"Excuse me, is Father Kotomine Kirei there?" The moment he pushed open the door, Yu Shengming shouted to the empty church, and the special structure of the church instantly reflected the echo and magnified it several times.

No, it shouldn't be empty, it's just because the church is too big, so Yu Shengming didn't see the blond man sitting at the front of the row of pews who was bored in every possible way at first glance.

"—Oh? An interesting guest came." The blond man, who looked like a foreigner, was wearing a black jacket, and he began to tilt his head under Yu Shengming's voice.

It can be seen that there is a slender snake-like eye pupil in the ruby-like blood-red pupil.

Immediately afterwards, the blond man began to stand up from the bench.

But the blond-haired man didn't approach Yu Shengming, probably because he sensed the spirit-like Gorgon's breath around him, so the blond-haired man just stood in front of Yu Shengming from a distance.

The breath released had a hint of malice.

Similarly, when the Gorgon, who is sensitive to human malice, faced the provocative malice of the blond man, he began to prepare to materialize and prepare to fight the blond man in front of him.

But Yu Shengming stopped the Gorgon with an undetected action.

"This voice is... are you that shiny and valuable person?" Yu Shengming remembered that when he was wandering in Fuyuki City, he would occasionally meet that flesh and blood figure that was shining like gold from a distance, But the color always feels a bit dull.

Although I thought so, the blond man in front of me, if the Matou family's information is correct, although he is not the most direct participant in the battle, he is also a party closely related to the Holy Grail War.

"Hahahahaha——this is the first time I've heard someone say that, magician, what you see with your magic eyes is very interesting." In the end, the blond man was not angry, but just laughed.

After laughing.

"Then, if you have something to ask Kotomine Kirei, just wait here." The blond man began to turn around, and walked towards the passage leading to somewhere in the church.

After waiting for a while, the blond man did not come out, followed by the tall priest that Yu Shengming had seen when he was arrested and taken to the police station.

"Long time no see, Father Kotomine Kirei." Yu Shengming greeted Kotomine Kirei.

(Transitional chapter, a bit bland)

(Sorry, here’s a bug fix, Jin Glitter’s pupils are blood red, it’s too late to confirm the information)

Chapter 4 The Seed of Madness

It's just that I haven't seen this sentence for a long time.

The priest realized that the orange-haired boy sitting on the pew still had the memory of that day.

In other words, the hints he gave to Yu Shengming were useless.

If you think about it this way, is the orange-haired boy a magician pretending to be an ordinary person, or...

What about the more heterogeneous beings attracted by the heterogeneous?

Thinking of this, the corners of Kotomine Kirei's mouth moved up imperceptibly, but pretended nothing happened, and began to re-introduce himself to Yu Shengming.

"Welcome, the eighth Master who appeared unexpectedly in the Holy Grail War. I am the supervisor of the Holy Church, Kotomine Kirei."

Contrary to the seemingly enthusiastic priest, Yu Shengming, who was sitting on the bench, squinted his eyes, trying to hide, and the repressed magic eye also began to open. At the same time, the magic eye that had been suppressed to avoid inputting too much magic power Under the control of Yu Shengming's consciousness, he began to gradually open the magic water gate.

Because Yu Shengming heard Gorgon's whisper in his ear, he also learned enough information.

Now, besides the blond man, Kotomine Kirei was the only one left in the church, the cheater who broke the rules of the Holy Grail War as a supervisor and ended up fighting with the players.

Not even the servants, the ones suspected of being Lancer, were there. That is to say, if the Gorgon was ordered to kill Kotomine Kirei, there would be one less competitor permanently in this Holy Grail War.

The boy's character was easily changed to be cruel, just because it was a battle between magicians and followers, which caused him to be affected to death.

No matter who it is, there will be a twist in the heart.

"Don't look so dangerous, young man, I have no intention of fighting you." Kotomine Kirei began to move his hands on his back, making the spirit-formed Gorgon start to be alert.

But what Kotomine Kirei showed next was just the French standard action, raising his hands and surrendering.

Contrary to his actions, the priest's tone was still calm.

It was as if he was sure that Yu Shengming would not kill himself.

"If you kill me, your mother, and Abigail, whom you love so much that you want to propose marriage, will be transferred to another church, and..." Since the boy still remembers what happened that day, let's take advantage of it It's not impossible.

As a priest, Kotomine Kirei is not the kind priest he imagined, nor is he an evil person, but an evil priest who deviates from ordinary people.

After hearing the word "marriage proposal", the orange-haired boy froze. Similarly, the Gorgon behind him began to look at him with some kind of piercing gaze. Yu Shengming didn't know what that gaze meant.

"Abigail's uniqueness will naturally not be sent to ordinary places. Without my relationship, if you want to find Abigail in the church, you will have no way to find it." See After a slight change in the expression of the orange-haired boy, the priest has confirmed that the battle has subsided.

"..." Both sides were silent for a while.

"You won." In the end, Yu Shengming's half-opened magic eye also began to change back to its sleepy look, and the pupils that were still shining like a million-flower mirror before gradually calmed down.

"Heh, give me the adoption documents." Kotomine Kirei stretched out his hand, signaling Yu Shengming to hand over the document bag in his hand.

For some reason, there was a feeling that the priest in front of him felt a tinge of joy from his distressed expression.

But the orange-haired boy just started to stand up from the bench, and handed the file bag in his hand to the fake priest in front of him a little dissatisfied.

Then the priest took it, opened it and took out the document for confirmation. He was sure that there was nothing wrong with the format on the document, so Kotomine Kirei put the document back, rearranged the document bag and put it under his arm.

"So, I did receive the documents, and Abigail will be your child in a few days." The procedure was extremely simple, so simple that it was over after just running to the church.

For Kotomine Kirei, handing Abigail over to such a family was probably a way to protect himself from being affected, but he also wanted to see someone who was favored by a different god guy.

But since he saw it, then there is nothing to do. Kotomine Kirei, who had done all this, was planning to let Yu Shengming leave casually.

But the orange-haired boy didn't leave directly. Instead, he found a church pew some distance away from him and continued to sit down. That distanced movement seemed like he was hated by the orange-haired boy.

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