Tongzi no longer hesitated, she took out more than ten bottles of healing potion from the dimension bag at once, in order to save time, she bit the lid of the potion bottle with her teeth, and poured the potion on Dong Xiang's wound.

These potions were divided into three parts, one part was poured on the wound on Dong Xiang's stomach, the other part was poured on Dong Xiang's torn Yuhe behind, and the other part was for Dong Xiang to drink.

The efficacy of the healing potion was astonishing, especially when Tongzi used more than a dozen bottles at once, which miraculously healed Dong Xiang's injury.

"Don't worry, Dong Xiang will be fine."

Tongzi patted the head of Hinako who was crying so much that the pear blossoms were raining with rain, and comforted her.

Only then did she have time to observe the surrounding environment, and Tongzi looked at Hinomi as if she had experienced smashing and looting just now.

"Little Hina, what happened?"

So Hina told Tongzi what she knew.

two people?

Tongzi was lost in thought.

It should not be a ghoul investigator, the reason is simple, if it is a ghoul investigator, they are more inclined to expel rather than capture alive.

Other than the ghoul investigators, all I could think of were ghouls.

Just thinking about it, Dong Xiang slightly opened her eyes.

At first she was still a little dazed, as if she was still in the dazed stage of just waking up, and it took a while before she could clearly see the person in front of her.

"Tongzi, why are you here?"

"China called me and said you were injured, so I came here. I was thinking that if I didn't find you and Chushi here, I would go to your house to find you. If I couldn't find you at your house, then Even if the whole Tokyo is turned upside down, I still want to find you..."

Hina who was on the side bowed her head and apologized.

"I'm sorry sister, you told me to stay upstairs, but I didn't listen to you, so I ran down."

Dong Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay, Hinami, are you injured?"

Hina shook her head.

Tong Zi suddenly reached out to Dong Xiang, Dong Xiang was taken aback, but out of trust in Tong Zi, she didn't move and let Tong Zi wipe off the blood on her face.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on? Who did it?"


There was some hesitation on Dong Xiang's face, as if she was thinking about whether she should answer Tongzi.

At this time, Dong Xiang didn't know that Tongzi already knew about her, and she worried that if she told about it, it would be difficult to explain it clearly.

She didn't worry about it for long, though, when something else diverted her attention.

Dong Xiang sat up from the floor, although she was surprised that all the injuries on her body were healed, but this is not the point, the point is...

She looked around with a look of anxiety on her face.

"West End? Where's West End?"

Tongzi was slightly taken aback.

When Hinami explained to Tongzi just now, she only said that two people broke in and wreaked havoc, but didn't say that they took Nishiojin away.

"Nishio, who is that?"

In Antiques, besides Dong Xiang, Tongzi knows the store manager Fangcun Gongshan, the buyer Sifang Lianshi, the waiter Ru Jianxuan and Gujian Yuaner, but there is nothing else.

Could it be that this guy called "Xiwei" is the guy that Antique recruited recently?

"Hina, did you see Nishio when you came down?"

Dong Xiang looked at Chu Shi beside him.

"No, I haven't seen Brother Nishio."

Hina shook her head.

Dong Xiang's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"Could it be that the gecko captured Xiwei? But why did he capture Xiwei?"

Kiriko, who was excluded by both of their questions and answers, raised her hand.

"Then what, I'm sorry to interrupt, Dong Xiang, are you going to tell me who Xiwei is, who is the gecko, and what happened here?"

After all, Hina is just a child, and her language organization and expressive ability are relatively limited. In fact, not only children, but also some adults talk in a topsy-turvy way.

Only then did Dong Xiang realize the slip of the tongue just now, and was struggling with how to explain it...

Tongzi looked at Dong Xiang with a troubled face, and she probably understood what she was thinking. Most of them were concerned about her "human" identity, and she was worried that opening her mouth would reveal her own identity and damage their relationship.

But from time to time, we do extraordinary things in extraordinary times, but now we don't care about so many things.

What's more, there are some things that can't just be avoided blindly, and sometimes you can only face them.

If the young ones just skip class, the boss will give it for nothing.

Dong Xiang was not easy to speak, so Tong Zi took the initiative to speak.

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