However, what is certain is that except for the one that has little influence, the other demonic eyes of my Myriad Demonic Eyes have not been activated at all, which means that everything that happened in front of my eyes is true.

Wearing a huge witch hat, dressed almost half-naked, and a young girl with fairer and more eye-catching skin, and that familiar face reminded Yu Shengming of the fact that Angola Mainyu had admitted for a moment.

Except for his mother and sister, all his family members were killed, including the adopted daughter, Abigail, who was affected by Yusheng's family.

However, now that Abigail has undergone great changes in her skin, hair, and some temperament, what is certain is that Abigail will stand in front of her!

For a moment, Yu Shengming felt guilty in his heart, and when he confirmed that Abigail was still alive, it had been relieved a little, only a little.

However, before he could say anything, he was attracted by another petite black-haired woman in a kimono, which was very common in her own country.

Attracted by the intense gaze full of emotion staring at him, and also by the agile and beautiful pupils like emeralds, the only thing Yu Shengming can be sure of is that this is the time when he finally wants to see the person, Only then will the eyes be revealed.

It is joy, excitement, longing, and, on the basis of this emotion, there are various complex emotions mixed in the eyes.

It's just that from the first time I saw the girl in kimono, even if I became a follower, I still have the old problem of face blindness, which made it very rare for Yu Shengming to recognize the person in front of me at once.

That is indeed my [sister].

However, the older sister's slender and sickly body in the luxurious kimono, and the white jade-like arm exposed when the cuffs were rolled up, had a scar that was bleeding continuously.

In a moment of subconscious distress, Yu Shengming discovered the most important thing.

Since my sister's hands can bleed, it means that those hands are real hands. Then, what about the legs?Are you standing on the ground properly?Aren't those beautiful eyes fake eyes that can be faked?And what about the tongue?Did it grow back well?

I already had a lot of things to say when I saw her for the first time, but I didn't even know what my sister's body had become? !In case there are any side effects, the body will suffer!

For a moment, I began to think about taking off my sister's clothes, checking my sister's body carefully, and confirming how my sister's body has recovered, and the wound also needs to be bandaged and disinfected.

"Sister?" So when Yu Shengming subconsciously called out to his sister, when he wanted to reach out and touch his sister.

At that moment, Yu Shengming was thrown down.

What came after that was that his back collided with the icy ground, which made Yu Shengming subconsciously suffer from pain, and protected the two girls who rushed into his arms from being hurt.

Immediately afterwards, a petite woman in a kimono who was lying on her chest began to vent something, tears fell like pearls, and at the same time, as if venting something, her fist was hitting her chest.

I don't know if I'm too happy, or too angry, or if I'm afraid of hurting myself?

However, the strength of the fist he swung was as if he was just massaging, and the expression on his sister's exhausted breastfeeding strength made Yu Shengming sure.

It's just that my sister's strength is too weak...

"Big idiot! I don't need you to restore me to normal at all!! I just want you to be there!! Why do you want to leave me on your own!!!" It was a few years after knowing that her brother had died, Yu Sheng Lianhua has been desperately suppressing her feelings, and when her wish finally comes true, the long suppressed feelings finally burst out.


There is no problem with the voice, and the tongue seems to be able to produce syllables normally. Moreover, the weight transmitted from the chest is heavier than usual. Although it is still a bit light for ordinary people, it is enough to be called complete. Normal people.

It can be said that my sister has regained the normality that she lost.

My wish did come true, but my sister didn't think so.

When he knew that his whole body strength was so weak that even his idiot brother didn't care at all, his expression didn't have a hint of acknowledgment of his mistakes, only a hint of relief.

In the end, he looked even more pitiful and helpless, lying on Yu Shengming's chest, holding on to the long robe and refusing to let go.

"Why... why don't you take me with you if you're going to die!" Lian Duo's voice was already crying.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, there is no need now, I have seen the result I want to see most, so my wish has come true." Embrace both of them in my arms, especially myself The crying elder sister, Yu Shengming, as usual, often pats the back to comfort her when she takes care of her elder sister.

However, these words may not be very comforting, but these words to my sister are already the truth from my heart.

"That's not okay, big brother's wish has come true, but what about our wish?" On the way to throw Yu Shengming down, the witch hat also began to fall off, and then Abigail faced Yu with a smirk. Sheng Ming said.

With the help of the faint light of the lantern, you can see that Abigail's pale skin and hair are gradually turning into a normal complexion, as well as a head of bright blond hair that I am familiar with.

However, the keyhole on his forehead had a round eye staring at him, and then the keyhole also began to close.

I don't know what's in there, but if I wish, that is to say...

"Do you want the Holy Grail?" If this is the case, his strength as a follower is too weak to bring them victory in the Holy Grail War.

Because his own Holy Grail War has already failed once.

"That's right, now Lianhua and I have arrived at the singularity that happened because of the [Holy Grail], and because of the Holy Grail, the big brother can be summoned like this." Abigail began to explain.

"May I know, what is the wish?" Yu Shengming wanted to know what the wish of these two girls wanted the Holy Grail to be fulfilled.

"Pull the soul of my idiot brother from the recording tape of the realm completely, and resurrect it!!" Then my sister replaced Abigail, no.

Just expressing my sister's own wishes——

Chapter 4 Servant Contract

Under the sound of the incantation, the cut marks on the white wrist, which looked distressed, had been restored by the healing magic to the point where there was no trace left.

And the use of healing magic is my own sister herself.

That is enough to prove that my sister has become a magician, and at the same time, she has also become my master.

As well as the general things that happened after his death, and the fact that Abigail, who had been kept in the dark, was actually a witch, although there was indeed a slight surprise for a moment.

Yu Shengming also thought about it countless times, what kind of power in Abigail made him transfer from the cognition of the world of flesh and blood to the cognition of the current world, but at that time, he had not even become a magician for a few days. People, after all, can't think of anything, so Yu Shengming just put it on hold.

Now that I hear that Abigail is a witch, I am not surprised anymore, because I can only accept this result.

Moreover, the ultimate goal of sister and Abigail is to resurrect themselves.

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