Although from all aspects, it can only be regarded as just starting, but Tongzi is very optimistic about NEO HEROS.

Because the same purpose is to eliminate monster disasters, NEO HEROS and the Heroes Association are fundamentally different.

The combat power of the Heroes Association comes from people with combat power in the society. Although there are reviews on character and so on, that is ranked below the combat power.

The most typical one is the trembling tornado who is ranked second in the S class. He is obviously a 2-year-old adult, but he is still a child both physically and mentally. No matter what happens, he will only blindly reprimand others without knowing how to cooperate ;

The second is the No. 1 Sweetheart Mask in the A-rank. It is said that in the previous assault meeting on the lair of the Weird Association, he also had a conflict with the zombie man who is also an S-rank...

To be precise, it was Sweetheart Mask who sprayed every S-class hero at the meeting, and finally pointed the finger at the zombie man. Because the zombie man is immortal, he suspected that the zombie man was a weirdo. Hands-on in the conference room...

Recruiting uncontrollable people like this, regardless of everything, may eventually become a problem concentration camp.

However, NEO HEROS has to be more flexible and has a longer-term vision.

They are not only recruiting people with fighting ability, but cultivating people who are willing to be heroes. They are not only an organization for eliminating monster disasters, but also an organization for cultivating heroes.

"So, what's your answer?"

"Sorry, my phone is running out of battery, I'll get back to you next time."

After finishing speaking, Tongzi ignored the other party and turned off the phone after hanging up.

Riding a bicycle, it didn't take long to arrive downstairs in Saitama. Tongzi took the beef and knocked on the door of Saitama.

"It's coming...huh?"

Saitama opened the door, but the outside was empty.

Only a bag of beef fell on the ground.




Chapter 129 If wisdom has a color, it must be blue!


Since that incident, Aqua has been paying attention to Kiriko.

Originally, as the Goddess of Reincarnation and Wisdom, it was impossible for Akuya to keep an eye on every reincarnation she handled...

In fact, even though Akua has said to every reincarnated person since long ago, "I am optimistic about you, boy, that world was saved by you, go with my blessing, Go and defeat the Demon King"...

And every time after sending the reincarnation to another world, Akuya will turn into that lazy look, either start steam, or start

But this time it's different...

She made a mistake, a very serious one.

Aqua mistook the gender of the reincarnated person this time.

Well, strictly speaking, with Akuya's temperament, this is not the first time she has made such a mistake, but the problem is, it was in the past, and there were not so many rules and regulations in the heavens...

At that time, the heavens were not called the heavens, but the heavens and the earth.

However, as the scope of business became larger and larger, the scale of Tianjie also became larger and larger. Gradually, Tianjie also began to set some basic laws.

Then, there was the birth of the reincarnation rights protection organization.

Speaking of this reincarnation rights protection organization, Akuya now understands that the leader of this organization is actually one of her followers who went to another world with her to fight against the Demon King—Kazuma Sato.

This guy was originally one of the many reincarnations that Aqua handled, and the always great, bright and correct goddess Aqua couldn't help the humble Sato Kazuma begging...

Therefore, Goddess Aqua went to another world with him, embarking on an epic journey comparable to an Odyssey.

During the crusade against the Demon King, Sato Kazuma, as Aqua's follower, not only can't help, but often hinders the goddess and acts as a drag.

But who is Aqua?That is the goddess who is always great, bright and correct, so she tolerated him every time, even if she made a huge mistake, she would not blame him at all.

Finally, under Akuya's wise guidance, he finally defeated the devil and saved the world.

Unexpectedly, Sato Kazuma also got the godhead, not only that, but the godhead level is even higher than Aqua.

Akua knows the character of this guy Sato Kazuma too well - unlike Akuya who is always great, bright and correct, this guy Sato Kazuma is a person with a very narrow mind, a particularly slippery mind, and a very narrow mind...

If he finds out, he will definitely be taken as a Nihonbashi...

What is Nihonbashi?

It doesn't matter, in short, you just need to know that the end will be very miserable.

That's why Akuya pays special attention to Tongzi, she won't let her stay in one world for too long, she will transfer her immediately, lest she be discovered by the reincarnation rights protection organization.

But after observing Tongzi for a while, Akua saw something else.

Although the girl named Tongzi (♂) looks normal on the surface, there is no problem, but who is Akuya?She is naturally able to see through the falsehood on the surface and directly see the truth hidden under the falsehood.

Just like this time, under the seemingly normal and calm surface, Akua easily saw other things it bred.

Aqua understood.

She wants to die.

——It wasn't that Aqua wanted to die, it was that child who wanted to die.

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