In the city shrouded in this magic fog, in the city of London.

A few days have passed since the appearance of the magic mist. There is no production activity, just wasting time. The people of the middle and lower classes who stayed in their homes to avoid the magic mist are almost reaching their limit.

It is an unavoidable fact that food and water are slowly being consumed due to life activities. No matter how much we save, without sources and supplements, food and water will all disappear one day.

Therefore, most of the residents who have already exhausted their food are slowly waking up from their beds under the burning hunger in their stomachs in the new day. Every day, they are full of anticipation, hoping that the piece outside the window will bring The mists of death to come dissipate, ideally along with the fumes from the newly built factories.

In that case, you will welcome the blue and clear blue sky that you have not seen for a long time, and stay away from the life squeezed by capital.

It can also burst out the dull emotions that have been suppressed all the time. However, the outside is still disappointingly white, and the murderous fog is still shrouded in the entire city of London.

The cupboards, iron pots, buckets, and water tanks in the house were all empty, not even a piece of black bread crumbs. In such an environment, even mice would not want to appear in the house again.

As a result, no matter how hard they searched, a sense of despair that there was nothing began to hit the hearts of the residents.

And, most importantly, the moment the magic mist descended, it directly and equally took away important people, children, parents, friends, lovers, and all kinds of people from everyone.

The residents who survived the magic mist were just so lucky that they just happened to hide in their homes and escaped unharmed.

So when the magic fog dissipated, I might be able to be freed from the oppressive and desperate home, but in the future, it was more likely that I would face the hopeless hell on earth alone facing the future alone.

The more depressed, the more uncomfortable, the only way to live is to struggle in this hell, and I don't know when I will die before the magic fog dissipates, whether I will starve to death at home, or rush into the world in a mad manner. In the dense fog, was he killed by the magic fog, or was he killed by the countless monsters that were staring at him in the fog?

Under such circumstances, it is suffering all the time.

Moreover, the shadow of some kind of alien creature is constantly flashing outside the glass window, as well as the distorted and distorted sound from the alien existence, as well as the sound of knocking on the door.

Maybe it's because of despair, or because you want to stop the constant knocking on the door. In short, as long as you are more courageous, cover your mouth and nose and carefully open the door to observe the outside. When the door is opened, the naked eye can see To the door there is something most desired in this situation.

Food and water to survive for several days.

Just for a moment, the hungry residents just brought food and water into the house, and the freshly baked black bread was exuding the aroma of food, regardless of the twisted and distorted sound coming from outside the door before the food appeared. The sound, the joy of being rescued made the eyes glisten with tears, and the hope it brought began to well up.

Only God can save oneself from despair.

"God! God! Thank you..." Then, in the residence, countless prayers began to sound.

A follower who knows where food and water come from, Jack the Ripper is walking in the foggy streets, and watching the flesh and blood humanoid created by his [mother] wriggling its horrible and disgusting appearance, And took food and water to find a place, and then delivered it to the door.

So Little Jack trotted all the way and held the evil and ominous robed boy in dark red like pus and blood with his small hand, and asked inexplicably.

"Mom, mom, why do you care about those human beings?" In Jack's eyes, [Mom] has no need to care about other people's lives, just like a vague mother who submerges all of herself in the water and then turns away. image of.

"I've said it several times, don't call me mom." The boy in the robe is naturally Yu Shengming, but he doesn't seem to like the way Jack calls him.

After Yu Shengming just sighed, he didn't get angry, but put his hand on Jack's head, touching the white hair that felt a little prickly.

When Jack squinted his eyes and enjoyed the gentle touch like a cat, Yu Shengming continued.

"Moreover, I'm not in charge. It's just that these [people] spontaneously want to save the people they care about. It just so happens that the goal has already been set. Before everything is ready, I agree with their actions."

At this moment, a human figure of flesh and blood passed by the magic mist, and the swollen and huge eyeballs saw Yu Shengming for the first time, as if thanking Yu Shengming, he directly bent down to Yu Shengming himself, as if Yu Shengming treated him like a god.

Even if Yu Shengming didn't deliberately let these flesh and blood dolls do this, it was eroded by Yu Shengming's own treasure and special inherent barrier to the point where he couldn't tell whether it was normal or abnormal. Yes, it is the boy in front of him.

Except for the fairly powerful flesh and blood figures behind him who were protecting him, they were wriggling on the street, and the walking flesh and blood figures would do this when they saw Yu Shengming.

It also made Jack puzzled to see that there was an appearance in front of him that was so crazy that he could only kill, and he would kneel down to do so.

"Those scary-looking monsters...? Do they still have personality?" Although Jack has a simple mind, he is not stupid. Combined with Yu Shengming's statement, it means that these flesh and blood figures still maintain their own minds.

"Is it a strange thing... Although it looks a bit scary, it is still human." Yu Shengming only slightly corrected Jack's statement.

In my own eyes, all human beings with their original and present appearances are all human beings, but with their current appearance, I can't tell who they are at all, but that is also my most basic [human] cognition.

After that, Yu Shengming just held Jack's hand, walked on the street, and explained the general effect of his magic.

"But personality, the only magic I can do is to change the target to the world I know, and the consciousness of the individual in it still exists, and all the actions of those [people] are not all mine. Deliberately controlled, although they will act according to my will and orders because of my magic characteristics, but they still have their own personalities."

After talking a lot, Jack seemed too stupid to understand everything Yu Shengming said, but he didn't know how to put it, so he could only admit it honestly.

"I don't understand...Mom."

Yu Shengming was not angry either, perhaps his abilities were still too difficult for children to understand.

"In short, without affecting the current situation, I have no reason to prevent them from doing what they want to do for the people they care about, even if they become another look."

"It's fine if it's just killing, stealing, etc. I personally hate this kind of thing, although it's a bit strange for me to say it." A wry smile began to appear on the corner of his mouth, remembering that in the Holy Grail War. It seems that I have no qualifications to say such things after all the incidents I have done.

However, there is also no obligation to continue to disregard one's own bottom line as a human being.

"..." After listening to this passage, the white-haired girl became silent, maybe she understood, but because of understanding, she became silent instead.

"What's the matter, Jack?" Yu Shengming noticed Jack's anomaly and began to ask.

"Why, they can care about them, but no one cares and loves us? Instead, they dig us out and throw us into the icy river?" In Yu Shengming's eyes, Jack's greenish-yellow eyes changed It became empty, even if that kind of transformation occurred, causing the nature of Jack's own spirit base to change, but Jack was still Jack the Ripper, and he was still a collection of tens of thousands of abandoned babies and children in London.

However, facing the resentment of tens of thousands of children, the orange-haired boy just took Jack's hand, walked through the foggy streets, and continued talking.

"Really, it's probably hard for me to explain your question clearly." Very simply, and clearly expressed that I couldn't explain it.

"Because people are very complicated, so complicated that no one will really fully understand human beings, and you may see these people are saving their families and people they care about, but other than that, they should help Others, they ignore."

"This is a very common and selfish love among people, loving others and loving oneself. Although I don't pray for fraternity in the philosophical sense, but..."

"Just having someone who cares about and gives love to each other is already enough happiness." Yu Shengming's words gradually made Jack's eyes shine.

"So, although you were born in misfortune, I will try to take care of you as a raiser after this and after that." This is the best way I can compensate Jack.

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