Everyone here knows Dong Xiang's life experience, his father's disappearance, and his younger brother's running away from home are all caused by Baige.

Although Tongzi is not a white pigeon, what she does is no different from that of a white pigeon.

Rather, she is more ruthless than white pigeons. Even if it is calculated from the first time I heard about her rumors, it has only been more than a month in the past, but the number of ghouls who died in her hands has reached as high as double digits.

Even many high-level investigators could not achieve such a record.

Not to mention that she also expelled three S-class ghouls in a row.

Dong Xiang was somewhat different from them. They used to be kings and hegemons, but it was that kind of experience that made them take a lot of light and look down a lot, so they were willing to return to peace.

But Dong Xiang is different.

She still has a thorn in her heart, and she always cares about human beings...

But at the same time, she will take friends who she truly recognizes very seriously.

For example, ghouls can't eat human food, but Dong Xiang would finish the delicious food Tongzi bought for her every time, and then go to the bathroom to spit it out, which made Jian Xuan feel distressed.

Ru Jianxuan once persuaded Dong Xiang to eat a little, and then made excuses not to eat it. If it was delivered to the door, she might as well throw it all away, and the other party didn't know anyway.

But Dong Xiang said "you can't disappoint the other party's wishes" and insisted that you must finish eating.

Therefore, Ru Jianxuan was worried that if Dong Xiang found out, it might be a big blow to her.

In the end, the store manager made the decision and decided not to tell Dong Xiang for the time being, otherwise, with the character of that child, something might happen.

But it can remind Dong Xiang from the side, don't expose the fact that you are a ghoul in front of humans, even if you are the best friend.

As for Nishio Nishiki who was rescued, because Tongzi had seen his face, he was naturally not suitable to work in the store, so he had to go out to collect materials with Sifang Lianshi.


After Tongzi finished calling the ambulance, she moved Kaneki Ken and Yongjin Yingliang to the exit of the alley, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

The reason why she had to call an ambulance after using the recovery potion was mainly because Tongzi didn't dare to joke about human life.

In the world Tongzi used to live in, the human body also had Rc cells, or should be called Rtc cells, that is, reticulocytes.

Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells, and they are important indicators to reflect the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow erythroid and to judge the curative effect of anemia and related diseases.

However, Rc cells in this world obviously have different meanings.

The difference between ghouls and humans is just because the number of Rc cells is different, which creates two completely different creatures.

Therefore, although the healing potion cured Kaneki Ken's terrible injury, she was not a doctor after all, and she was not sure whether Kaneki Ken would have any serious sequelae, so she called an ambulance, hoping to give him a good examination.

The ambulance arrived shortly after, with the sign saying "Kana General Hospital".The name of this hospital, Tongzi, has been heard before. It seems to be a very famous private hospital, and the director is a returnee who returned from studying in Germany.

Tongzi also sat up, and arrived at Kana General Hospital together with Kaneki Ken and Yongjin Yingliang, and helped Kaneki and Yongjin complete all the procedures, paid in cash, and left her contact number.

Said that if there are any expenses in the future, they will be borne by themselves.

After finishing these, Tongzi left the hospital and returned to the church.

Chapter 141 Please use "this bamboo rat seems... not as good as us..." in a sentence


But when she returned to the church, she found two people waiting for her outside the church door.

As mentioned before, when Tongzi is in the church, even if she is sleeping or playing games, she does not close the electric sliding gate, but if she goes out, she will close it.

One of them, after noticing Kiriko, pulled his companion, and both of them bent down deeply.

One of the men, Tongzi, knew him, and he was the head of the 11th District Police Headquarters.

The other person looked a little unfamiliar, but judging from his high-level police uniform, he should also be a high-ranking police officer.

"Miss nun, let me introduce you. This is the head of the 7th District Police Headquarters, Police Officer Sato Masa."

Sato Tomohiro held out his hand in a friendly manner.

"Hi, I'm Tomohiro Sato."

Tongzi shook hands with the other party in a friendly manner, then opened the electric sliding gate, inviting the two to enter.

Since there is no special reception room, we find places to sit in the main hall.

"You can skip the politeness, please speak up if you have anything to say."

Tongzi is very clear that the two people in front of her are not looking for her to confess—of course, this possibility is not ruled out, but her intuition faintly feels that this possibility is unlikely.

Although she is now a daughter, Tongzi used to be a straight man of steel. The so-called straight man of steel never likes to do so many useless things, and only likes to go straight to the point.

The two heads looked at each other, and then the head of District 11, which Tongzi was more familiar with, spoke.

"Miss nun, since you said so, then we won't beat around the bush. The main purpose of coming here this time is to invite you to join the Metropolitan Police Department as the section chief of the newly established Ghoul Special Countermeasures Section."

Tongzi was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously replied.

"The head of the Ghoul Special Countermeasures Section? Isn't that the position of Goshiro Kazama?"

The two looked at each other.

"Kazama Five Generations? Who is that?"

Tongzi, who knew she had made a slip of the tongue, waved her hand.

"Sorry, don't pay attention to these... Well, to be honest, I don't want to be restrained, and I don't want to bow to others all day long."

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