However, now it looks like a poisonous snake whose teeth have been pulled out, and its huge body has become a size that can be easily caught in the hands of the orange-haired boy.

What Demon God Pillar felt was the simplest, the suppression on the level of strength.

Immediately afterwards, the next move of the orange-haired boy made Demon God Zhu start to panic!It also made the corners of the mouths of everyone present twitch.

Because that is absolutely something that no one can do, but it further shows the abnormality of the boy.

"Wait a minute! What do you want to do!? Wait!! No!!!" The mouth widened, and then, the teeth were closed, and the Demon God Pillar was directly regarded as a snack, as a delicious stick.

Bitten off piece by piece, chewed, and stuffed into the belly.

During the chewing process, the tooth-piercing sound it made meant that the Demon God Pillar was not considered food at all, but it was eaten so easily.

The remaining, unfinished part began to struggle more violently, screaming and roaring wildly.

I hope that my voice can reach the ears of the king who is crowned in the Temple of Time.

"My lord!!! Help me!!" At the moment when he finished his last words without dignity, one of the seventy-two demon pillars was finally eaten up by the orange-haired boy.

However, the orange-haired boy expressed his feelings as if dissatisfied.

"It's unpalatable..."

It has a rubber-like taste, and the smell of liquid that bursts out eyeballs. The most important thing is that eating raw animals and listening to the wailing sounds of living animals in their mouths are transmitted to the brain through the teeth.

That feeling can be regarded as disgusting.

However, it was resolved without incident, right?

"Crack!" After clapping their hands, everyone who could be said to be stunned woke up.

"...Okay, Matou Zouken, um... Logically speaking, I should call you Maqili Zorgen at this time, right? You look really young." It's like having hundreds of pairs The eyes are in all aspects, observing himself without any blind spots.

"Although I had a lot of debts to settle with you before I was alive, but you are not the Matou Zouken two hundred years later, and I am also very confused about whether I should take revenge or not." For a moment, Maqili felt a trace of regret. , this follower seems to be related to himself.

At the same time, it seems to be the enemy of my future self.

For some reason, Maqili recalled a detail that was occasionally mentioned by his companions who co-created the Holy Grail War when the first Holy Grail War was established in the Far East.

Summoning servants, in addition to the need for a medium, pay more attention to the "fate" between the servants.

Now it's better not to have this fate.

In order to prevent such a powerful servant from turning his back on him directly, Maqili directly moved out of the contract that he made with himself in order to come into this world.

"Wait... wait, we have already made a contract! Are you going to tear up the contract!?"

"Don't worry, if I really wanted to kill you... I could have killed you just now, and, if you think about it carefully... it's all thanks to you that I can come back to this planet temporarily." The orange-haired boy mentioned in his words temporarily.

Let Maqili subconsciously start to guess what kind of existence is behind the orange-haired boy in front of that human appearance.

"Then, let me introduce myself. I was originally a follower of the "Caster (Magician)" class, but now, I am a "Foreigner (Descendant)" class, Yu Shengming."

Chapter 7

A certain existence that was summoned from the void, that is, the orange-haired boy in front of him, the follower who claimed to be Yu Shengming, had already touched his chest with one hand and bowed in salute.

"I am the class of 『Foreigner (Descendant)』, Yu Shengming, and I came here by summoning... No, I am back, the world!" When the official introduction began, an unexpected situation happened.

Probably because I finally returned to this planet, I can see that the young man seems to be getting more and more excited, and even his voice has become higher.

For Maqili and Paracelsus in front of Yu Shengming, the unconscious actions of the followers were completely disastrous.

The first thing I saw was a pair of orange pupils that ordinary people would have in the boy's eyes that opened unconsciously.

The first turns into two, the second turns into three, and the third turns into Wantong.

Countless pupils of different sizes and even colors have tens of thousands of colors, like some kind of creature parasitic on the surface of the eyeball, and began to move happily in the eyes.

Just seeing those pupils and the superficial madness of the boy.

Let Ma Qili and Paracelsus see some hallucinations from Yu Shengming's body, as if from the void, in front of him, it seems that there is a huge, chaotic and indescribable existence. He laughed wildly when he achieved it.

Laughter alone starts to distort people's minds, their thinking cannot function normally, and a large amount of indescribable knowledge begins to emerge in their brains. However, they can read and understand what those knowledges are talking about.

The paradox is that I can't understand what that knowledge is at all.

Being able to understand what is being said conflicts with not being able to understand what it means.

That knowledge is directly stuffed into the brain, and it accumulates more and more, as if it has become a pile of garbage that cannot be used. When the garbage of knowledge is increasing, it is bit by bit robbing people's spirit, people's mind, and so on. Memories, and everything about a person is dragged into the garbage heap of knowledge, crushed and shattered little by little.

Just when he was about to fall into madness and become the last line of disabled people.

A soft applause directly dissipated the power that led to madness, and the huge phantom that appeared earlier seemed to be fake.

Once again, and exactly, I felt the abnormality in the boy.

"Sorry, I accidentally lost my temper just now. Although to you, it may only have been a few hours since I disappeared in the door, but to me, I haven't returned to this planet for a long time, and I haven't gotten used to it. This body." Like a lazy cat, the boy seemed gentle and harmless and said.

In the realm where time and space no longer exist, even I am not sure how long I have spent there.

However, if he hadn't forgotten that his sister was here, he would have completely transformed into another kind of existence.

"So, it's normal to be agitated after calming down a little bit, so I'm sorry." Although the tone seemed to be joking and smiling, those words seemed to be sincerely apologizing to himself.

Even though they were sincerely apologizing to everyone, Maqili and Paracelsus subconsciously took a step back.

Is this the true face of the "Caster (magician)" job introduction servant?

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