Originally, when Tongzi returned home and handed the report card to Fubuki, she thought it was at most an A grade.

The Hero Association seldom directly gives S rank in the hero test.

If you only look at the results in the hero test, generally speaking, at most B rank is the best.

Breaking the rules to promote S-level and A-level is not a test result at all, but an evaluation based on the previous results.

But no matter what, S-level is S-level, it is the culmination of all heroes, and it is also the existence that heroes need to pay attention to and look up to.

When the Vaccine Man was dealt with before, Fubuki already knew that Tongzi must have the strength of an S-class hero.

However, the S-level rating written on the report card of the Heroes Association is even more convincing.

So this became even more determined, her determination to win over Tongzi to join the Fubuki team.

The previous recruitment criteria for the Fubuki group was B-level heroes, but this did not prevent her from getting Tongzi in.

If Tongzi can join the Fubuki group, then the Fubuki group will definitely be able to become the most powerful hero faction...

"Master Tong, please join the Fubuki team no matter what!"

Fubuki bowed his head respectfully towards Tongzi.

Fubuki seldom bows his head to others, and always looks superior.

But if it is a strong person recognized by her, she will still show the attitude that a weak person should have.

"Why are you bringing this up again? Don't do it, don't do it."

Tongzi took off her shoes and walked into the room, waving her hands.

It's really not that she is modest. In the game, she can't even manage a guild well. How can she manage the real team well?

So Fuxue kept her mouth shut, and then it was the same as before, after dinner, playing games, Fuxue and her subordinates were in another living room, summing up their own shortcomings and strengthening their studies.

The time will soon be 10 pm.

In the past, this time was the time when Tongzi was about to cheer up and prepare to start the game.

But now, it was time for her to go to bed.

"Master Tong, I'm bothering you today too."

The members of Fubuki's group bid farewell to Tongzi one after another, and then walked out.

"Master Fubuki, we should go too."

As the cadres of the Fubuki team, Yamazaru, Eyelashes, and Lily all left at the end.

"Let's go, I will live here today."

"Remember to lock the door for me when you go out..."

Tongzi, who had just finished rinsing her mouth, came out of the kitchen, yawned, and subconsciously gave a command.

But after she heard clearly what Chuuxue was saying just now, she suddenly became energetic.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Fubuki turned her head, looked into Tongzi's eyes, and said seriously.

"If Master Tong, if you don't agree to join the Fubuki team, then I won't leave."

Tongzi couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Oh, how dare you threaten me?"

Tongzi couldn't help laughing at that moment.

If you don't accept me as an apprentice, I won't get up, and I won't be able to kneel from now on...


I got tired of watching this routine on TV twenty years ago.

don't go?


That's exhausting, anyway, this is my home, who is afraid of anyone!

"Since Fubuki-sama wants to stay, then I won't leave either."

"Yes, me too."

"And I."

Seeing that Fuxue wanted to stay, Shanyuan, Xilash, and Lily all said that they would also stay.

"Wait, you can't stay."

It's fine for Chuuxue to be alone, anyway, there are two rooms, at least they can live in separate rooms.

But what do these three guys mean by staying?

What do you think of your own home?

Is it Suqing's home?

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