However, now we are faced with a whole new problem.

Who do you turn to to build a robot that can be operated remotely?

Metal Knight, who is also an S-level hero, is undoubtedly the best choice.

But let's not talk about whether the metal knight will help KING, just wanting to find the metal knight is a problem.

Because no one knows where Metal Knight's real body is.

Metal Knight's real name is "Bofoy". This person has an extremely withdrawn personality. Although he is an S-class hero, he is not enthusiastic about fulfilling the duties of a professional hero. He remotely controls the robot and comes out to eliminate weirdos, just to test new research weapon performance.

The reason why the Hero Association recognized him as an S-class hero was mainly because he felt that it was better for such a dangerous guy to stay in the hero camp than to stay in the folk and waver.

Moreover, there is a very close cooperation between the Metal Knight and the Hero Association. Many of the equipment of the Hero Association that surpasses the times are all made by the Metal Knight.

"Sure enough?"

KING's face was gloomy.

Apart from Metal Knight, it is really difficult to find a second person who can match him.

In the final analysis, research in the field of robotics is not considered popular at present, otherwise there is no need for heroes at all, as long as the mass production of robots and the formation of robot armies are enough.

I finally thought of a way to "become stronger", but I found out that it was Jing Zhongyue, who would feel tired and helpless.

But Tongzi thought of a person at this time.

"Wait, KING, don't be so busy getting discouraged, I thought of someone who might be able to help us."


"Is this the city of Z?"

"Let's start an investigation right away."

The two talking were standing on the busy street.

One of them was wearing a well-ironed suit, shiny leather shoes, and the attire of an elite.

The other was wearing a hat that covered his hair, a lollipop in his mouth, and a dress with "GOLDEN BALL" written on the back, looking like a hippie.

They are the heroes sent by the Hero Association to Z City to investigate.

The man in a suit is the 33rd hero of Class A, with a spring beard;

The man dressed as a hippie is the 29th hero of Class A, Golden Ball.

The reason why they came to Z city was because they were entrusted by the Hero Association.

In recent years, there have been frequent high-level monster disasters in City Z.

But the important reason why they came here was because they heard that in the no-man's land of Z City, there lived a particularly frightening strange person.

In order to judge the authenticity of this information, the two of them were sent here.

"The recent disaster warnings are much less than at the peak, but we still can't be careless."

"Before entering the no-man's land, I'm ready to fight at any time. Even if I encounter that terrifying weirdo in the rumors, I won't back down."




There is a saying on the Internet that KING's potential is no less than that of Saitama, and if it develops well, it may become the second person under Saitama.

How should I put it... I read the remake manga twice, but I couldn't find a clear argument in the manga. In the latest chapter of the original manga (by Mr. ONE, not Mr. Murata's remake), KING ran to find Silver Ryo Tooth apprentice, maybe in the future it is possible to really become stronger.

Just according to the update progress of Mr. One’s original manga (his last chapter was updated two years ago), I guess I may not see KING becoming stronger after I finish writing this book, so on balance, here is the It is another way of thinking to make KING "better".

As for the previous bullet screen questioning why the "liar" KING was accepted as an apprentice... To be precise, it was not to accept him as an apprentice, but to help him, and why should he help him... Tongzi's thoughts are roughly the same as the teacher.

Of course, individuals have their own ideas, and it’s okay if they don’t understand, but we still hope to discuss rationally, and don’t get angry.

Chapter 96 What kind of sword is black?


City A, the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

The cadres of the association held a meeting around a long table showing an electronic map of all cities.

"How about the investigation in City Z? Haven't you reported yet?"

"If I remember correctly, the ones who went to City Z to investigate were Spring Beard and Golden Ball, right? Spring Beard is good at close-range combat, and Golden Ball is suitable for long-range output. Even if the two partners meet ordinary ghost-level monsters, they should have a lot of power." It is possible to defeat the opponent, and to take a step back, at least it can last until the reinforcements arrive."

"Compared with other cities, the frequency of strange people appearing in City Z is too high. As early as more than ten years before the establishment of the Heroes Association, strange people began to appear. Since then, they have appeared more and more frequently, but so far they have not been found. Weird people The root of the frequent occurrences, the reason why the weirdos appear is still a big mystery."

"According to speculation, there are no more than three reasons for the emergence of weirdos: first, weirdos and weirdos will attract each other, just like stand-in messengers will attract each other; second, there are plants in Z city that can give birth to weirdos; third, there may be plants in Z city. The queen who produces weirdos..."

"These are nothing but baseless rumors."

"There is indeed no evidence, but it is undeniable that the problem lies in the no man's land in City Z. So there must be something hidden there..."

The discussion among the cadres was still going on, and at this moment, the correspondent who was in charge of keeping in touch with the two A-level heroes who had entered the uninhabited area of ​​Z City for investigation, suddenly cried out in alarm.

"Spring Beard sent me a call!"

The war room, which was noisy before, suddenly became quiet, and all the cadres looked at the correspondent who had just spoken.

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