Then, he easily occupied more than half of the city of London, transformed the dying humans into a large number of undead soldiers who obeyed his orders, and fought against the large number of monsters that appeared on the streets that blocked him.

As a follower, he also violated the rules of the Holy Grail War and became the master of a follower.

Just like the evil magician described in the storybook, just in the past few days, he has controlled more than half of the foggy London situation in his own hands. It can be said that he is completely in control of London.

He himself still thinks that he does not have the ability to be a Servant of Caster's position.

That's enough, no matter how you look at it, my servant, my younger brother is a super powerful magician.

It was already late at night in the living room of the mansion.

Now that Yu Shengming finally explained to himself the general situation of the matter, Jack has unconsciously started to fall asleep lying on his lap, still talking about his mother like a child.

This is because there is not a large amount of magic power reserves, and becoming the master of another follower as a follower has a side effect of insufficient magic power supply. In this case, Jack also becomes like a child who doesn't get enough sleep every day.

But as long as he returns to the dense fog of magic power, Jack's reduced ability due to insufficient magic power supply can be ignored, because that is the home field of [Jack the Ripper].

However, it is impossible to just put Jack to sleep on the sofa. Under the leadership of Abigail, Yu Shengming carried Jack to Abigail's room, and Abigail happened to be sleepy.

So the two young girls hugged and slept together in the soft blanket.

After that, Yu Shengming also returned to the living room, and the older sister who was sitting on the sofa started talking after seeing her younger brother come back.

"How are they?"

"I'm already asleep. Next, I want to borrow the basement, but it should be my sister's personal magic research room, right?" Doing something in the sealed space, and then remembered that the sealed underground space was just the right place when he summoned himself.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"If that place is inconvenient, or if it will affect my sister's magic research, I will change it."

Those words made the elder sister who was sitting on the sofa and leaning on her shoulders start to show a puzzled expression, as if she didn't understand why her younger brother asked for her opinion in this regard.

"Ah...? It doesn't matter! Because everything about me belongs to you, and it belongs to my lovely little brother, so you can use it however you want, even if you tear it down, it doesn't matter!" Then The expression of indifference to everything, there is no falsehood at all, just leaning on the shoulders of his younger brother is enough to satisfy.

Moreover, Yusheng Lianhua also has some things in her heart that she wants to do. Things that she is used to in normal times are a bit difficult to talk about now, because she has recovered, and she doesn't know if she should use it for her younger brother. Ask again.

But now is a good opportunity, I want to use this free time to say something.

"I don't know how to dismantle it, I just want to use it to do some things, um, sister, is there anything you want to say?" Maybe it's some kind of spiritual connection, or is it that I have been familiar with it for many years, Yu Shengming You can see what your sister is thinking in her eyes, so she said it.

After being discovered, he hesitated to say something.

"Uh... the environment of London, England in the [-]th century was very dirty. There was thick fog everywhere that would turn gray if it was stained... and people actually..."

"It does feel like this, but it's also the first time I witnessed the [-]th century, which was only a few hundred years away from my own. Although it was blocked by the magic fog, it was still an unforgettable experience. Alright, um, I'm going to do something first." Yu Shengming started to get up from the sofa, and the goal was naturally to walk towards the basement, the moment he disappeared around the corner.

Yusheng Lianhua's expression also began to show such a sense of loss that could not be concealed.

Immediately afterwards, his younger brother's orange hair began to appear from the corner, and he said to his sister with a gentle and harmless smile.

"Let's talk about more things in the shower together, sister." After finishing speaking, Yu Shengming's orange hair also disappeared in front of his eyes.

After waiting for a while.

Yu Shenglianhua subconsciously covered her hot face with both hands, and unconsciously looked at a mirror next to the living room.

It was the expression that my younger brother had completely seen through what Xiao Jiujiu was thinking about in his heart, and as a result, a red glow covered his entire face.

And Yu Shengming himself.

After opening the door, I entered my sister's magic research room. Although I have the ability of a magic workshop, but because of insufficient time accumulation, this magic workshop only has a simple protective ability.

Immediately afterwards, the light of the magic oil lamp began to light up. In this era of no electricity, besides the oil lamp, this was the only way to use the light source. Then, Yu Shengming took out a head from the robe.

Then, put it on the table.

Yu Shengming has already begun to feel that his magic is already different, but Abigail and his sister are not different. If he casually showed his head to Abigail and his sister, he would instinctively be frightened. Under the magic, the head can still [live] and [speak].

The so-called head is naturally Mephisto's head, but now there is finally enough time and enough ways to interrogate this wicked clown.

The blue-nosed and swollen-faced Mephistopheles rolled his eyes and saw that Yu Shengming was the only one in front of him.

And a room with all kinds of magic tools.

"Huhehehehehe, it looks like something is wrong with me~?" Well, he is a clown after all, so at the end, Mephisto could only grin the corners of his mouth and start laughing.

Chapter 7 The Holy Grail of the Fog City

In this basement.

"Huhehehehehe, what are you going to do with me? Do you just turn my head into a wine bowl like a barbarian? Or submerge me in water and torture me back and forth? Or use torture techniques from the East? Slow me down little by little?"

Mephisto stood with his head on the table reluctantly, and began to speak to Yu Shengming who was ignoring him and looking around.

However, there was such a slight twitch on the expression, which seemed to be the rough wood texture on the table, and it came into contact with the section of his neck that was bitten off. At the moment of contact, the intense pain produced was constantly stimulating Mephis special.

This is also one of the tortures.

Contrary to the feeling of pain, for some reason, Mephisto actually began to look forward to the expression that the person in front of him would show when he tortured him.

Therefore, Mephisto gifted a lot of torture techniques with [friendship].

However, that voice directly interrupted Mephisto's fantasy.

"Your intentions are too obvious, anyone can see that you just want to enjoy the pleasure you get when you push people in a malicious direction."

Under the bright light of the magic oil lamp, while talking, Yu Shengming carefully observed a pile of strangely shaped glass bottles on the table, as well as various specimens soaked in some kind of liquid on the cabinet.

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