"Shen Mo (what)?" Yu Shengming, whose cheek was pinched, made a distorted voice. The orange-haired boy didn't understand why the Gorgon was angry. The battle was won, and the Gorgon survived, so he should be happy That's right.

The simple speech that seemed natural at this time also made Gorgon furious for a while, and wanted to increase the strength of his hands, but that would crush his master's face, so he gave up on it.

However, there was no sign of giving up on his expression, but he continued.

"Although it is true that my lack of protection is my responsibility as a follower, you died again, and the death was even more miserable. It was completely wiped out. If it wasn't for that... if the follower is loyal to you, you will die after the inherent barrier collapses. , you will really die completely." The weak servant who once looked down upon saved his master at the last moment, allowing himself to survive here forever.

Gorgon no longer underestimated that servant. Even if he wanted to let go of his arrogance and thank that servant, that servant was no longer there.

Call again, and it will no longer be the same follower as before.

"...He has fulfilled his wish, so he is free." After deceiving himself and giving himself a legitimate reason, Yu Shengming said to Gorgon.

But Gorgon directly saw through Yu Shengming's heart.

"Yeah, that's a good ending for human beings, but what about you? In this Holy Grail War, after you win the Holy Grail War, if you change your body into this you, what will happen in the final ending? So, haven't you considered it?"

The sound of the witch's curse in the ear became weaker and weaker, and finally began to emit golden particles, and then the souls from the servants also began to pour into Yu Shengming's [Holy Grail].

"Gorgon, this Holy Grail War is indeed coming to an end. At that time, let's think about the next thing." Feeling that the soul has begun to pour into Yu Shengming's [Holy Grail].

Is it because after pouring in too much, the original content no longer matters, or is it that my spirit has begun to change a bit.

In the end, it was only after a short period of distraction, that it ended smoothly.

However, Yu Shengming finally collected it, and this Holy Grail War has already surpassed half of the followers.






So, Yu Shengming's final enemy in this Holy Grail War.

Only Sakura Matou was left.

(I read Cang Yin's novel, um, I always feel that it first describes the character well, and makes you have feelings for the character, and then directly pops out Sha Tiao's love song to kill it. It feels like this kind of story, so I feel that Sha Tiao loves it. Song is suitable as a separate character, but it is not suitable to join Cang Yin's plot feeling.)

(However, to be honest, the Fate/strange fake comics are pretty good. If it wasn’t finished, I even wanted the protagonist to join this war. Let’s stop here for a while, so I’ll write about Chaldea It’s always okay!)

Chapter 7 Put on 【The Clothes of Heaven】

In the open space of Liudong Temple, the ritual book in his hand had been opened, and immediately after that, the face of the artificial maid hidden in the pages began to appear in the opened pages.

The hazy moonlight in the sky directly reflected the pages of the book of flesh and blood that Yu Shengming held in his hand, and that delicate human face seemed to feel something.

As if trying to get rid of something, the two delicate faces opened their mouths wide, shouting something like a compliment or the most vicious curse into the void.

Immediately afterwards, the two faces began to want to emerge from the book.

So it came out, with a large piece of flesh and pus coming out.

The body without any strands was covered with a large amount of ugly and disgusting swollen flesh and blood. The swollen and wriggling flesh and blood on the body made the body of the android maid even taller, almost a few times larger than the original size. times.

The only thing that kept the original appearance was his exquisite face, that dull and expressionless face, as if the face of a doll was placed on an ugly monster of flesh and blood.

It made the two artificial maids even more terrifying.

Even such a flesh and blood monster began to bow its head to Yu Shengming himself, and then began to drive a body that was huge enough to block the moonlight, and knelt down in front of Yu Shengming on one knee.

Then, as soon as the knees touched the ground, the heavy body squeezed through a large piece of swollen flesh and blood on the knees, and at the same time as the explosion sounded, a large amount of pus inside was splashed, and then the ground also shook.

It is also enough to show that the weight of the two is completely heavy enough to shake the earth.

The reason for calling out these two Einzbern house maids who are far from the prototype is because Yu Shengming is going to wear the [Clothing of Heaven].

If you think that as long as the two remaining servants of Liudong Temple in this Holy Grail War are sucked into their own [Holy Grail], then they can go back to rest and go back to see their sister.

That's a big mistake!

The reason why [Little Holy Grail] is [Little Holy Grail] is, after all, just a [vessel] specially filled with the souls of followers, and it is the key used to summon (open) the [Great Holy Grail].

Then, the [Great Holy Grail] that can really fulfill your wish is a system that is buried in the underground spiritual veins and continuously collects magic power. Yu Shengming will never forget that during the short time of cooperation with the Matong family, he obtained The deepest part of the Great Hollow is the information that the [Great Holy Grail] is located.

In the contents of Yu Shengming's [Holy Grail], there are already five souls.

As long as there are five souls, the Great Holy Grail will start to appear, and six souls will allow the final winner to realize his wish.

Therefore, there is still one missing, the soul of Berserker in Matou Sakura's body. By then, Yu Shengming will be able to realize his wish.

Where Matou Sakura, who has already escaped, is hiding, she probably knows in her heart.

Therefore, it is no longer time to procrastinate when I am only one follower short of filling up and can still maintain normal.

So, Yu Shengming opened the book of rituals in his hand, and the pages of the book, which looked like slices of flesh that had just been cut alive from some kind of creature, gradually began to emerge something, floating in the air.

In front of Yu Shengming's eyes was a liquid water ball full of pus and blood floating in the air. Its size was only about the size of an adult's head. When the wind blew, the pus and blood ball began to produce ripples.

The center of the pus blood water polo, which is almost dark red in color, is densely packed, and it emits a special light when the magic technique is in operation.

This is the Einzbern family's Heavenly Clothes, which has been modified by the inherent enchantment rules in his Ritual Book.

It is said to be the clothes of heaven, but the round blood cells in front of my eyes don't have a trace of clothes that can be called clothes.

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