"Who else but me? The reconstruction project of City A has been contracted by me alone."

"Construction? This...is this under construction?"

The Venerable in the vest looked around in a daze, but saw that the drones, after avoiding the younger brother of the Venerable in the vest, had dispersed at this time, stuffing the gravel and rubble on the ground into their " mouth".

The drone that filled the "mouth" returned to the mothership with the gravel and debris in the "mouth", and then returned to the scene to continue cleaning.

"Yeah, so I'm busy, so I'm going to do it the way I do best, and I'll finish it in 10 days."

The huge four-legged machine impatiently used its mechanical legs to sweep away the Venerable in the vest.

"You're really in the way, get out of here."

"Damn it ah ah ah ah—"

From then on, in addition to vowing to defeat Sword Art, Venerable Vest has another small goal, and that is to defeat Mechanical Power!

Clearing the ruins of the destroyed City A, a major project that the Heroes Association expected to take 10 years, Metal Knight completed in just 7 days.

Not only that, Metal Knight also carried out further expansion and transformation of the headquarters of the Heroes Association, creating a steel fortress.

And also built many roads extending from the headquarters of the association to other cities, so that the heroes can reach other cities in the shortest time.

Moreover, heroes above level A can live permanently in the headquarters of the association as long as they wish.


Inside the headquarters building of the Heroes Association.

In the multi-purpose hall on the 7th floor of the central tower.

Accompanied by the sound of the body colliding with the wall, the man whose nose was smashed and whose face was covered in blood was pressed firmly against the wall with one hand.

The man didn't struggle, nor did he have the strength to struggle. He was beaten unconscious, but was pressed against the wall, unable to resist.

The hand let go of him, and the man immediately fell limply, leaving bright bloodstains on the wall.

Beside the downed man, Xi Qi, who was sweating profusely, sat down on the ground, trembling with fright.

At this time, where does he still have the calm and calm temperament when he held the S-level meeting before?

He had summoned the S-class heroes because of Xibaba's prophecy before, and he had never had such a gaffe when facing the S-class heroes, but now...

Among the bloody smell mixed with the smell of sweat and rust, there was also a faint smell of urine.

Cickey pissed in horror.

This is nothing to be surprised about.

The reason why he was able to deal with those S-level heroes calmly was because he knew that as long as he didn't offend them, those S-level heroes would not do anything outrageous to him, a senior manager of the Hero Association. .

But now...

The man in front of him would not talk to him about these reasons.

Looking at the man whose whole body was bathed in blood, and the simple and casual clothes on his body were almost soaked in blood, Xi Qi felt a chill from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.

Because this man is a weirdo.

He is obviously a human being, but he calls himself a weirdo.

He defeated the A-level heroes who were guards, as well as the summoned killers, wanted criminals, arms dealers, mad scientists, etc., regardless of whether they were enemies or friends.

It seems that everyone except him is an enemy.


Why would such a lunatic be summoned?

After the incident of the alien attack was resolved, the Heroes Association did not relax its vigilance because of the resolution of the incident. Many cadres believed that the disaster predicted by the late Mr. Xibabadi might not refer to aliens.

Therefore, the Earth Pill Prophecy Emergency Countermeasure Team was established, and Xiqi was the team leader.

The first thing he did after he became the team leader was to issue a summons order to the people in the underground society, hoping to use their power to eliminate the weirdos.

In all fairness, Xiqi does not want to see these people who are mixed in the underground society, but there is no way. As the leader of the emergency countermeasure team for the prediction of the earth pill, he must consider it from a higher level and abandon his personal likes and dislikes. question.




The captain's 9K chapter is over in one go, which is very sad.

What, you ask me why I feel uncomfortable?Like smoking that.

what is that?That's it.

——"99% of people don't know that once a person is exposed to this thing, he can't quit it for a lifetime! "

If you are smart, you must have guessed it, yes, it is air.

The captain's chapter still has to be updated, it's like he can't breathe air, it's so uncomfortable.

Chapter 117


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