She blocked the fist of the undocumented knight with the buck-toothed bald head.

The bald head with buck teeth froze for a moment after his fist was blocked.

"You woman, do you also want to interfere with our affairs? Go away, or you will be beaten together!"

The buck-toothed bald head showed a fierce aura, intimidating the girl who grabbed his fist. With his extremely limited brain capacity, he hadn't realized how scary this girl was.

Fortunately, he immediately learned the lesson with his body.

Tongzi grabbed his fist and flicked it lightly, and the buck-toothed bald head flew out and hit the wall, forming a lifelike human relief.




Chapter 78 Listen to me



The head of the hammer of the Taoyuan group's boss stared dumbfounded at the younger brother hanging on the wall.

These younger brothers are all mobs, he knows this.

However, the combat uniforms these younger brothers were wearing were unusual.

He stole these combat uniforms from a certain organization. After wearing the combat uniforms, his combat effectiveness increased by an unknown number of geese.

The fact that the riot police were unable to stop them is the best proof.

But now, this girl easily...

"I see, you must be the hero mentioned on TV, right?"

The nail hammer head made a fist with his right hand and patted his left palm lightly, as if he had suddenly realized.

"I'm not..."

Tongzi waved her hand and was about to explain.

"Hmph, did the Heroes Association even send out monsters like you? You really think highly of us."

Hammerhead didn't give Tongzi a chance to explain at all.

"I told you I'm not..."

"It's useless to say more, no matter how powerful the hero is, I will definitely carry out my will..."

Hammerhead took a deep breath, and then let out his inner cry.

"It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life!"

Tongzi sighed and gave up explaining.

"Damn mental retardation."

Hammerhead sneered.

"Let's put it first. If you're afraid, it's still too late to leave. Seeing that you're just a woman, I can let you go."

Seeing Hammerhead come forward, the bald heads under his hands became enthusiastic.

"Is the boss going to make a move?"

"Come on, boss, teach that ignorant woman a hard lesson."

Tongzi elegantly picked out her ears.

"Don't be so troublesome, you should go together."

"Hmph, you really don't know how to live and die. If you confuse my battle suit with someone else's, you are making a big mistake. Just in time, I also want to find a target to try the full power of this battle suit .”

The flame-shaped icon on Mace Head's waist suddenly lit up, and his biceps, chest, and shoulders also swelled up.

Seeing that their boss appeared in a form completely different from their own, the younger brothers became even more excited.

"Is this the strength of the boss? It's really incredible."

"What an amazing power."

"Even an S-rank hero can't match such a powerful force, right?"

Being praised by the younger brothers, Hammerhead felt his body was light.

"Hehehe, are you scared? Don't worry, I will try my best to save your life. Don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame your arrogant tone before, wheel attack!"

The left and right arms of the mace head spun rapidly, spinning at a high speed like a wheel. If they were hit by such a spinning attack, they would definitely...

Tongzi hit the hammerhead's right arm with a punch, and only heard a crisp "click", and the hammerhead's right arm immediately twisted at a strange angle. Not only that, the twisted right arm turned around and hit himself...

Then I saw the head of the mace fly out and hit a van parked on the side of the road, denting the van deeply.

The noisy scene just now suddenly became silent.

After more than ten seconds, someone in the crowd spoke.

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