But it's fast now.

In the jungle of flesh and blood, I saw my target location. It was a cave, a cave composed of bone and bloodshot stones, and the alienated magic power emanating from the dark cave entrance was extremely powerful.

It is not impossible for a magician who has a certain resistance to this world to be transformed into a flesh and blood humanoid on the spot the moment he comes into contact with magic power.

It's just that Abigail was a little wary of the surrounding environment, and guarded against the other magicians who came with the idea of ​​​​hunting the "Beast".

Along the way, that didn't happen.

Immediately afterwards, a tall man in a priest's robe appeared at the entrance of the cave, with a cross hanging around his neck and his hands behind his back, standing at the entrance of the cave, standing still like a guardian.

As if he had already noticed the arrival of a group of people, the priest's eyes began to look at Abigail who was walking ahead, and at the same time, the corners of the priest's mouth began to rise happily, and he greeted Abigail with a smile.

"Oh? It's been a long time, welcome back, but apart from a few new friends... what about the "God" who is about to return to his own roots?" The unpleasant eyes glanced around a row of people.

Kotomine Kirei did not see the certain boy he had seen before.

"I don't seem to have any need to explain to you, so please move out of the way, Father Mapo." Abigail didn't have much affection for Kotomine Kirei, it should be said that since she took herself to eat Mapo Tofu with great anticipation At that moment, Abigail's affection for Kotomine Kirei dropped to freezing point.

That is simply abusive treatment!Even her other side couldn't stand it at all, Abigail slandered inwardly.

"Oh, it's really... Obviously, I still think that I treat you well, even far surpassing others, but that's okay, your expressions are not disappointing expressions, so this answer is enough. When shaking his head and sighing like he was having a headache, Kotomine Kirei was not angry, and looked around Usaki Renka whose expression had changed greatly.

As if he understood something, Kotomine Kirei nodded with false satisfaction, and turned sideways to get out of the way. Immediately, the deep cave was displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

"Go ahead, girls," said the priest.

Then, Abigail, who was walking ahead, was full of dissatisfaction in his eyes, and Yu Shenglianhua seemed to lower his head slightly to show his thanks, and then entered the dark and deep cave.

Immediately afterwards, the priest blocked Jack, who seemed to be going to follow, and others in front of the cave.

"Then, you don't need it, because I don't know if the snake goddess will be so violent that she will eliminate you."

(It feels like I’ve had enough rest, so I’m back! And I’ve never had any pneumonia! So there’s no need to worry about this, it’s just the result of a simple irregular work schedule.)

Chapter 6 The Goddess of the Snake

The passage of time is a meaningless act for the Gorgon, who has become a true goddess.

Perhaps in the past, the Gorgon used to envy the divinity of their sisters, as well as the eternally young and pitiful appearance, while the self who did not inherit the divinity, as time passed, became like an ordinary creature. experienced growth.

The young face gradually matured, and the strength became bigger and bigger. Even the breasts grew like other human women, perhaps even more turbulent than ordinary women. While growing, the name of Medusa It has been spread by humans and other gods for a long time.

That is the same beautiful monster that guards the goddesses on the invisible island.

However, the irony is that more and more enemies, and the curse made Medusa go crazy and eat her sisters, and turned into a "Gorgon", until the moment her head was beheaded, she was still a "Gorgon" , when the Avenger (Avenger) reappeared in the world with hatred for humans and gods.

The Gorgon didn't show much kindness to his human master, rather it was just to use it as a source of magic power, a blood bag, and various items for various purposes.

But in just a few days of getting along, Gorgon was finally changed by the ordinary boy living in the abnormal world, and felt the joy that he hadn't experienced for a long time. At the same time, he also developed feelings for human beings in his heart for the first time.

And began to look forward to the described future.

However, in the final decisive battle, when he was only one step away from getting the chance to realize his wish, the despair he faced made the young man who was the Holy Grail dedicate himself to sublimate himself into a goddess.

It is the divinity that I can only envy in my sisters all the time, but now, in the lore belt that is about to reappear like the Age of Gods, having divinity also means something.

However, Gorgon did not have a trace of joy, because the consequences of divinity were exactly the same as the consequences of eating his sisters. The cruel and powerless sense of despair that emerged in Gorgon's entire life Unforgettable scars.

So, it doesn't matter if that wish is good or malicious.

The spokesperson of the Silver Gate will only attract the crazy witch. Finally, she changed from the image of a good girl and revealed her true colors. She took away the small half heart from the boy's real body and used some kind of ability When the entire world is distorted and alienated into a Lost Belt.

It also brought news that the man could be resurrected.

This is tantamount to redemption for the Gorgon who ate his master and turned into a goddess-like existence.


This used to be the most critical location for the Holy Grail ceremony, a large underground cavity.

The originally empty, dark and vast underground space has been filled with a large number of distorted, distorted and swollen flesh and blood, as if there is life, through the unconscious wriggling flesh and blood.

It can be seen that high-density magic power is flowing in the blood vessels, and the flow of magic power makes the flesh and blood rich in water emit scarlet fluorescence.

As a result, the fluorescence emitted by the large piece of flesh and blood directly dyed the entire large underground cavity scarlet and depressed.

In the sealed environment full of flesh and blood, the most conspicuous thing is the huge flesh and blood egg that almost occupies half of the space. Above the extremely tough afterbirth, there is a black sun suspended in midair.

That dark sun is the third law realized in the Holy Grail War, the product of the materialization of the soul, "the evil of all this world".

Its nature is that as long as the human beings on this planet still exist, all the evils in this world will still flow out of the extremely rich magic power condensate, and as a result, in the evil desires and thoughts of human beings, it becomes black mud.

If the black mud flowing out of the hole is left to flow, its mere existence is enough to burn everything on the surface of the planet.

But at the moment when the black mud containing all the evil desires and thoughts of human beings fell into the huge egg of flesh and blood, the undoubted law caused the black mud to be decomposed and eroded by the flesh and blood, and in the end it could only become a concentrated magic power. nutrients.

The more black mud there is, the more the eggs of flesh and blood are like greedy babies absorbing the nutrients from all the evil in this world, and nurturing the unborn existence in the eggs.

All of this was reflected in the beautiful purple eyes, the square pupils in the pupils were different from others, just quietly looking at the flesh and blood eggs covered with blood vessels and bloodshot eyes, fascinated.

This is the origin of everything in the Lost Belt, the "Beast" nurtured and watered by all the evil in this world, and also the king of this Lost Belt, and the unborn "God" of this planet .

The Magic Association that prevents the birth or possession of "God", the mysteries hidden all over the planet, the consciousness of all primates, and the guardians recruited by the consciousness of the planet.

All of this was blocked by the living myth, legend, Gorgon, the goddess of the snake, and still guards this place.

After an unknown amount of time passed, the enemies who prevented the birth of "God" gradually became quiet, and gradually recognized the status quo and stopped coming here.

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