Chuansumi showed an unbelievable expression, and then, as if the things he had believed in all along had collapsed, he sat on the ground decadently and stopped talking.

Seeing the appearance of Gong Zhi's fake brave man, the pope stopped talking about him, but turned his attention to Tian Mulian.

Pressed by the Pope's gaze, Tian Mulian froze all over, feeling very uncomfortable.

"There is also the false brave man of the sword. You are killing people indiscriminately on the eastern border of our country, destroying the ecological balance of the eastern border. The most hateful thing is that you don't care about killing and burying. The corpse of the dragon you killed caused a plague to break out in this place. Countless People get sick and die in pain, and it's all your fault."

Tian Mulian couldn't help but argue.

"No, obviously the local villagers and adventurers said that it's fine to leave it to them, so I just let it go."

The pope smiled kindly, as if facing a wayward child.

"Even a three-year-old child knows that a corpse will rot, and once it rots, it will cause disease. False hero of the sword, are you trying to say that you are not as good as a three-year-old child?"

Tian Mulian was suffocated when he heard the words, although he was unwilling, he didn't know how to refute.

"Then there is the shield demon, pretending to be a 'sacred bird saint', brainwashing our citizens, kidnapping our princess, and now making troubles in our towns and cities. Even if he dies, it is not a pity."

Perhaps because of being framed again and again, Iwatani Naofumi was surprisingly calm, unlike Chuan Chengshu and Amaki Ren who lost their composure.

"Finally, heresy witch and pseudo-hero of the gun..."

When he said this, the Pope stopped talking. He stared with a constipated expression, as if he had been thinking for a long time, but couldn't think of what to say, and finally had to...

"In short, you and the shield demon are in the same group, and you should be damned."

Tongzi didn't even bother to refute, she just gave the Pope a middle finger.

And Kitamura Motoyasu seems to be happy and excited because he can be called together with his mother-in-law.

Chapter 61 I, Gong Yong, jumped from here, and what I did was justice!


Damn, mentally handicapped brave!

The performance of Naofumi Iwatani, Kiriko, and Motoyasu Kitamura was completely different from the expected rage and panic, which made the Pope feel disappointed.

"No, I don't admit it, I absolutely don't admit your nonsense!"

Kawasumi, who was silent at the side, suddenly yelled hysterically.

"I am the hero of the bow, and everything I do is just. How dare you talk about justice."

The outburst of Chuansumi made the disappointed Pope couldn't help but smile.

"Has the will collapsed? What a pity, the pseudo-hero of the bow is really a counterfeit."


Chuansumi wanted to stand up, but he forgot that his hands and feet were tied, so the result of his anger was that he fell before he could stand up, and this time he landed on his face first.

But Kawasumi still tried to stand up again, and this time he fell harder and faster.

He got up again, then fell down again.

After repeating it several times, finally, after another fall, he did not stand up again.

"Why? Why do I have to endure such humiliation? Why did it become like this? Is the justice I pursue wrong?"

Chuansumi fell on the ground, crying like a teenage child.

"Pope, I order you, as the first successor of Melomag and the next queen, to lead the three brave disciples out of this place immediately!"

Metti turned from behind Naofumi Iwatani and said loudly to the Pope.

"Ah, Your Highness Metty, I almost forgot about you. But don't worry, I will choose someone who can replace you and inherit the country. The successor chosen by me, you, and your Mothers who lack faith are different, the next Melomag King will definitely be a devout follower of the Sanyong Sect..."

The pope opened his arms, as if welcoming the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth.

"After he inherits the throne, he must be able to spread the glory of the Sanyong Cult to every corner of the world."

Following the pope's movements, many believers behind him also responded in unison.

"The brilliance of the Sanyong Cult will surely spread to every corner of the world!"

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you..."

Tongzi raised her hand like a good student.

"Pope, do you mind if I ask you a question now?"

"What else does the Heretic Witch want to say? Could it be that she wants to ask for mercy now?"

"Of course not, it's just that this world is not being attacked by waves right now? The purpose of your summoning us here is to resist the waves, and the third wave is about to break out in about half a month. ..."

Before the four saints were summoned, it was the first wave; the battle in Lute Village was the second time, and according to the time displayed in the dragon carved sand clock, the third wave is not far away .

"You killed us all, who will resist the wave? Do you rely on your three brave teachers?"

After listening to Kiriko's words, the Pope smiled contemptuously.

"I thought the heretic witch was going to say something before she died, so it was such a boring thing? That's right, when I summoned you to this world, I originally hoped that you could protect the world from the waves..."

"But no matter where you go, you will cause serious problems and shake the faith of the people. As the Pope of the Three Braves, I don't recognize such brave men..."

"So I had to kill... you all first, and then re-conduct the ceremony of summoning the four saints."

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