That's why he was sent over to monitor.

Yamazaki retreated with a smile and comforted: "Don't worry, it will be soon..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a real Xiang who was staring at the church with a telescope, his face changed.

"Gho... ghouls have appeared..."

Yamazaki snatched the binoculars, just in time to see the picture of Brother Ping releasing Kazuo to break the door of the church, so he took out the walkie-talkie, and quickly informed the other side of his current situation in the shortest and most concise language.


The ghoul investigators who were ambushing in a house a little further away from the church quickly dispatched and surrounded the church from all directions.

Considering that there might be more than one big fish caught this time, the investigators temporarily borrowed from the 11th district, in addition to the pair of Mado Wuxu and Amon Kotaro, and the special class of Shinohara Yuki Investigators, and numerous first-class and first-class investigators.

Third-class investigators with guns surrounded them to prevent the ghouls from rushing out of the encirclement net. Shinohara Xingji personally led the team and led the white pigeons (ghoul investigators) into the church.

When they arrived at the church, the voices in the church had almost died down.

All that could be heard was the muffled sound of something sharp piercing into the flesh.

Shinohara Yuuki's complexion immediately became much uglier.

As the leader of this operation, he is naturally aware of the plan, and of course he opposes the plan to involve ordinary citizens, but even if he is a special class, he must obey the arrangements of the CCG.

Unable to disobey the orders of the higher-ups, Shinohara Xingji could only comfort herself, judging from Kiriko's record of being able to expel the S-rank scorpion, then she should still be able to survive until they came... Probably?

But what Shinohara Xingji didn't expect was that this was the end result.

Something sharp, the sound of piercing flesh... What is this?Shinohara Yuki simply didn't need to think too much, because he had heard too much in his career as a ghoul investigator and mission.

After all, what he had to face was two S-rank ghouls, plus a large number of A-rank and B-rank ghouls attacking from the sidelines. Apart from Team Zero's Arima Kisho, Shinohara Yuuki couldn't imagine any investigator to be safe and sound.

The deceased is dead, and all I can do now is to avenge her...

Thinking so, he arranged for the ghouls to search the officers and soldiers in several groups, and then agreed on the signal, and rushed in at the same time.

But when he saw the picture in front of him, Shinohara Xingji was stunned.

Not only Shinohara Yuki, who rushed into the church with him, the investigators who were preparing for a fierce battle, also froze in place.

A bloody smell like rust filled the air, permeating this supposedly holy church.

As far as the eyes can see, there are all corpses, but don't get me wrong, they are not human corpses, but ghoul corpses.

A large number of ghouls wearing crimson cloaks and bronze tree symbols on their backs fell to the ground in a haphazard manner, almost completely covering the ground of the church.

And in the depths of the church, in front of the statue, Brother Ping, who was wearing a blue cloak, also fell to the ground, unlike ordinary ghouls, and Tongzi, who was dressed in black, was pulling a long black sword from Brother Ping The eyes of one of them were pulled out.

She heard the movement of Shinohara Yuki and others rushing into the church, she raised her head, her fair face was stained with blood—all blood from ghouls—to Shinohara Yuki and the other investigators, she revealed A sunny smile.

"My son, are you also here for confession?"


A few days later, inside a McDonald's restaurant.

This is an object that is less than half the length of an arm. Under the shockingly thin skin, it is composed of yellow, green, red and other different substances, which are fused together through a white sticky substance. They have lost their shape. The original shape, after undergoing a terrifying fusion, formed such a crazy existence...

It exudes a creepy breath, luring ignorant humans to uncover this indescribable object...

"This old Beijing chicken roll is really delicious."

Tongzi took a bite of the old Beijing chicken roll and expressed her sincere admiration.

In the county where she used to live, there was no KFC McDonald's Pizza Hut, but only delicious Wallace Pizza Hut and Happy King Burger...

Although old Beijing chicken rolls are also available, the taste cannot be compared with this one after all.

At this time, several days have passed since Brother Ping and other bronze tree ghouls attacked the church.

After that, the law and order in District 11 seemed to turn the page, and the law and order improved greatly.

CCG also invited Tongzi to go to the 11th district bureau to accept the commendation. As an ordinary citizen, she expelled three S-level ghouls in a row. Such a record is a height that many ghoul investigators can't reach.

When accepting the award and receiving the bonus, the person in charge of District 11 of CCG personally asked Tongzi to join CCG and work for mankind, which was naturally rejected by Tongzi.

Again, Tongzi doesn't like being too restrained.

In the Japanese workplace, many bosses have the stink of self-righteousness. She had no choice before, but now she has a choice, and naturally she will not choose to be angry.

"so hard."

Opposite Tongzi, Dong Xiang was lying on the table like a salted fish, and what she leaned on like a pillow was the homework assigned by the school.

Dong Xiang's grades are very poor, basically every exam is the last one.

Tongzi only thought it was the result of her being playful and not studying hard since she was a child, but what Tongzi didn't know was that it was because Dong Xiang was a ghoul.

Because of their own particularity, ghouls rarely choose to go to school. Tuition is one problem, and worrying about being exposed is another. After all, children can't control their own power freely. A little tell, and it will be exposed.

Therefore, most of the ghouls are actually not very educated. They can write their own names, especially the Chinese characters of their own names, which is already considered remarkable.

In fact, Dong Xiang went to Qingsi High School to study after being taken in by the manager of the antique coffee shop, and at the suggestion of the manager Yoshimura Kozen.

The tuition fee is naturally paid by the store manager.

Skip kindergarten, preschool, elementary school, and junior high school, and go directly to high school, which will definitely not keep up, so Dong Xiang's grades in school are as good as Uzumaki Naruto's in Ninja School.

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