The pope lifted the huge sword with one hand. The decoration and structure of the giant sword are extremely luxurious. It is not so much a weapon as a ritual sword.

"Accept God's punishment!"

The Pope raised the huge sword above his head, and then swung it lightly from top to bottom.

The wind blades generated wantonly by the terrifying storm dug out a deep ravine in the trees on the ground, held this terrifying power, and attacked Tongzi fiercely.

Just a single swing of the sword can produce such devastating power. If it were an ordinary person, all they could do at this time would be to close their eyes and wait for death.

"Everyone, get behind me!"

Naofumi Iwatani continuously activated skills such as "Aura Shield", "Shield of Two", and "Shield of Prison" to defend.

But the storm quickly destroyed the defensive skills released by Naofumi Iwatani, and when even the "Prison Shield" couldn't support it, Tongzi made a move.

She held the hilts of the white sword and the black sword with both hands.

The white light and the black light flickered together, and a cross-shaped light was lit. In this terrifying storm, the black and white light of the cross was too inconspicuous, but it was this inconspicuous cross light that made the terrifying storm disappear in smoke. .

"What the hell is that?"

Seeing Naofumi Iwatani who finally made it through, he was slightly relieved.

"That is, people in the past tried to copy the replicas of the legendary weapons held by the brave...but it should have been stolen hundreds of years ago, why is it in the hands of the Sanyongjiao?"

Meddy looked suspiciously at the great sword in the Pope's hand.

"From the vested interests, it is not difficult to guess."

Tongzi said lightly.

"Compared to this, I have a question...Since even the replica has such power, what are you going to do to summon the Four Saints?"

Although the pope's attack just now was easily blocked by Tongzi, it was because of Tongzi's unreasonable level. If it was under normal circumstances, people like Motoyasu Kitamura would probably be killed in one move.

And Kitamura Motoyasu's real products don't have that power.

"In terms of output alone, it may be able to match the legendary weapon, must consume a correspondingly huge amount of energy."

It was not Metti who explained it, but the Pope.

The Pope said in a slightly regretful tone.

"Using it once will consume hundreds of people's magic power for a month. In addition, the method of mass production has long been lost... There is no way, after all, this weapon is also handed down from the age of gods. Although it is a replica, it is also incredible. treasure……"

"It's an honor for you to die under this pseudo-legendary weapon."

The pope raised the huge sword, and the replica of the legendary weapon changed from the shape of a sword to a gun. Like the sword, the gun body is also very luxurious.

The Pope swung his spear, and a thick beam of light burst out from the tip of the spear.

But that's not all, after firing that thick beam, the gun in the pope's hand changed again, this time into the shape of a bow.

The Pope drew his longbow. The longbow was not aimed at Tongzi, but towards the sky. After he drew the bow, an arrow composed of light condensed in the bow.

The light arrows shot out flew into the air, and then exploded by themselves, shattering into hundreds or thousands of light arrows, densely packed like a gust of wind and rain, attacking Tongzi and his party.

"Shenguang Halberd" and "Magic Slingshot" are skills that can only be strengthened to advanced legendary weapons. Although Tongzi just blocked the "Soul Seizing Sword", these two skills were released at the same time.

If you want to defend against the "Shenguang Halberd", it is impossible to block the "Magic Slingshot"; if you want to defend against the "Magic Slingshot", you cannot block the "Shenguang Halberd"...

Either way, they're all dead...

"Miss Tong, let me help you."

The shield in Naofumi Iwatani's hand turned into a huge tower shield. He rushed in front of Tongzi and slammed the tower shield into the ground.


When the light beam hit the tower shield, there was a huge roar, and even the air waves generated during the collision swept away in all directions.

Naofumi Iwatani stubbornly pressed his shoulders against the tower shield with his body, and his legs even rubbed two deep pits on the ground.

But fortunately, he finally took the attack, but he who blocked the "Shenguang Halberd" lost his strength for a while, unable to resist the light arrow falling from the sky.

At this moment, Tongzi snapped his fingers, and countless golden light spots suddenly burst out in the air. After these golden light spots flickered for a while, they immediately shot out countless golden treasures.

The light arrows split into thousands of light arrows, and the group of treasures that Tongzi summoned had thousands of pieces, and each sword and spear could destroy dozens of small arrows.

The "magic slingshot" was thus disintegrated.

"How... how is it possible?"

The pope looked in shock at the unharmed Tongzi and his party.

It's not that he didn't think that the opponent could block one attack, but being able to receive two attacks without injury was really beyond his imagination.

As mentioned earlier, the biggest flaw of replicas of legendary weapons is that although they can barely match the power of the real ones, the huge consumption of the replicas is far, far greater than that of the real ones.

Just using three skills just now has already consumed the magic power stored by hundreds of people for three months.

The magic power that can be stored in the replica of the legendary weapon is not endless. If you put in a few more skills and cannot destroy the opponent, then the replica with exhausted magic power is no different from an ordinary weapon.

If that's the case, then you can only use that...Damn it!

The Pope, who was thinking this way, suddenly saw Tongzi rushing towards him.


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