"If you want to join the Weird Association, you are not required to memorize the license plate numbers of the leaders and VIPs, at least you can't get the names wrong."

"Well, I see, so what about my previous question?"

"It's not His Highness the Serpent, but Da Jiongyan, the staff officer of our Weird Association, and the strategy for heroes is also formulated by Da Jiongyan."

"Big piercing eyes?"

"Because it has only one eye and it's so big, we all call it that."

"Then why not just call it Big Eyeball?"

"You have to say why... probably because you are afraid of a lawyer's letter warning... But it's not important, don't worry about it."

Junjie took a deep breath.

"Anyway, I've already told you what I need to tell you. Now I don't have any weirdo cells left in my body. You can only go to the weirdo association with me. Don't worry, I won't let those dregs touch you."

"Thank you so much. It's just the weird cells you mentioned. Aren't they all weird here? Can't we just use these?"

"Only by using the monster cells of His Highness Serpent, can human beings become monsters. The monster cells of ordinary monsters are useless. By the way, I would like to warn you..."

Haojie glanced at Tongzi with an expression of "I've seen you through".

"And even Her Majesty's monster cells are only useful if eaten raw. If you want to fry, explode, simmer, deep-fry, cook, fry, simmer, stick, flesh, burn, braise, simmer, bake, grill, stew, Roasted, salt-baked, smoked, mud-baked, boiled, stewed, boiled, boiled, steamed, shredded, honey (sensitive word) juice, sugar water, rinsed... Eating it like that is not only useless, but will cause diarrhea."

Tongzi looked surprised.

"I didn't expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are also a foodie!"

"So, what's your answer?"

Haojie folded his arms and stood there defenselessly.

From the perspective of martial arts, there is no doubt that the hero at this time has flaws all over his body:

Holding your arms with your hands means that you have fallen behind in action and reaction;

Standing upright, instead of posing sideways to attack, means that the hit area is wider and the opponent can attack more areas;

The distance between the two sides is less than ten steps. If you are facing a master who is good at drawing swords, you may have been cut before you have time to react...

These mistakes, as the hero of the first martial arts tournament winner, shouldn't have made mistakes, but it didn't care at all.

That defenseless look seemed to be deliberately luring Tongzi to attack.

"What is your choice? Do you want to be a stupid hero and fight to the end, or become a weirdo and become my companion?"

Junjie stretched out a finger and pointed at the two people lying on the ground.

"Let me tell you in advance, these two guys are also heroes, and they seem to be A-level heroes. Although I don't know what your ranking is, but I defeated these two A-level heroes, but I can't beat them. ..."

Then it pointed to the water dragon, gasping for fresh air, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"And this guy, if it weren't for me, he would be the winner of this martial arts tournament. It wasn't me who caused him to look so miserable, it was Baoshan who was just killed by you, and it is said that Baoshan was in Before becoming a human, he was defeated by this guy..."

"You can gain endless power by becoming a weirdo. I will not lie to you about this. In order to prevent you from doing stupid things, I will tell you a few more words. You'd better listen to me obediently and follow me to the Weird Association , and then accept the monster cells from His Highness the Serpent, and become a weird person..."

"This is not a threat. After you become a weirdo, you will know that I am doing it for you, so..."

A cold voice came from behind Haojie.

"I've heard enough, so now it's your turn to go to hell."

On Haojie's face, there was still the earnest expression of persuading Tongzi, but the body below its head was scattered all over the floor like Lego blocks.


A conference room in the headquarters of the Heroes Association in City A.

There were people in black suits sitting at the conference table.

All the people present are cadres of the council, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the Heroes Association is in their hands.

"The weirdo riot incident is finally over..."

A director was operating on the electronic screen, which showed the status quo of the cities after they were destroyed.

"Thanks to the activeness of the heroes, the damage to the cities is not serious. Even if you don't rely on the Metal Knights, you can rebuild the cities in a very short period of time with the power of our Hero Association..."

I tapped the screen again, and a standing picture of Tongzi appeared on the electronic screen.

"Among the weirdo riots, the S-level hero Miss Dark Sword was the most active. She wiped out more than 80% of the weirdos by herself, including two dragon-level weirdos, Hero and Elder Centipede."

All the directors present could not help but gasp.

"This is really amazing. Just one person wiped out more than 80% of the monsters? Other S-level heroes should really be like her, less fishing and more practical things."

"Since she is so active, should I consider raising her ranking?"

"It should be, even if it's just for defeating two dragon-level monsters, her ranking should be improved, at least it should be comparable to Atomic Warrior and Silver Fang."

"Even if it's those two people, they may not be able to easily eliminate two dragon-level monsters."

Amidst the applause and praise, there was a discordant voice.

"I object."

All eyes were on the person who just yelled loudly.

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