The Deep Sea King felt that the blood in his body was about to boil.

As a warlike male creature, how could it be possible not to fight back when facing a strong man?

and so……

The Deep Sea King turned around and fled without hesitation!

Didn't expect it, hero!

This is my escape route!

The next moment, the light fell.


Endless explosions!

The explosion caused by the Noble Phantasm falling to the ground sent flying trees on the sidewalk and stone bricks laid on the ground, and the violent wind pressure swept across the ground and everything.

The King of the Deep Sea frantically ran for his life in the explosion, and from time to time, treasures exploded beside him. Although he was so tall, his speed and reaction were unusually fast.

Escape, must escape!

It must escape to the sea and return to the bottom of the sea!

The sea is his home field, as long as he returns there, the sea water can weaken the flow of those flying around, and he can also tear that arrogant girl in black to shreds.

The King of the Deep Sea suddenly let out a scream. Enduring the severe pain, he pulled out a shining golden gun from his shoulder. When the gun pierced into its body, it exploded.

Fortunately, even if it controls the muscles of the whole body, it makes the muscles stiff, which suppresses the explosion.

But it also blew off half of its shoulder, almost affecting its heart.

The Deep Sea King gasped at that moment.

How could there be such a monster among human beings? It was simply terrifying.

You must flee back to the deep sea, thousands of miles... no, tens of thousands of miles of water!

Plans to go ashore are no longer considered for at least the next few decades.

This is not a dog, it is a matter of the deep sea people, how can it be called a dog?

This is called the Deep Sea Clan's revenge, and it's not too late for a hundred years.

After all, that girl in black who is so strong is just a human being.

No matter how strong a human being is, there will always be a day of old age and death.

It will return to the deep sea, hibernate, and wait until the girl in black dies of old age, and then lead the deep sea tribe out.

The age of mankind will always pass, and the age of the deep sea will eventually come.

Fortunately, City J is not far from the sea. Thanks to the high-rise buildings built by humans, Deep Sea King hits walls and demolishes houses. Like a humanoid destruction machine, he destroys countless houses along the way, and finally comes to the sea... …

There are still one hundred meters left, less than one hundred meters left, and we can...

A treasured sword suddenly fell from the sky. Unlike the previous treasures that were not very accurate, this sword pierced through its leg with incomparable precision.

The King of the Deep Sea couldn't stand firmly, he staggered and fell on the beach.

"Do not--"

The Deep Sea Dynasty stretched out its hand towards the sea that was close at hand, and in the sky, countless treasures fell like raindrops.

The aftermath of the explosion swept across the sea surface, triggering a huge wave, leaving only a huge crater in the center of the explosion, and nothing was left in the huge crater.

Looking at the huge crater on the beach, Tongzi confirmed that the King of the Deep Sea had been blown up to the point that there was nothing left, so she turned and left.

In fact, with Tongzi's current strength, not to mention using skills, just an ordinary sword can kill the King of the Deep Sea.

But she didn't do that, instead she let the Deep Sea King escape to the coast on purpose, because she thought it would be too cheap to kill him with a sword.

A pretentious creature like this should be allowed to experience hope before dragging it into the abyss of despair.


When Tongzi returned to the refuge and told everyone that there was no need to worry, she was already safe, and the weirdo had been eliminated by her...

After a long time, people wept with unbelievable joy.


"Are we... saved?"

"What the hell just happened?"

"Who is she?"

"I know her. I remember that on the hero roster, it was mentioned that she was a newcomer who was promoted to S rank in the hero exam."

"Is it so powerful? I remember that the hero test usually doesn't directly mention S rank?"

"So, only such a powerful person can defeat such a weirdo that so many heroes can't defeat."

The people in the refuge cheered heartily for the rest of their lives, and used the words they could imagine to praise Tongzi, the heroes who fought bloody battles before, and the Heroes Association.

However, amidst the cheers of unstinting praise, there was a discordant voice that suddenly sounded.

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