Maybe it's too early now, there are not many customers in the coffee shop, only a cute little loli, sitting obediently by the window.

On Loli's lovely short brown hair, she wore three cross-shaped barrettes, and her face was so white and tender that it could be broken by blows.

She sat on the seat, her slender legs wrapped in yellow pantyhose dangling - her feet couldn't even reach the ground.

This is cute!This is cute!This is cute!

I don't know if it's because the captain has read too many books, so he was also influenced by Yongye and Xiu'an, Tongzi, a non-lolicon, actually has the feeling of "awsl".

This child looks quite young, but he is here alone. Is it the child of a clerk in the store?

It's unlikely that he would come to drink coffee by himself, and wouldn't coffee be too bitter for children?

As if realizing that Tongzi was looking at her, Hinomi who was sitting in front of the window looking bored, raised her head to look at Tongzi, seemed a little shy, and quickly looked away.

No, even social phobia can't stop Tongzi from flirting with such a cute child.

So Tongzi subconsciously walked over and smiled at Hina.

"Hello, may I sit here?"

Hina didn't answer.

Tongzi sat down on her own.

"Hey you……"

Ru Jianxuan wanted to stop her, but she hesitated to speak.

"Two cups of coffee... No, let's have a cup of coffee. Children will prefer milk. Or, what do you want? It doesn't matter, I will pay for it."

Hinako replied nonchalantly.

"No, Auntie, my mother will be back soon."

"A... Auntie?"

Sure enough, it's not Xiu'an. Although it can be automatically upgraded, it can't make Lori automatically increase her favorability.

At this time, footsteps sounded from the stairs, but it was the store manager with a smile on his face, followed by a gentle and virtuous woman.


Hina immediately ran over and threw herself into the woman's arms like a bird leaving the nest.

The woman—that is, Ryoko Fueguchi showed a little surprise at Kiriko's apparently unfamiliar face, but she still bowed to Kiriko as a courtesy, and left the coffee shop with Hinako.

In the next few days, Tongzi came to the coffee shop more often. She used to come only on Sundays, but now she comes every day, and sometimes she even sits for a whole day once she comes.

If the purpose of going to antiques before was to meet Dong Xiang.

Now there is another purpose, which is to see the young fruit.

And she did get to see her as she wished.




The second-hand NS + second-hand Octopath Traveler I bought a few days ago is only 1500. Is it so expensive to design a picture?

So here are two compensation pictures if Tongzi joins the investigator.

Please make up the face of Tongzi by yourself.

Chapter 144 Deportation?


It is said that the first time is raw and the second time is familiar, and the more times you have with Hina, you will become proficient...and become familiar.

After being familiar with it, it is no longer as unfamiliar as it was at the beginning.

And Tongzi also learned something from Hina.

Hina's father is a doctor in a small clinic. Recently, she and her mother have to temporarily stay at the antique coffee shop because they are busy with some things.

They will come to pick them up when they are done.

Also, Hina didn't go to school.

As a person born in modern society, Tongzi can't understand what it is like to be 14 years old but has not yet gone to school. If you talk about Dunyong's medieval background, that's all.

But this world highly overlaps with Tongzi's original world, so it's really hard to imagine not going to school.

However, Tongzi guessed that there might be some difficulties in the other party's family. Of course, severe daughter control is not ruled out. Some parents have a great possessive desire for their children and treat their children as personal belongings. They are not allowed to do this or that.

Although she felt that such overprotection of Hinako was a kind of harm, it would be wrong to speak rashly without regard to Ryoko Diguchi's feelings, and she could only wait for the right time to speak.


It's another Sunday.

It's been seven days since I met Hina.

After getting acquainted with Chu Shi gradually, Chu Shi is no longer so vigilant towards her.

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