Just as she was about to do something, Abigail seemed to have known it long ago. At the same time, with the bubble-like brilliance, the purple-black tentacles she summoned wrapped around her waist, making it impossible for her to jump from the ten-meter height. Get down, go to his younger brother who is tormented by the flames and howling in pain.

"Abby..." The purple-black tentacles couldn't be broken away by him with a weak body.

"...First of all, I have to calm down big brother." In the scene, Chaldea and his group wanted to relieve Yu Shengming, Jack and Yu Shenglianhua were unable to think rationally because their minds were filled with sensibility.

Among them, perhaps the only one who can help Yu Shengming is Abby.

"Open it, door—" The witch of Salem began to chant softly in midair, wielding a weapon that looked like a key.

According to the witch's voice, a large number of bubbles that seemed to be shining with hundreds of millions of brilliance began to appear in an instant. The dreamlike scene only took half a moment, and in the next moment, the dreamy scene was completely destroyed.

From the bubbles, more and thicker purple-black tentacles like deep sea monsters appeared.

The diameter of each tentacle has already exceeded ten meters, and they waved frantically like mountains and seas, and the oppressive force brought by it even brought down the surrounding blood-red flames.

It is impossible to tell whether it is to save the alien existence, or to kill the alien existence. The purple-black tentacles ignored the erosiveness brought by the blood-red flame, and easily entangled it. And curled up into a sphere.

Then, in an instant, compression began.

I don't know what Abigail did in the tentacles, it directly eliminated the magic flame that was difficult to disperse, and the howls of the alien existence no longer sounded.

At the same time, accompanied by the subtle sound of coke being turned into powder, the sound of bones shattering, and the sound of explosion and splashing of juice in flesh and blood, pus, blood and pus of coke were mixed in the prison formed by tentacles. It is constantly flowing out along the gaps in the tentacles.

It seems that its power is divided into upper and lower levels, so, under the stronger power, the voice of the heterogeneous existence seems to have become quieter.

As proof, the world of red flames and flesh faded away.

When it seemed that it could finally be over and she could feel relieved, Yusheng Lianhua felt relieved and wanted to go to her brother's side with a worried expression on her face, but Abigail noticed that after she opened the door, the tentacles summoned Suppress it and turn it into flesh and blood that has settled down.

At this time, it started to move around the corner. Moreover, it could be felt that the fleshy skin surrounded by tentacles had begun to grow a large number of mouths, and the sharp teeth began to gnaw at the prison where he was held.

Every time it gnaws, its power becomes stronger and stronger. At the same time, it seems that there is no trace of rationality in that action, but the obedient person like a monster instinctively wants to break free from all this.

"Has the rationality of being a human being been burned out?" The worst has happened.

Chapter 2 The Heterogeneous "God"

The witch of Salem who planned and guided Yusheng Lianhua to perform the summoning ceremony in this city of London, and summoned the dead Yu Shengming as a servant.

Abigail always knew.

The culprit who pushed himself and turned the world into that way, Yu Shengming, what is his quality as a follower.

That is the "innocent monster" recognized by all human beings in the entire world.

It is not a legend, nor is it only recognized in one region, one race, or one group.

Rather, under its ability, regardless of all matter and soul, the moment everything is transformed into flesh and blood, it begins to trace the origin of this as instinctively.

Such an origin would collectively recognize someone as a being.

This is something that even the greatest hero in legends cannot do.

Even the most widespread religion in the world.

Heroes are born to fight against evil, and religions are born to spread the thoughts of gods, so there must be existences against heroes, so there must be people who do not recognize gods and thoughts.

The thoughts in people's minds have become complicated to a certain extent, and the thoughtless animals, plants, and objects that are not even life can recognize Yu Shengming as some kind of existence. .

However, Yu Shengming did it, making the whole world recognize the person "Yu Shengming".

As a result, that cognition has changed from quantitative to qualitative, and the deeper true face of the "innocent monster" is that it is only one step away from reaching the stage of a real "god" in the age of gods in a human body.

However, whether it is a "god" or a "monster", there is actually no difference. Even if everyone has formed various cognitions based on their own three views, their purposes are similar.

They all recognize it as an existence separate from ordinary people.

Or worship, or fear, or despise, or blame...

Because of that, the "God" formed by various thoughts has already lost the human heart, and its imaginary nature is closer to a chaotic existence full of evil qualities.

Therefore, in order to avoid the suspected existence of Yu Shengming who was directly summoned as a "god", Abigail summoned Yu Shengming who still maintained his humanity through the blood of Yu Shenglianhua and his blood.

But the cognition of being recognized as "God" was directly degraded into "innocent monster", and it has been maintained, and it cannot be eliminated, because the difficulty is equivalent to the entire world of Yu Shengming's original world. direct destruction.

No, it's easier to destroy the world.

So Abigail was seeking help from [Father] and received instructions, so she needed the power of the Holy Grail to remove the tumor that could not be removed.

Because, Abigail didn't want that, Yu Shengming, who had distorted his true heart and turned into a heterogeneous one, and that was not the big brother.

"Goo... Howling!!!" The roar lost even a trace of humanity, and at the same time, the alien existence began to gnaw at the surrounding tentacles and entangle themselves.

Finally, the cold feeling brought by the burning body disappeared, and as a result, a new torture came again.

Instinctively, he could only feel that those huge tentacles were constantly suppressing him, and the force heavier than himself had crushed his bones.

Its barely maintained humanity has been used as an "innocent monster" in itself, coupled with the torment from pain, it has been completely invaded and disappeared.

This time, Yu Shengming really turned into a "monster", biting and struggling more and more violently.

"Not good..." Abigail sighed inwardly.

Seeing that it was about to break free, more purple-black tentacles began to surround and fill the prison.

Seeing that Abigail had begun to become reluctant, during this period, Yu Shenglianhua finally remembered that she still had the Command Seal on the back of her hand, without even thinking about it.

So he immersed himself in it, and focused on issuing the first command spell.

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