If KING went to find these two people, it would be no different from exposing his true strength.




Chapter 93 Cross Server Communication


Putting aside the silver fangs for the time being, the Atomic Warrior is said to only recognize those with strength, and he doesn't even bother to pay attention to B-level and C-level heroes without strength.

If the Atomic Samurai knew that KING was actually an ordinary person, the consequences would be unpredictable.

With a headache, Tongzi scratched her head with the towel again.

She had no choice but to agree to it for the time being, but she also told KING clearly that following her own words might not necessarily make her stronger.

Leaving KING's dilapidated apartment, walking on the road outside, you can see the vehicles of the Heroes Association roaring over.

What is this called? There is an extra disciple out of nowhere.

But then again, one more disciple is better than one more green hat.

After walking for a while, Tongzi finally realized that KING's home was far away from her home, so she waved her hand to stop a taxi and drove back to her home.

The cadres of the Fubuki group were all in their own homes, while the others and Fuxue were not.

Well, you can ask them individually.

Although they are only B-level heroes, they must have ways to exercise.

But to Kiriko's surprise...

"How to exercise?"

Shanyuan, Xilash and Lily looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What kind of exercise method?"

"It's that, that, the one you usually do..."

"I don't usually exercise."

"It's a lie. If you don't exercise, what do you usually do?"

Mountain Ape, Eyelashes, and Lily all showed expressions of thought.

"In addition to hunting monsters, it's just a part-time job."

"part time?"

Tongzi suddenly became alert.

"Yes, it's a part-time job, Master Tong, do you know?"

The people in the Fubuki group are also the same as Fuuxue, Guan Tongzi calls Master Tong.

Because whether it is the cadres of the Fubuki group or the ordinary members, they all regard Tongzi as the guest of the Fubuki group.

It is the early starting point Xiaobaiwen, who often arranges the protagonist to occupy the position - not a leader but better than a leader, obviously not working for nothing, but can win everyone's respect and awe.

"I do not know."

Tongzi shook her head honestly.

Although the Fubuki group regards her house as a base for activities, she is not the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's business. The Fubuki group usually holds meetings in another living room, and she didn't ask Fuxue specifically—although if she did ask, it would probably be Fuyuki. It's not going to be hidden either.

"It's just to make extra money."

All three answered as a matter of course.

"Extra charge?"


The three nodded honestly.

"Is it very profitable?"

"Compared to the income of professional heroes, of course it is not comparable, but it is still a decent income."

Tongzi looked at the three of them again, her eyes especially focused on the black suits they were wearing.

There was a vague premonition in her heart.

"...Let's just ask, does Fuxue know about your extra money?"

"Master Fuxue doesn't know, we didn't tell her."

Tongzi nodded.

"It's right for you to do this... No, it's wrong for you to do this. Think about it, if Fuxue knows what you did, what will she think?"

The three of them began to think about it, thinking about what would happen if Chuuxue found out.

In the end, the three looked at each other and replied in unison.

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