The world of flesh and blood still exists, absorbing the energy of the nuclear bomb. As a result, the speed of expansion has also become faster. The phenomenon in front of them has made human beings understand that the strongest weapons are almost useless.

After this next time.

No matter how high walls people build, they can't stop them, because even the walls will be turned into flesh and blood together.

Only the self-existence with special powers, magicians, phantom species, dead disciples and all kinds of existences, can resist the erosion from the flesh and blood world, and some existences completely ignore the erosion of the flesh and blood world, but those existences are completely different in the eyes of others. It is the outliers.

In that world of flesh and blood, for normal people, just seeing that they can stay normal is already considered a firm will, and it is impossible to ignore this hellish scene.

As a result, some powerful beings from all over the world began to think about solving the changes in the world and destroying the existence hidden in the large underground hole in Fuyuki City.

Then the powerful beings were blocked by the guardians of the large underground cavity and turned into stone statues.

The strength of a dimension that is not at all made things go nowhere. After finding out that the origin of everything was the Holy Grail War, one of its organizers, the Magic Association, also took the blame for causing this incident.

After that, the event of the entire planet being eroded has been called [Cursed Paradise on Earth], [Nation of Carnival of Abnormalities], and various other names.

That is already a story.


In the large underground cavity that has been completely turned into a world of flesh and blood.

"I have planted the seeds of the fantasy tree, and the next step is to arrange the following things." On the sky of the big void, you can see the roots of the so-called [fantasy tree]. made directly from the treasures.

It is used to fix the [Unusual Belt] formed by the deviation of this world.

However, the fantasy tree is not necessary, it is just in case. After this flesh and blood egg is born and erodes the whole world, there will be no more Gaia and Alaya consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook, and the resulting violent earthquake was not caused by the humans on the ground, but the will of this planet, Gaia, began to feel the crisis.

Similarly, in order to protect the continuation of the primate group, the collective subconscious assembly "Alaya Consciousness" that was born began to operate.

So Abigail is laughing again, and showing her adorable sharp teeth.

"Before the entire world is eroded, I will trouble you to deal with the will of the planet Gaia and the will of primates, Alaya~" Naturally, the object of entrustment is the living legend, Gorgon.

Abigail took out the silver cross key in her hand, and used the key to insert into the void, and then a door with silver light opened, and then, the girl who was barely standing beside Abigail began to make a sound , as if wanting to say something.


"Needless to say, although the Gorgon's blood, which has become a goddess, is indeed powerful, it also means that everything in your new life is extremely fragile, and it will all grow from scratch to an appropriate level, and if you move it around, it will fall off. So just wait for a while." With a thought in Abigail's mind, tentacles began to appear in the void, and rolled up the girl.

After all, Abigail herself is very slender, and she can't hold a girl who is older than herself~

"Don't worry, if all goes well, your brother will indeed be resurrected~" The last answer did reassure the girl in front of her, and at the same time, she said to Gorgon.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook more violently, lava began to erupt, and the guardians who guarded humanity also began to materialize, appearing in front of Abigail and the others.

"Then let's get out of here." Abigail led the girl through the silver door, leaving this world of flesh and blood, and heading to another world.

Only the Gorgon remained.

As usual, the incoming guardians were instantly turned into stone statues, then fell to the ground of flesh and blood, and then were eroded and transformed into wriggling flesh and blood guardian soldiers.

The shaking ground was also eroded by the world of flesh and blood, and after it became deeper, it was calmed down.

But these gorgons didn't care at all, but touched the faint figure of the flesh and blood egg, and could see a slight movement inside, as if they were dreaming.

"Are you dreaming about something?" In the world of flesh and blood, the snake goddess began to mutter to herself.

(Third watch, I have fulfilled my promise, and all of them are 2500-word chapters, but you should understand what the male lead is from the title, right? Well, congratulations on finishing the first volume! But tomorrow I will start to search for information, Outline, so I'm taking a day off.)


Huh, finally finished the first volume.

I also struggled at the beginning. Indeed, as some people have said, the Fifth Holy Grail War I wrote is already very late. .

No matter how you forcefully arrange the plot, it has become an invincible style that simply crushes everything, and I can't write that kind of plot well (after all, I think my personality is inherently bad).

In that case, the book would be over.

So, I let Yu Shengming become something conceived in the egg of flesh and blood, and turned Yu Shengming's entire world into a [belief of strange stories].

Although it was revealed that I would become a [Disaster Beast], [Beast], [Human Evil] and the like.

But what did it become in the end?What will become of it?I do not know either! (Actually, I'm still adding settings)

Afterwards, after writing the [Strange Belt] in the hero's own world, the book is almost coming to an end.

This process is the unconscious dream of [the beast] in the egg of flesh and blood.

Then, I don't know if the final ending of the Fifth Holy Grail War is good, but I did try to write it as exciting as possible.

Next, as I said before, I was not a person who knew everything at the beginning, so my knowledge of [Style Moon] generally remained in the animation. In order to get more details, I also wrote novels While checking the information, I pushed the main game (not all ages).

Then, regarding fgo, because I personally don’t like the way the game is played (it’s not a citation), I only pushed the Absolute Warcraft front, all because I was attracted by Kim Yu-rok who died of overwork (laughs), but when I pushed it down, I found that the plot there is true It's very good, it looks good, and the plot has been pushed forward after that.

But other chapters are not very clear, so I want to take a day off to collect various materials, and then write the following outline.

Well, this chapter is also a leave note at the same time, so after this, if there are any mistakes in the settings, I hope to correct them.

All just to write better!

Chapter 1 Becoming a Magician's Sister

If there is anything in the nineteenth century, what does it represent.

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