Tongzi threw away the rattan in her hand, then turned her head to look at Elder Centipede who was fighting the metal knight not far away.

Then she felt the hilts of the two swords.

When I draw my second sword, no enemy will stand before me.




Chapter 123 The More You Play Martial Arts, The More You Find Humans Have Limits


In the pitch-black underground space, there is a figure as tall as a Gundam. Even sitting, it is taller than several floors.

"Da Jiongyan, what's the matter, did the weirdo we sent out make a scene?"

The one called Dajiongyan is a strange man with hands all over his body, even where his breasts should be. It has an anthropomorphic expression on its face with only one eye.

"I really can't believe it. Over 60% of the weirdos sent out have been wiped out in a short period of time. Even Elder Centipede, who is the cadre, has been killed."

Obviously in his own plan, there are only 4 heroes who can share the same status with Elder Centipede:

A gifted superpower, a trembling tornado;

Even the Heroes Association doesn't know how many metal knights have hidden mechanical weapons;

The strongest man on earth KING;

The strongest hero who drove Elder Centipede to the brink of death 2 years ago exploded...

To be precise, among these 4 people, only Blast and Elder Centipede had fought against each other, and only Metal Knight was fighting Elder Centipede among the other three, and the two sides fought inextricably as expected.

But why when his avatar went to the battlefield to check again, he only saw the body of the centipede elder who had been chopped into pieces?

The sound made by the tall weird man stirred the air, shook the underground space, and dust fell down.

"What? Forget those cannon fodder, even Elder Centipede is so useless?"

"Your Highness, Big Snake, please calm down. Those who were killed were just monster fish created by using your monster cells. Although Elder Centipede was killed a bit beyond my expectations, it also confirmed my previous thoughts. That's right, there are indeed super-standard combat powers above S rank on the hero's side, and you still exist on our side, and the final victory will undoubtedly belong to our Monster Association."

After hearing this strange man named "Da Jiongyan" say this, the tall strange man Orochi seemed to lose his anger.

"What is Haojie doing now?"

"It is on its way to the site of the Martial Arts Tournament. On the way, it ran into and destroyed the S-class hero Devil Transformer. Since it is a site where martial artists gather, it should be able to bring us back many outstanding weirdos."


The Martial Arts Tournament, which was originally very lively because of the gathering of martial artists, has now become extremely deserted.

The spectators who came here for the fame had long since disappeared. All the participating martial artists were lying on the ground, dead or alive. In addition, there were some weird corpses.

However, if you look closely, you will find that some of these weirdos are somewhat similar to the martial artists who participated in the competition before.

There are traces of fierce battles everywhere on the competition stage... It should be said that even now, the battle is still going on.


A figure was shot down from mid-air, like a bird with broken wings, was slammed on the ground, and even the arena, which was all made of hard marble slabs, had spider webs appearing due to the impact. shaped cracks.

Afterwards, another tall figure fell heavily to the ground, not only that, but also stepped on the previous falling figure.

Haojie folded his arms and quietly watched the tall figure who was lying on the ground unilaterally beaten and unable to stand up, as if he saw himself back then.

Its hero was originally the martial artist who won the championship when the martial arts conference was held for the first time. It thought it was invincible, but it was defeated by a strange man and was taken into the strange man's lair.

Junjie learned one thing from his career as a martial artist.

The more you play martial arts, the more you will find that human abilities have limits...

Unless beyond human...

Therefore, when the weirdo didn't kill him, but offered to help Junjie realize his ambition, Junjie swallowed the weirdo's cell named "Weird King" without hesitation and became a cadre of the Weird Association.

As long as you become a weirdo, you can gain stronger power, and you can get everything you want...

And now it has indeed achieved part of the original goal.

Although above it, there are the weirdo Wang Dashe and the staff officer Da Jiongyan, besides it, there are other cadres who are equal to it, but except for these guys, the other weirdos are all under it.

Even Da Jiongyan addressed himself with a certain degree of respect, instead of shouting around like a little guy.

Junjie looked at the figure who was beaten on one side in the field, and then sighed lightly.

Unfortunately, others don't think so.

The guy who was being beaten up in the arena was a young legend who was said to have won four consecutive championships in the past. If there were no accidents, the martial artist who could also win in this martial arts tournament-Shuilong.

Junjie really feels pity for Shuilong.

At his current age, he was far from being as talented as him. If he was willing to accept the weirdo cells, then he would definitely be able to become his companion.

But unfortunately, he is different from himself, he made the right choice, but he made the wrong choice.

I had given him a chance, but after he had already refused once, I still didn't kill him, but persuaded him again.

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