A strong wind brushed against the hungry wolf's cheek, adding another wound on his face.

"Aren't you a hero hunter? Don't you like hunting heroes? Come, fight me."

In Tongzi's hand, there was an extra rattan at some point.

"You asked for this, Liushuiyan Shattering Fist!"


The hungry wolf was lying face to face on the ground full of dust and gravel. He opened his mouth wide and his chest heaved rapidly, breathing in the fresh air greedily.

At this moment, his body was covered in blood, as if he had been fished out of a red dye vat.

"How about it, are you still fighting?"

Tongzi held the cane in her hand, and squatted beside the hungry wolf, with a half-smile.


Hungry Wolf turned his head with difficulty and stared at Tongzi.

"You just hit me with a cane, are you looking down on me?"

Tongzi shook his head.

"Do you know what the rattan is used for in our Shenzhou?"

Hungry Wolf asked subconsciously.


"The cane in Shenzhou is used by the elders to punish disobedient children. When children are disobedient and disobedient, they are used to spank their buttocks."

After hearing Tongzi's explanation, Hungry Wolf's expression immediately sank.

Then, the originally heavy body, the body that was about to fall apart in pain, and the strength that came from nowhere, made the hungry wolf struggle to get up.

He can still fight, he hasn't lost yet, he can still...

A cigarette flew onto him and bounced a few times on his chest, stained with blood oozing from his chest.

"When you're tired, lie down obediently."

In her last life, Tongzi was quite addicted to cigarettes. Since she was transported to Dunyong's world, her addiction to cigarettes has disappeared, but she still has a habit of carrying a pack of cigarettes with her.

"Tell me, what's going on, why do you want to hunt heroes?"

Hungry Wolf hesitated for a moment, but finally picked up the bloody cigarette.

He was a little dazed.

He didn't know how to describe his current inner mood...

It's messy and complicated.

This woman, besides Bang Gu, was the second person who beat him so hard that he couldn't fight back...

At the same time, he was also the first person who was willing to listen to him.

"Before you ask me, I want to ask you a question, do you think this world is fair?"

Hungry Wolf rubbed his fingers vigorously, using the friction to create sparks, lit the cigarette, and took a deep puff.

He has never smoked, coughing constantly.

"Yes, this world is naturally unfair. In the special drama, it is obvious that weirdos are always going to conquer the world with great difficulty, but there is some shit like a righteous superman coming out to disrupt the situation. Justice must win? Are you kidding, weirdos are also You've worked so hard..."

"What is justice? What is evil? In the final analysis, it is only based on the opinions of the majority. The majority must be right? Can you bully the minority as you like?"

"That's why I hate heroes, I want to defeat all heroes, become the strongest evil, the strongest weirdo, and rewrite this shit script called 'reality'!"

Tongzi waited patiently for the hungry wolf to vent.

"Are you finished?"

Hungry Wolf was slightly taken aback.

"It's over."

Tongzi's reaction was different from what he expected.

In the past, when he said these words, no matter who heard them, they would sneer at him, or tell him a lot of truths that he didn't even want to hear, but this woman...

"You said something very interesting earlier, you said it yourself - 'What is justice? What is evil? In the end, it's just the opinion of the majority', right?"


Hungry Wolf nodded.

Tongzi smiled and continued.

"As you said, if you succeed, the heroes will be defeated, the Hero Association will be disbanded, the monsters will rule the world, and human beings will be reduced to domestic animals to be slaughtered by the monsters. Tokusho dramas will also become heroes wanting to destroy such world, and then it was overthrown by weirdos..."

"In school, children also play weird people for fun, forcing children who are rejected and bullied by them to play heroes, and then everyone bullies and humiliates the children who play heroes... Such a society is what you want ?"

Hungry Wolf was stunned.

"The majority you wanted to defeat turned into a minority after being defeated by you. And the minority you wanted to protect turned into a majority. I'm curious, what will you do next?"

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