Chapter 4 The Silver Cross Key Covered in Black Mud

Somewhere, in a spherical room filled with the night sky, an old man sitting on a luxurious chair observes the starlight in the night sky. Each star represents a parallel world, and each represents the choice of people in that world. , and thousands of parallel worlds were born.

But those parallel worlds are based on the human history of right choice, right prosperity.

Then, the old man began to notice that the starlight, which had been operating normally, had turned dark red at some point, deviated from the starry sky, and drifted away towards the darkness of nothingness.

So the old man sitting on the chair began to turn his gaze away, and looked at the star curiously. After staring at the star for a long time, the old man let out a sigh, and finally he could only shake his head to decide the result.

"This world line has deviated too much from pan-human history. If there is no accident, the wrong history will be eliminated by the two major restraining forces, so it is useless to observe this world line." Beard, said the old man.

Immediately afterwards, the old man was attracted by a message flickering in a starlight.

"Oh, have you finally finished the homework of the jeweled sword?" As if satisfied with the result of one of the world lines, the old man began to think about how to accept disciples in this world line.

But the old man didn't notice that the more the dark red starlight deviated from the track, the brighter its light became.


Like a rotten watermelon, the head spattered a lot of blood, and it was intertwined with the dark brown skin covered with blasphemy and curse patterns, the accompanying flesh and blood, and the gray brain.

Immediately afterwards, the headless corpse of the whole body was not directly killed after the poisonous snake opened its mouth, and then it was over.

Rather, venting simply isn't enough! ! !

The Gorgon, who was sitting paralyzed on the spot, looked at the bloodstains still remaining on the ground, and the silver cross key, which was a gift from Abigail to his lover.

But it can only prove that Yu Shengming has indeed disappeared, that he has indeed disappeared in his belly.

However, at the end of its supple purple hair, which was long enough to hang down to the ground, countless swarms of poisonous snakes began to be born.

Under the blazing vengeance of its body, the venomous snakes driven by the vengeance began to tear and bite the corpse named Angola Mainu, but as if they were extremely disgusted, they accidentally swallowed the body. Meat pieces and dregs are regurgitated, spit out and then torn until they turn into a puddle of minced meat.

No matter how you look at it, the Servant Angora Mainyu is completely dead.

Like other followers, Angora Mainyu was killed, and at the moment of death, his soul would return to the [Holy Grail], but the Gorgon who swallowed the [Holy Grail] was no longer the [Holy Grail].

So the soul of Angola Mainyu, all the evil in this world has flowed to another [Holy Grail].

Just so coincidentally, in the center of the Great Holy Grail Altar, Matou Sakura was just using the magic power of the Great Holy Grail, and repairing her body distorted by indescribable rules, at the moment when the repair was about to be completed.

The moment Angola Mainyu's servant soul entered Matou Sakura's body, the [Holy Grail] was filled, although it was an extremely reluctant and mottled content.

Those are the souls of a large number of ordinary people swallowed by Sakura Matou, as well as the souls of followers who violated the rules.

But [Holy Grail] didn’t care what the content was at all. Instead, it seemed to be waiting for a long time, and finally started to activate, and the soul of Angora Mainu who entered Matou Sakura’s body, its special way of existence was equivalent to once again facing [ Holy Grail] made a wish.

So the Holy Grail, which was barely filled with its contents, began to fulfill its wish.

The most obvious thing is that the dying black sun suspended in the center of the large underground cavity gradually began to condense, but this is not over yet, the black sun above the center of the altar began to penetrate a hole in a certain space, and immediately Then a large amount of black mud began to flow out.

Gorgon, who witnessed all this, can know what the black mud is. He saw it from Matou Sakura. The evil that can pollute everything in this world is the most poisonous poison among followers. , for humans, it can also be called a highly poisonous poison.

As long as ordinary people touch it for a period of time, they will lose their lives and fall into the black mud.

However, Pair had already swallowed the [Holy Grail], and began to transform and break away from the identity of a monster, becoming the only living myth and legend walking in the world in the modern world where the mystery has gradually faded——

Goddess [Gorgon].

So, to the Gorgon, the black mud is just dirtier mud.

Immediately afterwards, the black mud from the black sun began to flow in large quantities, and kept pushing into Gorgon, but Gorgon didn't care about the black mud of the Holy Grail flowing towards him.

Just looking at the hole in the sky where the black mud kept flowing out, I understood a more important fact, that I couldn't use this Holy Grail to make a wish and resurrect my Master.

He was obviously just a servant who was so weak that he could be killed easily, why did he become like this in the end, he ate his lover and completely lost his lover.

Then, he couldn't save his lover, just like he couldn't save his sisters.

The sense of desperation in his heart and the shocking facts made the Gorgon who swallowed the [Holy Grail] lose his rationality and go crazy, making the goddess more like a monster than a monster.

Listening to the familiar voice that I heard before, but it turned into a crazy monster voice at the end.


The doll sister, who has no hands or feet, is crawling like a caterpillar on the cold ground. She can clearly hear and understand that her younger brother is not far in front of her, but her life and death will be unknown in the future. state, because I can't see everything at all, and I can't confirm my brother's body temperature and voice.

There is only a terrifying and cold darkness in front of his eyes.

The only thing I can do is to keep crawling on the ground, and do my best to cry to the sky with my vocal cords, hoping that everything is just a nightmare, but the cold ground and the tingling sensation of the stone cutting my skin are so real .

Even if she died by her brother's side, she kept crawling on the ground, crawling towards the place where the sound came from.

The sound made the Gorgon turn his head in hatred, and the first thing he saw was the crazy woman sitting in a wheelchair, shouting vigorously, joyfully facing the black sun, praising the world in front of him for finally ushering in ended.

He kept singing nursery rhymes that were already out of tune.

I also saw a person crawling on the ground who didn't care even if the sharp stones on the ground cut his skin. Those empty eye sockets were flowing out in large quantities, mixing with the dust and mud on the ground. Make the whole body dirty.

When the black mud flowing out of the Holy Grail was about to touch the human being, Gorgon began to remember, in the darkness where there were only two people, the object he devoured and the Command Spell he used on himself.

"...I hope you can save my...sister..."

That was the last request that wasn't even an order, and its effect on the servants was extremely weak, but it was also because of the Command Seal that the Gorgon regained consciousness from his mad state.

Even if his hatred of humans has reached the limit, even if he doesn't have any need to obey this Command Spell.

But Gorgon saved, saved the sister who was so important to his lover.

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