However, Mephisto is also not an existence in the common sense of human beings. To put it bluntly, it is also an [abnormal] existence.

It is very common for deviants to be attracted to another deviance.

"Wow!! Really—really—you are crazier than I imagined!!! More weird!!! More interesting!!!" So Mephisto praised the flesh and blood figure from the bottom of his heart When I want to continue talking.

The flesh-and-blood figure slowly opened its eyes with countless pupils, and while looking at Mephisto, the creepy eyes showed disgust, irritability, and a hint of killing intent towards the clown.

Of course, no matter who it is, people who make themselves feel disgusting and unpleasant pain are the type of people Yu Shengming hates the most.

With a thought, new flesh and blood were born on the carrion ground, but the surrounding area was dark red and a dense fog of magical power that could affect judgment, making it difficult for Mephisto, who was gazing at the person in front of him wholeheartedly, to notice what was happening on the ground. Creeping flesh.

Immediately afterwards, when a flesh and blood hand growing out of the ground appeared, Mephisto began to show a serious expression.

Mephisto, who reacted immediately, was about to use the huge scissors in his hand to cut off the fleshy hand that grabbed him. If he kept cutting, he could also cut off his legs that were caught and fixed on the ground, anyway. He can also escape by standing on his hands.

He's a circus clown after all.

However, there were more than one pair of flesh and blood hands that grabbed Mephisto. Immediately afterwards, a large number of flesh and blood hands were born from the ground, directly immobilizing Mephisto completely, unable to move, not even a trace of strength. use.

In Mephisto's eyes, the flesh-and-blood figure had already opened its crooked and twisted mouth, and then opened it wider and wider, until it opened to one side of the whole body as if it had been slashed by a knife.

The separated cross section is full of sharp teeth, and there is a lot of sticky saliva that has been pulled into silk. Similarly, the body gradually begins to swell and deform, and densely packed eyes are also born from the flesh.

The densely packed eyes with countless pupils all stared at Mephisto, and it felt like even Mephisto wanted to run away.

In the eyes of Mephisto, the existence that is more monster than the legendary monster, and more indescribable than the big octopus in the deep sea opened its huge black hole.

He directly bit down the immobilized Mephisto.

Chapter 2

In this blood mist, after the feast of flesh and blood.

Yu Shengming, who still maintains an indescribable posture of incarnation, is trying hard to recall his original appearance at this moment, and the realm between the appearance of a flesh-and-blood figure and the appearance of a normal human has begun to blur.

The side effects of the avatar's stance are finally starting to show.

"Sure enough... As a follower, the extra [Innocent Monster] skill also has a certain impact on me..." I have such a feeling, the more I transform myself into that appearance, the more I will The more you lose your original appearance, the more you will conform to other people's impressions.

After going back and forth like this, I will completely transform myself into a posture that conforms to other people's impressions of myself, and the effect of [Innocent Monster] is like this.

Yu Shengming didn't think that attitude was too annoying, but he felt that his attitude would scare his sister and Abby.

The only thing to do now is to change from the current appearance back to the original appearance bit by bit according to the memory.

As a result, Yu Shengming gradually shrunk and disappeared from the huge indescribable existence, wriggling flesh and dense eyeballs under his own control, and changed into the appearance of a girl standing naked on the ground of flesh and blood.

Because eating a follower's spirit foundation also improved Yu Shengming's own ability to a certain extent. The limbs that were shattered by the previous explosion and the large amount of magic power consumed when opening the treasure all recovered to perfection.

As long as he thought about it, the cultist robes that had dissipated and swelled and ruptured his body would once again cover his body, but Yu Shengming still maintained the appearance of a girl with black hair and blue eyes.

It is not what Yu Shengming wants for Jack to be transformed into this posture, and to be transformed into this posture when he regains his human body, because the only woman who can normally transform into other human beings is Tohsaka Rin.

It should be said that because I hate that woman and that Tohsaka Rin, I can easily recall the face of that disgusted woman, and as a result, it just exists as a memory anchor.

In addition, I once came to this woman's body, so that the body and soul also have such an impression and memory.

As long as there is such an impression, Yu Shengming can directly change back to the so-called "Tohsaka Rin", and because of this, the existence of Tohsaka Rin in the impression directly pulls Yu Shengming back from the flesh and blood human form to a human appearance.

"At least you have to change the appearance of your sister or someone else. What is it to become Tohsaka Rin..." While muttering something in his mouth, Yu Shengming was ready to start thinking about his own appearance as a human being, not a flesh and blood human form own appearance.

And thinking about something, and then preparing to transform it——

The head that Yu Shengming grabbed violently and casually in his hand was the head of Mephisto that he ate on purpose and left behind to obtain information.

As a result, the clown's head began to speak and laugh.

"Ahh - even if you are a servant, please let me be your servant!!! I will do everything for you!!!" Lost body, no lungs to provide breathing, no blood flow to himself The brain maintains its function, and the vocal cords can only barely sound like a broken gong.

For human beings, only their own heads are left, no matter how you look at it, they feel like they are dead, but the people in front of them use the power that can change the whole world to keep themselves alive, and with their remaining A trace of spirit foundation continues to survive here.

The feeling of extreme torture and just-right despair, the combination of these two feelings made Mephisto's eyes light up. Looking at the cold girl who was holding her hair, she began to flush with excitement and said: .

As a result, Mephisto came into direct contact with the carrion ground face down, and was stepped on the back of his head by the hard boot sole, and then turned the boot sole vigorously.

Mephisto tried his best to turn his eyes sideways, and he could see that the blue pupils of the girl who stepped on him had begun to split and turned into countless magical eyes with pupils of different sizes. Even so, it still revealed an extremely cold eyes.

"Shut up, now your life is in my hands, I can deal with you at any time as long as I want, next time I have to tell me, where is the Holy Grail used by you [Magic Mist Project]? ?” Yu Shengming left Mephisto alive because, if Mephisto is one of the leaders of the Magic Mist Project, that would be an important breakthrough point for these days of useless wandering.

In just a short period of time, Yu Shengming knew that this wicked clown must have collected some information in order to seize others and push them into despair.

However, the head that stepped on the carrion ground did not say a word, but in the end, it seemed like a loyal minister who would rather die than obey.

"..." Without a sound, not even breathing, Mephisto seemed ready to refuse to answer Yu Shengming's question.

"Really, if you don't speak, I'll give you a good time, lest I continue to waste my magic power." Yu Shengming's obsession with the Holy Grail made Yu Shengming suppress the pain of being blown off his limbs, but now, Mephisto refuses To answer Yu Shengming's question...

However, Mephisto's voice came faintly.

"But didn't you just tell me to shut up..."

Immediately afterwards, with a heavy force on the foot, Mephisto's head was buried deep in the rotten flesh ground again.

Immediately afterwards, a reluctant lisp made a sound.

"Okay, okay~ Don't be angry, it's just a joke, I can only survive now by relying on your strength, and the power of the Holy Grail can't control me anymore."

"After that, as long as you think, I can tell you everything. After all, my only advantage is loyalty~"

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