As long as you enter the door and want to turn back, the door of return will be opened, and if the door of return is opened, "he" can come back as "he".

So, big brother, has he already passed through the silver key gate? Abigail is the one who knows best what will happen after passing through the silver key gate.

That's why he hesitated, struggled, and worried about what he would look like.

This kind of reaction fell into the eyes of Yu Shenglianhua, without thinking at all, he instantly understood the true meaning of what Abigail said.

That is my brother is back.

It is absolutely impossible not to be happy, because there are only countless pure and extremely pure thoughts in Yusheng Lianhua's mind.

I really want to hug my brother, I really want to be hugged by my brother, I want to hear my brother's voice, I want to feel my brother's body temperature, I want to see my brother again, I really want to smell my brother.

Now, such a simple thought drove Yusheng Lianhua to speak to Abigail urgently.

"Abby! I'm going to his side!"

Looking at the eyes that were originally full of gloom, at this moment they finally began to recover their brightness. At the same time, the smile from the heart also made Abigail subconsciously unable to refuse Yu Shenglianhua's request.


"I see, Jack, come back quickly." More purple-black tentacles began to wave, while sweeping and smashing Mordred and others with a force that would kill them on the spot without mercy.

The particularly thick one among the purple-black tentacles was like a huge wall blocking Jack's attack on Jekyll who had turned into Hyde.

"Abby, what are you doing!" Jack said to Abigail with a dissatisfied expression as if the dagger that he was about to kill the man had been pierced into the tentacles.

"Big brother is back, if you don't come, I will leave you as a bad boy." Just a small sentence made Jack's eyes widen.

"Come here quickly, Jack!" Yusheng Lianhua, holding the ancient book, stretched out her hand and beckoned Jack to come over.

"Wow!? Mom!? I want to go too!" Using the dagger pierced into the tentacles as a fulcrum, the petite Jack flipped over the tentacles lightly, ran on top of the tentacles, and came directly to Abby who was floating in the air Gail's side.

"Hurry up!" Jack said to Abigail like a child eager to open a present.

And Abigail just glanced at Chaldea in the ruins. There are probably a few people still alive, but Abigail didn't have that much thought in rummaging through the rubble in the thick fog to check the corpses one by one.

After all, there are two young girls urging him. Although he is worried, it is impossible to say that he does not look forward to it.

The silver light lit up, and the girls began to disappear in midair.

Among the rubble, Mordred directly pushed open a broken roof. Dust, brick fragments, and spider webs directly made the red and silver armor and blond hair gray.

Regarding this, Mordred directly stretched out his hand and pointed out his middle finger and yelled at the girls who no longer existed in midair.

"Huh?! They said they were going to kill us, but in the end they didn't just slip away in despair." It's not clear who slipped away, but years of experience in combat told Mordred.

Can't lose in momentum! ! !

At this moment, a weak, familiar voice began to sound.

"Sure enough, my uncle is super powerful..." The noble young man who couldn't tell whether it was Jekyll or Hyde collapsed on the ground at this moment, which made Mordred subconsciously and inexplicably concerned.

After all, Jekyll is still a human being, and being able to split [-]/[-] with followers is already powerful enough.

"Hey, hello! Are you okay?" When Jekyll was subconsciously lifted up, Jekyll screamed in pain every time he moved.

However, apart from the dust all over his body, there was no obvious trauma, and finally Jekyll said a word slowly.

"Muscle soreness..."

"..." There was always a feeling of concern in vain, Mordred directly took away the hand that was holding Jekyll, and at the moment when the young man's muscles were extremely sore and touched the ground, he let out a rare long howl .

"It's finally gone. No matter how you write the story, you can only throw out the pie to lure the character away." A certain tongue-in-cheek fairy tale writer patted the dust on his body after Matthew pushed up the rubble.

It can be seen that except for some dust, it can be said that nothing happened, but Andersen also planned to explain something to the Chaldean group.

Just at this time.

"Matthew, do you feel that the concentration of this magic fog is gradually decreasing." Fujimaru Tachika, who was safe and sound under the protection of Matthew, noticed that the concentration of the magic fog was gradually decreasing.

The line of sight gradually became clearer. For the servants who moved freely in the magic mist and kept tense, it took a while to not notice the change in the concentration of the magic mist.

It was Doctor Roman who confirmed Fujimaru Tatsuka's idea.

In the human security organization, Chaldea, Dr. Roman looked at the rows of data and icons on the screen. No matter how much he typed on the keyboard to analyze, there was nothing wrong with the data on the screen.

"Fujimaru Tachika is right...!? Now the concentration of the magic mist is gradually decreasing, and its trajectory is also gathering somewhere?" The concentration of magic that hinders detection begins to decrease, which means that more environmental observations can be carried out , the surroundings are detected.

However, Dr. Roman discovered the bright message on the screen.

"Wait!! This magical reaction..."

"What happened, Dr. Roman!?" Even Matthew subconsciously asked Dr. Roman.

"This magic power, no, this magic power data... use the database for comparison..."

"This is impossible--"

"No mother-in-law! What the hell happened!?"

"Right now, there is a powerful follower responding at a depth of about 500 meters underground in London. Moreover, judging from the trajectory of the magic mist and the amount of magic power, the magic mist is not disintegrated, but absorbed by that follower. .”

"And that follower is Yu Shengming."

(Let's see if there is time to release Yu Shengming's descendant data tomorrow. I'm still thinking about this.)

Chapter 9 I'm Back

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