
Originally, he only planned to stay in the church of the Holy Church Church for one night, and then he stayed for a while without knowing it, and even regarded it as his temporary residence.

This church is very deserted, very deserted. Tongzi has never been to a real church, but she has seen it in film and television works.

Generally speaking, no matter how deserted the church is, people should come to confess and repent every now and then.

After all, no one is a saint, and everyone is guilty.

That's why I have to go to church to confess.

But Tongzi lived here for almost a week, and the old priest was the only one who confessed in the church.

This old priest, who looks like an old version of Father Mapo, is indeed a very nice person. He didn't force Tongzi to join him, and he never asked Tongzi's origin, so he allowed her to live here. He also said that he can stay as long as he wants.

Tongzi, who lived here for more than a week, learned some basic knowledge of this world from the mouth of the old priest.

After understanding the basic common sense, Tongzi was speechless.

What to say?

It's a really weird world here.

In general, it seems to be similar to the world Kiriko originally lived in, but in this world, there is a creature that did not exist in her original world.

That is a creature called a ghoul.

Appearance is no different from human beings, as long as Hezi and Heyan are not exposed, he can perfectly disguise as a human being, but he is a monster that is extremely greedy for human flesh...

I don't know why, but the ghouls only appear in Tokyo, and there is no news of the ghouls being active in other places—at least that's what the TV news said.

Among the ghouls, it is said that the strongest is the SSS-level ghoul, and the corresponding strongest among humans is the special investigator of CCG.

Both of these can represent the ceiling of their respective races.

However, Tongzi felt that whether it was the strongest ghoul, the strongest special investigator, or if they were tied together, they were far inferior to the Anshi Rebellion.

——Ainz Ooal Gown and Slime Limru Tempest.

During this period of life in the church, Tongzi certainly did not stay in the church all the time, she also went out. The old priest never cared about her whereabouts, but he always left a pair of bowls and chopsticks for himself.

And no matter how late Tongzi went back, she would always leave a light in the church, just like a lighthouse guiding the returning ships.

Tongzi's biological parents had both passed away when she was ignorant, and since she can remember, she has been taken in by her adoptive parents, but in my impression, her adoptive parents never cared about her once, on the contrary, she learned to be a child at a young age. By borrowing homework for classmates to copy, passing answers to classmates, to earn living expenses so that I can live...

Of course, these things are still young and ignorant, and after junior high school, Tongzi stopped doing it.

——Because after entering junior high school, the content of the course and the difficulty of learning have been greatly enhanced. Tongzi, whose grades were still in the middle and upper reaches, could only thump a few times in the lower reaches, barely letting herself drown.

It may seem strange to say this, but Tongzi felt a sense of home in this church—or, in other words, a feeling similar to home.

It's a pity that Tongzi didn't stay for too long on such a warm day.

When Tongzi returned from going out one day, she was surprised to find that the lights in the church were not on.

And the old priest was kneeling in front of the statue, as if he was just praying.

But he was no longer breathing.

Tongzi felt an unspeakable pain in her heart.

She buried the old priest in the open space behind the church.

She is an atheist, but at this time she hopes that the old priest can return to the embrace of the god he believes in.

After the old priest left, the already deserted church became even more deserted, and the feeling of "home" that had arisen before also drifted away with the old priest's departure.

But it would be wrong to say that the church was deserted.

As long as Tongzi opens a ghost movie casually, he will immediately feel that the church is full of people, and no matter where he goes, he will feel that there are eyes staring at him.

After the old priest left, Tongzi originally planned to leave the church.

But after hesitating, he finally decided to stay temporarily.

What Tongzi was worried about was that after she left, the church might be destroyed or abandoned because it was left unattended.

She therefore intended to wait until the arrival of a new priest or nun, and then to leave.


The church was very deserted, and there were no sacraments, let alone confessions.

But such desertedness is good for Tongzi.

Anyway, she doesn't need donations from believers.

Compared to this, at this moment, she has a bigger trouble...

She didn't know what to do.

This world is not her original world, but it is similar in some places.

Like games.

The Nintendo of this world has just launched the 3DS, and even the first version

As for light novels or anime, there are also very few.

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