Root chose to go back to his own country—although Tongzi bought him at the beginning, he did not really regard him as a slave, but a partner, and he once told Root that if Root felt that he thought he would treat Tongzi If his service is enough to offset his own ransom, he can leave.

But before leaving, Lute entrusted Raphtalia: Once there is news of the owner, he will come from a long distance to meet.

Raphtalia, Gabriel, Kanna and Thor embarked on a journey to find Tongzi.




I'm not sure if I'll come back later, but don't worry, even if I don't come back, there will be a way to pick up my wife/daughter.

Chapter 64 I have graduated from life before I graduated from being a virgin?


This is a dark space like a void.

In the space, you can see a little bit of starlight looming in the darkness. On the black and white ground like chess, there is a faint mist, like a fairyland.

And somewhere in this dark space, there is a small set of office desks and chairs, and on the table is a 4K curved LCD screen and the highest-end enthusiast-grade computer.

In front of the computer, sat a beautiful girl with long aqua blue hair.

The girl was about 16 years old, with aqua blue eyes and long hair of the same color, and a blue gem was tied in a circle on her head.

There was a holy and cold look on her face, and when she was not speaking, she gave people a dignified and inviolable look.

The girl is wearing a feather coat. Although this kind of clothing generally only appears in mythological or fairy-tale TV dramas, wearing it on a girl gives people an inexplicable sense of fit.

The name of the beautiful girl is Aqua.

You may not believe it, but she is actually a goddess.

Akuya was originally the goddess in charge of guiding the reincarnation work in the Japanese area. Among the people who were reincarnated into another world by her hand, there is the current demon king who can soar in level by fighting monsters casually, and a mobile city that can be made if you want to make it. The creator of the Destroyer, and a large number of otaku who died young with BUG props...

In a certain world she was in charge of guiding her reincarnation, she fell into the reign of terror of the Demon Lord.

In order to save that world, in order to save the people in dire straits under the rule of the Demon King, Aqua went to that world herself.

After a series of magnificent and epic journeys, the Demon King finally fell at Aqua's feet, and that world was finally redeemed.

After completing the feat of saving the world, Akuya recorded her personal experience and published it in a book after returning to the heaven.

Now this book "From Beginner to Master: Akuya teaches you how to make a reincarnated goddess" written by Akuya is a must-read for every new goddess, and it is also a must-take for the annual exams in the heavens content.

And Akuya, who successfully defeated the Demon King, was also promoted from being in charge of the reincarnation work in the Japan area to being in charge of the reincarnation work in the entire Earth area, and also gained the godhead of the Goddess of Wisdom.

Now Aqua, who is both the goddess of water and the goddess of wisdom, is doing a very important thing, a very important thing...


Looking at the blood-red word "Death" on the screen, Akuya's cool demeanor before all of a sudden faded away.

"Fuck blah blah blah blah blah blah!"

She flew onto the table and rolled around the computer a few times along the edge of the table.

Damn, dead again.

She's stuck at the first elite monster, it's been almost five hours, and she can't make it through...

The producer of this game, she wrote it down.

After he dies, let him be reincarnated in a world where there is no hope no matter whether it is spreading fire or extinguishing fire.


After turning around a few times, the uncomfortable feeling in my heart subsided a little, and just when Akuya was about to give it another shot, a pop-up window popped up in the lower right corner of the computer screen.

"Master Aqua, a new reincarnation has appeared, please guide the work of reincarnation."

During the recent period, the business scope of Tianjie has expanded rapidly. Originally, it was only responsible for the earth, but now it has expanded to the Milky Way.

Not to mention the people on Earth, even the people on the moon and the Trisolarans are within the business scope of the heavens.

"I see."

Akuya patted her face, restrained the mentally retarded expression just now, and replaced it with the coldness and nobility that was in line with the status of a goddess before, and then she snapped her fingers, and a boy appeared in front of her out of thin air. on the chair.

The young man looked blank, apparently in the midst of the three philosophical questions of "who am I, where am I, and what is this place".

"Let me see the name of the reincarnated person this time... Mr. Tong, right?"

Akua glanced at the computer screen, and then showed a gentle expression.

"Nice meeting, hello, Mr. Tong. My name is Aqua, and I am the goddess responsible for guiding you to reincarnate...Although it is sudden to say this, please be sorry, your life is over."


The young man looked at this very beautiful girl with a bewildered expression, and at the same time with a cold temperament on her face, who claimed to be a "goddess".

"What do you mean my life is over?"

"It means you are dead."

Akuya hit the nail on the head mercilessly, without even thinking about what it means to be tactful.


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