"All of this is not your fault, because entrusting everything to the silver key, the urge to open that door is understandable."

"So I went through the door, the moment I saw ██████."

"I understand, because it's all predestined."

"So, Abigail, you're just walking on the road to that ending without knowing it." The boy's gentle smile made Abigail open her mouth, and finally said such a sentence.

"...You really don't blame me?"

"Why?" There was no trace of blame in that tone.

"..." Without saying anything, Abigail, who had been several meters away from Yu Shengming, began to walk into Yu Shengming's side, and then held the boy's free hand.


"This time, I swear that I will stand by your side, but...let me act like a spoiled child once in a while." Abigail held hands and said.

Chapter 1 Spirit of Contract

"Have you obtained the Holy Grail?" Abigail held Yu Shengming's hand, and put her small face on Yu Shengming's hand, and she could feel that the servant's body was no different from the real human body.

Moreover, while feeling the warmth of the human body, what came along with it was Yu Shengming's almost endless magic power.

Even if it is the incarnation that descends, its spirit foundation relies on the existing system of this planet to exist here after all. In theory, even if it is powerful, it cannot surpass the common sense of a follower.

And if you use your own real power too much, something will happen.

If you want to use an analogy, the whole world will operate normally like a precision gear machine, and the gears are closely intertwined with each other, not allowing a trace of dust to enter.

However, a mouse or other foreign objects were accidentally stuffed into it. Flesh, fur, bones, and blood would all be twisted into the machine.

The gears originally used to complete complex and precise work will bring these foreign objects to other gears. There will be more and more foreign objects in the bite, and the operation will become more and more difficult. Until the end, a mouse will cause Such heterogeneous capabilities that the most sophisticated machinery cannot function.

Therefore, if Yu Shengming really used that ability, the existence of this space would distort the laws of the world, but that didn't happen.

The only way to explain this situation is.

Yu Shengming obtained the infinite magic power symbol "Holy Grail" in a reasonable way, and took it into his body.

"Yes, this is the reward of the contract." In fact, Yu Shengming did admit to Abigail's keen discovery.

Such a hopeful answer was naturally heard by the girl in her arms, her eyes immediately brightened, and she said to her younger brother with excitement.

"Let's leave this place alone, let's go back, let's go back to our world together, as long as you go back to that world, you can exist forever." With a prayer, I hope Yu Shengming can leave this world together and return to the original world.

After all, the Holy Grail has already been obtained, and there is absolutely no reason to continue participating in this unreasonable Holy Grail War.

Because Yusheng Lianhua had already had enough of waiting, enough of her younger brother being injured and dying all the time, the Holy Grail has been obtained, and the goal has been achieved.

So, as long as he becomes Beast, no one will hurt his direct brother anymore.

"Although there is only one crazy mother left in our former home, we still have Abby and Jack, and the Gorgon has been waiting for you. Now, let's go back together." Without any response, Yusheng Lianhua once again spoke the speech she was looking forward to, and wanted to continue to use words to impress her younger brother to make up her mind to leave this magic fog city.

But some people want to take Yu Shengming out of here, so naturally they don't want Yu Shengming to leave like a drowning man grabbing straw.

That's Markey.

"Foreigner! Are you going to break the contract between us!?" As a magician, he told himself rationally for many years, pinning his hopes on a servant whose origin he didn't even know, and betting on everything.

That's crazy, it's unrealistic.

However, as long as he saw Yu Shengming's inhuman ability, the madness in his heart would have already overwhelmed his rationality, so he let Maqili bet everything on him.

However, the girls who came in suddenly and had a close relationship with the "Foreigner" they summoned seem to be planning to take away the servant who is the only hope to save humanity.

Except for Abigail who can see that it is not a normal magician, and Jack who was originally a follower, only Yusheng Lianhua is just an ordinary person, so Ma Qili identified him as the former master of Foreigner , Calling my younger brother is just a personal way of the former Master.

However, if the former Master's wish is true, no matter how much you try to save Humanity, it will become empty talk.

It must be stopped!

"Are you my brother's master? Then I don't care who you are, I will chop off your command spell and snatch my brother back." Jae-hyun reluctantly left his brother's embrace, but Yu Shenglian When Hua looked at Ma Qili, the weak and pitiful woman in front of her younger brother had completely changed her eyes and temperament at this moment.

However, for a magician who has lived for hundreds of years, the immature hostility of being a young man has already experienced countless times.

"Hahaha, how dare a little girl in her teens really dare to say..." I wanted to use the aura of a magician to suppress this immature magician, and then, I saw the follower behind Yu Shenglianhua Maqili closed her mouth consciously when she saw her kind eyes.

When Yusheng Lianhua was about to continue to say something, a hand had already covered her lips, and when she looked up at her younger brother, her expression seemed to indicate that she didn't need to speak.

"Sister, girls don't always threaten others." The tone was like a younger brother who was worried about his older sister. As a younger brother, he also felt a little headache when his older sister behaved a little out of line with outsiders.

Yu Shengming probably understood that his sister hadn't experienced normal social relationships all year round, and she probably had a relationship with the magician society where the jungle preyed on the jungle as soon as she returned to normal.

And in a sense, I also hate magicians.

Paranoid, unreasonable, crazy, extremely self-centered, and all kinds of ideas make myself not very good for magicians to face their feelings.

So Yu Shengming didn't want his sister to turn into a cruel and inhuman appearance like a magician.

"Maqili, you can rest assured that I will not go here, because our contract will only last until the world's human beings are saved." The words from Yu Shengming also made Maqili temporarily relieved. .

"It's good that you understand." As long as you explain it yourself, with the pride that a follower should have, you don't have to worry about anything for the time being, so Ma Qili no longer cares about Yu Shenglianhua, but with her own Friends, prepare as much magic as possible.

But my elder sister didn't understand, didn't understand, so she broke away from the hand covering her mouth, and showed a worried expression to her younger brother.

"Why, are you really bound by the command spell?"

"No, it's not. Maqili didn't use the command spell to bind me. All of this is voluntary." Yu Shengming said.

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