon can be compared to the kunai of the ninja.

It doesn't even take any effort at all.

This makes ninjas very careful.

And there are so many of them.

Tianwu obviously has good skills, and after a general look, there is no trace of Crazy Chen, so she is ready to turn around and leave this place of right and wrong.

Just when Tianwu was about to leave, she suddenly found a warrior standing on the back road.

"Oops, found out!"

Tianwu was startled.

"Jie Jie, I thought it was a little mouse. It turned out that it was a little girl who dared to break into the door. You are very courageous, little girl!"

After speaking, the man drew his knife directly.

In this world, like ninjas, there are samurai.

But the samurai fell earlier than the ninja.

It's just that the samurai who can be passed down are all families with extremely long inheritance, and their sword skills are no worse than ninjutsu.

During the fourth great ninja war, the samurai also participated in that battle, and there were even those who were not as powerful as those of the ninja.

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