Therefore, Yu Shengming also understood the meaning of this name.

"It seems that you know a lot, okay! Let's discuss it carefully, about the prize, that is, how you use it." Still covered by the pitch-black shadow, the pair looked very innocent. His eyes began to fill with a smile.

The grotesque dagger in his hand began to swipe menacingly at Yumu's neck. With a shake of the hand, the sharp blade could easily cut through the main artery, causing blood to spurt out like a fountain.

It made Yumu, who was blocked by the cloth and unable to speak, even more panicked.

However, Angora Mainyu, who was crying a lot of tears and glaring at him with hatred, was at the moment when he saw his son.

The bright orange hair inherited from her husband is enough to explain everything, that is indeed her abnormal son.

But that dress, that look?

In front of Yumu, standing in front of a pitch-black pillar of fire that is impossible to appear in nature, she was wearing a dark red robe like a cultist. The complicated patterns on it seemed to be like scars, continuously dripping pus and blood, and like ripples. From time to time, some human faces appeared on the surface.

Under the orange hair, there was a familiar face, and in the eye sockets that belonged to humans.

Those are eyeballs with countless pupils. Ordinary people have never seen such a scene. It seems that if Yumu's mouth wasn't blocked by a cloth strip, she couldn't help screaming.

Mother Yu also recognized it. Those standing beside the monsters were also monsters. They were shameless women who took advantage of their beautiful appearance and wanted to borrow their own house.

However, do any normal humans have snake tails and golden wings?

In other words, [Monster] and [Monster] began to use their own home as their lair and lived under their noses without their knowledge.

A lot of fear in her heart made Yumu struggle more intensely.

"Well, it seems that your dear mother has something to say?" Seeing Yumu's eyes turning from her to Yu Shengming, it seemed that she wanted to say something to her son.

Angola Mainu showed a very [kindness] and used the strange-shaped dagger in his hand to swipe the cloth strip that tied Yumu's mouth.

Although it looked like a strangely shaped dagger, it was indeed functioning as a blade. Under the sharp blade, the cloth strip was cut so easily, and Yumu was finally able to speak when she broke free from the restraints.

Immediately afterwards, there was a piercing scream from a woman that was almost insane, and it was filled with great fear. After a long time, the first sentence he said to his son was...

"What kind of monster are you... in disguise!!!"

"Mom, listen to my explanation first." Almost at the same time, Yu Shengming opened his mouth to try to appease his mother, but his appearance completely cut off the possibility of normal communication.

"Earth and Abby are already dead!! Then, what kind of monster are you!?" Angola Mainyu, who was on the side, was very satisfied with the almost hateful and disgusting words from her mother.

Also, the amount of information contained in the words is huge enough to explain that, what Angola Mainyu did in his own home.

The sudden bad news made Yu Shengming feel that his hands and feet were frozen and unable to move, and his mind was in chaos.

Memories from the past seventeen years began to emerge in my mind.

Compared with the normal human father, the father who is still a flesh and blood humanoid has more impressions.

He was a father who would give money to him when he needed money or help. Yu Shengming also knew that this was the only way for his father who was not good at expressing to show his concern for him who was abnormal in his mother's eyes.

But now... dead?

And then, why did that fruitless first love, Abigail... die too?

At this moment, Matou Zouken's words began to echo in Yu Shengming's mind.

"You, as a magician, you are still too young and too immature!"

The mocking words of the old magician made Yu Shengming subconsciously hold the silver cross key hanging around his neck. It seemed that only in this way could there be a trace of psychological comfort.

The voice of my mother's hatred for me still came from my ears, and she kept struggling and venting.

"Why... I gave birth to a monster like you..." He vented all his inner feelings on his monster son.

The curse from the mother finally made the Gorgon next to Yu Shengming completely unable to stand it, because the connection from the servant contract that was connected with Yu Shengming made the Gorgon feel, My master's mental state has begun to become abnormal.

"Shut up!!" That trace of worry also made Gorgon's expression turn ferocious like a monster, and he snarled fiercely at the woman.

Then, the mother who cursed her son finally shut up under the momentum of the monster, and instinctively began to be afraid, afraid of the monster-like son and other monsters.

It also showed the despair that no one came to save him.

Immediately afterwards, the magic eye with countless pupils began to look hollowly at Angola Mainu.

Likewise, the innocent eyes of Angola Mainuu's dark face began to be filled with malice at this moment, as if taking pleasure in it.

He also countered Yu Shengming in a joking tone.

"Is there anything strange? I was originally a specialized servant of killing humans. As long as I win, I will use whatever I can. Moreover, it is too troublesome for me to bring a few humans here alone. It was too troublesome, so I chose the most convenient person to take away."

"Naturally, the rest of the others are useless!"

Angora Mainyu, who has done all the evil in this world, has confessed everything to the Master himself.

The undisguised killing intent appeared in Yu Shengming's eyes. Maybe his mother would be injured, but it was time to kill Angola Mainyu completely, so a lot of magic power began to be input into his magic circuit.

The ground at the bottom of the feet began to be eroded, and a large piece of twisted and wriggling flesh materialized. In this large underground cavity filled with magic power, the inherent barrier was activated at an exceptionally fast speed.

Even Gorgon showed that he couldn't wait to kill the opponent's followers.

Although he hated that female human being, if he really cared about his master, then the female could not be killed, so Gorgon was about to start rushing to kill Angola Mainyu in an instant.

However, as if seeing through the next thought, Angola Mainu began to take out something from the back of Yumu's wheelchair and threw it at Yu Shengming.

The first reaction was that it was a white spherical object with flowers, and it was randomly thrown in front of him like this.

After subconsciously looking down at the head that was rolling on the ground, it was the kind old lady who used hint magic and borrowed from her family, but the head was covered with dust and placed in front of Yu Shengming. .

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