KING's gaze moved down involuntarily.

Then he saw that Tongzi was standing on a stack of manga, and then he was his own.

Pushing KING, stacking comic books together, wall-dong, done in one go, worthy of being a hero among S-level heroes.

"I said, KING!"

When Tongzi stood on the comic book and was taller than KING, for some reason, she was still a cute and petite girl, but her whole body exuded the aura of a queen.

And KING couldn't help softening due to this momentum.


"Now that you have realized your mistakes, why don't you continue to live like this?"


KING lowered his head guiltily, his eyes wandering.

When he thought that Tongzi was the rightful owner who was robbed of the credit by himself, he really thought about giving up this kind of life...

If my identity is exposed, even if I am willing to start as the last hero of the C-level, it is estimated that the Heroes Association will not be willing to take me in...

At that time, I may honestly find a job, and then save money on food and expenses, and I may not be able to buy games as much as I am now.


When KING knew that Tongzi was not the real master, he couldn't help but have other thoughts in his heart.

Tongzi said as if she could read his inner thoughts.

"Since your identity is fake, continuing to live like this, whether it's for you, the Heroes' Association, or ordinary people who should be protected by heroes, will be harmful but not beneficial. Have you ever thought about this? ?”

KING was silent.

"Well, even if you don't mention this, just take yourself as an example. Have you ever thought about this problem?"


"What if the strong man who always helps you doesn't show up the next time the weirdo appears?"

KING was stunned.

"I know that S-class heroes have more or less flaws. There are not many people who really hold the idea of ​​​​smothering evil, helping the weak, and maintaining justice, but no matter what, they are all true S-class heroes. ..."

"At least when the weirdo finds them, they won't be helpless to protect themselves. What about you, KING? If the next time the weirdo finds you, can you escape home and play the game like this time?" ?”

Tongzi's voice was very calm, without questioning him, but her question felt like a knife was pressed against KING's chest.


KING felt a faint pain in his stomach again.

Whenever he encountered a problem that made him flustered and he couldn't solve it, he always felt pain in his stomach.

And Tongzi's question hits the nail on the head, forcing him to face the problem that he has been trying to avoid in the past.

"I...I will...I..."

Before he knew it, KING's forehead was covered with dense sweat again.

How could he know the answer?

If he knew, he wouldn't have been living such a life of fear...

From the corner of KING's perspective, he suddenly noticed the huge shadow outside the window.


KING thought he would yell, but in fact, because of excessive fear, his yell only stayed in his throat.

The window was broken by huge tentacles, flesh-red tentacles covered with suckers, tied Tongzi standing in front of KING, and took her away from KING.

KING, whose legs were limp from fright, barely struggled, walked to the window broken by the tentacles, and looked down.

On the street below, a monster that was very similar in size and appearance to the sea monster in "Pirates of the Caribbean" appeared at some unknown time.

The monster's tentacles danced wildly non-stop, and flung them to the surrounding buildings, easily leaving terrible "scars" on the buildings.

Fortunately, it was working hours, so there were basically no people in the nearby residential areas.

And one of its tentacles is holding the Tongzi that was taken out of KING's apartment.

When KING struggled to go to the window to look out, the sea monster just threw Tongzi into the air, and then Tongzi fell vertically due to the potential energy of gravity.

The body of the sea monster opened a big mouth, waiting for the girl to fall.

sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...

King watched helplessly as the girl fell from the sky.

There is no foothold in the air, so even the strongest human beings are no different from fish on a chopping board in the air.

If KING is a real hero, he should rush to support him at this time.

However, he is not...

There was nothing he could do but be scared and apologize.

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